Is it time for Australia to conquer Turkey for good?

You greasy barbarous Turks will be conquered by the Australian Army for good soon. Gallipoli was just a warm up. You will be raped by 1st Battalion's Shetland Pony, you filthy dogs.

The Hagia Sophia will be back in Greek hands. We will celebrate Divine Liturgy there. Your backs will be our carpet as we process into the Basilica with the Holy Gospel. We will crush those minarets down to fine concrete and build a giant crucifix with the material which will be visible to all of Asia Minor.

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Alright let's fucking do it

Fuck off, wh*Tey.

wh*Te dogs

what if they recruite a mercenery emu horde?

Outside the SAS and 1st RAR your military is a joke. You couldn't scrape together enough troops to make a single combat division.

And those plastic Steyr rifles are gay

I mean, we had turks marching in our ANZAC day parades....

by allah you will not, silly kangaroo

>turkroach living off euro gibs
>literal Muslim
>Literal Jew
>Hiding flag

Fuck it ausfags we should take over the world and cleanse it of these rats

>strayan army
>using austrian rifles
way to make burgers brain melt

>its another episode of australia shitposts its way into a war
Oh hell yeah lads

We did it deliberately to confuse the Americans.

So why u dont make kids? Are u stupid or what? If u dont make kids then somebody will do it.

May I join you?
You have my axe

NZ is worse that Australia. You have no main battle tanks and no fighter jets in your "air force". Australia can't field a combat division you couldn't field a single regiment

>If u dont make kids then somebody will do it.

you already did aussie

australia nz uk and funnily enough INDIA all teamed up in the battle of Jerusalem and took it from the turks and reclaimed it

we cucked their empire and stole their crown jewel

then we handed it to the kikes and now they laugh at the turks

its like canada beating the usa then handing the west coast back to the uk

EAST coast ffs


Checks out

I think we can field 8,000 infantry, tops. But we have quality, mate. Aussies are tough as nails.

noice raifus cunce

We bought the rights to make our own variant which is better because we paint them funny colours.

Then got kicked into the sea by the Roaches at Gallipolli.

>literal wh*Te subhuman

We got your back aussie cunts

Were tough as nails, so were the Kiwis but that was 70 years ago.

lucky mate we have only two battlions of light infantry

they stood and fought to the death even though it was a suicide mission a lesser man would of ran

they fought for the king from a land they never stepped foot on and for the british and for that they will always be remembered.

except you didn't remember

They couldn't run because they had the sea at their backs and the Roaches in front.


we didnt vote into it,the elites pushed us into it and the second we got a chance to vote out we did!

also wasnt it labour that pushed us into it?

here is an australian newspaper on the day of brexit

Lest we forget.

they landed and knew it was a suicide mission m8

the empire won in the end

To be fair the average Pom is still alright despite their paki and police state problems. It's politicians that do the backstabbing. Not too confident we were on the right side with the Brits in ww2 mind you.

Lest you forget they fought so Australia could become a chink colony

I love you cunts but you don't have the firepower to take out the roaches by yourselves operating 8,000 miles away from your home country. You're going to need a coalition of the willing.

Show flag faggot, us becoming overwhelmed with chinks has nothing to do with Gallipoli

Do it. Do it ausfags. Fuck the British empire. The Australian empire is where it's at!

Not if I have any say in the matter.

i used to think that way also but then i looked at hitlers intentions and plans pre war

he wanted the uk to team up with them to smash russia which would of been fine,but they wanted us to take on america also

not only that but they wanted to make us hand over australia and nz to the japs

no way,we might of bankrupted the empire but at least you are free

>Not too confident we were on the right side with the Brits in ww2 mind you.
Hitler said that the White race would die out in Australia and New Zealand when the Japs would take over so their was not much choice

In other words America does the hard yards while Australia and NZ send some medics and an artilery company or something


Per Capita though its the same

Who pushed your button, Maori boy.

>tfw the empire never remanifests
>tfw trump only delays the inevitable collapse of the usa
>tfw the under achieving son of the empire becomes the true torch bearer of the imperialism of the romans

Name one australian toughguy that isnt Mick Dundee.
>protip, you cant.

Fair points mate. It's a pity post war turned out the way it did.

Chopper Read

>we have quality

No it isin't. NZ hasn't done it hard in the field since Italy in WWII. You've been riding on the USA's back for seven decades sending a couple of rear echelon units to Vietnam or a company of SAS operators to Iraq...pull your weight, faggots.

Russel Cro...oh, he's a Kiwi.

alf stewart

Fuck you faggot there haven't been decent wars that aren't for the jews since Vietnam.

