Do you even know how nukes work user???

I watched this a long time ago as a teenager.
I started plotting graphs and realised the nuclear tests (russian at the time) fit all the graphs.

Do you even know how nukes work???
Explained by NZ Pilot/Mathematician
Part One:
Part Two:

You all talk about just shootin nukes at cunts as if they just go boom...
Are you sure about that?

Other urls found in this thread:

they don't nukes are fake you fucking idiot. aliens disabled them all long ago

They work via the power of love.

Witness the nuclear fear scam. Scientist eats uranium.

>tfw super weapon programs were conducted in NZ.
>NZ starts research into tsunami bomb to fuck the nips
>yanks think about testing a nuclear tsunami bomb but just decide to just nuke the nips

>Do you even know how nukes work user???

they put a bunch of plutonium in a pile then put explosives all around it, then when the explosives detonate they push the plutonium into itself causing nuclear fusion and then BOOM

also uranium bombs fire a bit of uranium into another bit of uranium and when they collide the atoms start hitting eachothers releasing neutrons that hit other atoms etc etc causing nuclear fission which means BOOM (but smaller than the first method)

thats the gist of it right? Im sure theres a ton more math, physics and engineering needed to actually build a functional nuke but thats the basic operating principle yes?


Fission works by fusing enriched material. When it's fused, you get a lot of energy released, albeit not as much as fusion and antimatter annihilation.

The explosion is best broken down into 3 parts:

Thermal radiation, which burns shit
Shockwave, with smashes shit
and Neutron radiation, which irradiates shit

All three have various ranges on effects; thermal radiation is usually the longest ranged portion of the blast.

Fallout occurs when the fireball touches the ground, so that dirt is irradiated then blown up into the air. This happens with ground contact bursts, such as if you want to destroy a silo. You don't really use them as much, as air-bursts that leave little fallout end up causing wider destructive effects as the energy isn't spent on making a crater.

Fusion works by creating a chain reaction from the initial fission explosion in a fuel source such as heavy hydrogen.

You get more bang for your buck with fusion.

Effects are the same as fission explosions, just usually greater.

All that shilling about nukes not existing just as they're pushing the narrative for open war against Russia.
Because (((they))) know MAD is what's preventing support for it.

You turn a bunch of matter into slightly less matter and a lot of energy.

Sorry my internet died when I posted this.
It's not uncommon when posting on Sup Forums but I haven't stringed together a definitive correlation yet.
That's the gist of it but won't work under most conditions
less detail than said above and also won't work under most conditions

Selfbump for people to watch this and at least take it for face value until you get to the math.
Check the math against records.
The records are there, the equations are there, easy to prove wrong, right?

Nahh m8 we have a tool to disable their atoms, don't twist yer knickers


Behold the blind idiot god of love!

Did he die?

Yes I know how they work. Anyone who hasn't studied the manhattan project and subsequent nuclear weapon programs is an ignorant fool.

The plutonium fissions, it dosen't fuse. The atoms split apart releasing energy and neutrons. The neutrons split other atoms which in turn release more energy and neutrons This "chain reaction" occurs for a few nanoseconds before the core blows itself apart. The fireball and typical nuclear explosion effects are caused by heating of the air by the energy released from the reaction.

This one? Fuck I hope nobody makes one the reactivates atoms.

Most of the explosive power from H-bombs actually comes from the fast neutron initiated fission of the secondary stages Uranium-238 tamper.

Lemme try this again.

Lived until 82 and died of age related causes.

In his longer talk he talks about how he used to swim in the nuclear cooling pool.

Many modern nukes are "dial a yield" in which the nukes yield is controlled via a small adjustable quantity of tritium gas in its core. This tritium fuses during the nukes explosion, a burst of fast neutrons and fissioning more of the fissile core materials. It is also believed that modern nukes have multiple electronic neutron guns pointed at the core, which are adjustable to different neutron firing rates, thus enabling precise yield control.

>nuclear blast vaporizes a house
>1950s camera barely budges

Yea guys nukes totally exist! Please give us shekels to protect ourselves against the ebil Ruskies!

Way too much 'I don't believe in it or understand it, therefore it can't exist!' in this thread.
Get ready for school, dumbfucks.

most be easy going through the life in ignorance

This sounds plausible but beyond anything I know.
I do believe however regardless of the composition of the nuclear device, you cannot detonate it anywhere whenever you wish.
This is a public misconception and flaw in their understanding based on Bruce Cathie's findings that I have personally had success with in tracking nuclear tests across the globe.
That is to say, the powers that be all know full well when and where a nuclear device can be detonated.
An ICBM outside this window would be known to be non-nuclear by both sides.

>I do believe however regardless of the composition of the nuclear device, you cannot detonate it anywhere whenever you wish

You're missing a few screws m8.

uranium has a half-life of billions of years, it's a very low level radiation source and it's not absorbed by the body. An X-ray would be worse. U-235, weapons grade uranium is the stuff you can make bombs with because it's capable of creating a critical mass (ratio of neutron propagation greater than 1:1) with only a little help.

>some Jew tells me a couple of kilograms of uranium can reduce a city to ashes so it must be true

>some inbred can't figure out basic mathematics so nukes must be a lie

Fuck off shitposting cunt go count some emu you missed
How bout you defeat some toads or some shit aye dazza
drink some fuckin VB and break up some old ciggies to roll a new one ya flamin gallah
Pop down centrelink while your at it and tell em why you gotta wait till tomorrow to piss in the cup
careful, don't scratch the holden
glass a lebbo
fuck a sheila even if shes fucken pissed as, offer her to the boys like a good cunt
Go smuggle some smack from Bali ya poofta

Making graphs? What the fuck are you talking about?

the only lack of critical mass conspiracy in this thread is between your ears

>He thinks nukes are real

good one, I'm sure you're already highly competent in measuring by nautical miles so can clearly demonstrate that the video above is wholly in-factual.

I talk about shooting cunt at women but dont know how that works either you nuke queer

The cameras were housed in isolated anti-vibration mounts and usually several miles from the test object with a high zoom lens.
For the famous closeup shots of building tests, they used multiple raised cameras housed in a steel tube sunk into the ground with extra reinforcement and highly effective sock mounts between the camera mountings and the walls of the steel tube.
It's the same system they use for filming any danger close weapons test, rocket launches and even volcanoes.
All produce similar results to nuclear tests in terms of video footage, smooth video with minimal shaking.

Fuck mate, people say Aussies are shitposters,
They're wrong
you're all just shitfaced

>when your 'nation' is so anti nuclear you stop taking your meds and start posting videos from exposed ufo crackpots on a vietnamese basket weaving forum to back up your crazy ass claims at 2am on a monday night because you are unemployable

almonds activated

he never was/has been an exposed ufo crackpot and his math is sound.

Only an aussie health foodie can active almonds

you can't just deactivate the almonds

if you ever grew a giant almond stalk, you'd just hiff VB bottles off the top a cunts
maybe also a leb