>pull your weight, faggots.
why should we, we are not even in ANZUS anymore

The vast majority of those women aren't going to pass infantry school. They will get pushed into POG roles.

Good, I hadn't noticed because you're totally irrelevant as a nation state.

you are a eurocuck i take it?

the anglosphere sticks together we aint autistic germans who try and backstab and attack everyone

attack one of us we all jump in,not becuase of some bullshit treaty on paper but becuase of genuine love for each other

you are an ally,but the anglosphere is family and this is why we left the eu to be closer to them

>irrelevant as a nation state.
your the one who is so ashmed of their own country you have to use a german flag instead of your own

I think australian army is better than your amerimutt subhuman army that got their asses kicked by vietnamese farmers, afghan peasants and commie gooks.

I'm from an Anglo background. My father was born and bred in Cumbria in fact.

So did the Aussies.

The Vietnamese feared our SAS troops more than anything else.

We would you buy all of your military tech from "subhuman mutts"?

>I'm from an Anglo background

Yes but you won't show your flag you cowardly faggot

i have noticed a huge lack of india posters since the flag changes.................................................

Yes please take over Turkey and genocide all their people

If you think that's true then you don't know the extent of American torture in Vietnam.

shoo before i kick your caucasoid skull in. i'll also fly to your country and stick that up your ass


What is there to be proud of in western nation state flags these days? They're all fucked up refugee colonies filled with niggers, chinks and muslime, faggots and SJW's You seem to think it's coming back sometime but it's gone for good and we're all with it.

>fly to your country
I'll bet you couldn't finance a trip across town

first of all, yes, you're a subhuman amerimutt. deal with it.
second, we're buying our technology from russians/chinese now

You are exactly the kind of weak man that got us into this trouble. Do us a favour and kill yourself, we won't need weaklings like yourself come ww3.
Also show flag if it's all fucked and nothing matters, cunt.

Yes, is that why you've been tonguing our ballsack for a load of F-35's, roach?
>"White people on the Internet! ARGH!"
You should see if your refugee camp has a hobby tent or something, work out these issues

Lol fuck off faggot go pray to allah and lick Erdogans ass

>Australian intellectuals forgot the mags

>implying it isnt reverse engineered american tech that is built shoddy as fuck

stfu johnnie

I'm sorry we failed you son.

due to being chinese clone shit*

Enjoy the Chinese invasion that grandad fought so hard to bring you and salute that flag.

>go pray to allah
trust me this is what we will make you to do in 20 years
you're not "white". you're a subhuman mutt. deal with it, amerimutt.
>Yes, is that why you've been tonguing our ballsack for a load of F-35's, roach?
amerimutt, please. f-35s are fucking shit like your terrorist state.

>Turk calls American subhuman

>be australia
>lose against emus
>lose against roaches
>fastforward a couple decades
>lose against roaches

aussies are pretty rad dudes, we could be friends

Give em' hell, lads.

why so buttblasted mehmet?
why are the dutch so weak?

quality thread m8

Best idea I've heard today


Vietnam was such a fucking massacre of slopes that it's actual OK for dumb cunts to talk shit about how the US lost. Vietnam proves you can lose 50k to kill over two million and get to test all your cool weapons and nobody will stop you.

ww1 was e-z

bring it

Under hitler we'd be nips you dumb nigger, also we aren't done yet, big reduction in immigration on the way this election. Show flag pussy. I bet you are some brown eyed piece of shit.

You act like one video is evidence every Dutch person is weak.
>Dutch people work for their money, turks in the netherlands ask for welfare.

Your folk is trying to become something meaningfull in the world so bad. You've been trying all your life. You tried to be white, but weren't enough. You tried to be European, but weren't good enough.

Go back to your shithole faggot and try surviving on your own.

>The Hagia Sophia will be back in Greek hands.
cuck, it becomes rightful anglo clay

I am white actually, you know we have 200 million whites in this country which I think is a fairly high number, almost as high as 16 billion which is what you're paying for our "fucking shit like your terrorist state" aircraft so thanks for that. Ahmed look I know it's awkward between us since we killed your cousins or whatever but you're just going to have to live with it, your angry little shitposts only serve to make the other roaches dislike you. Can't you find a girlfriend or do they cut your head off for that?

whites are inherently a weak race. so are dutch.
>Your folk is trying to become something meaningfull in the world so bad. You've been trying all your life. You tried to be white, but weren't enough. You tried to be European, but weren't good enough.

a FUCKING white subhuman thinks we try/tried to be one of them lmao
kiss my feet now faggot.

So it can become the property of a bunch of faggot loving marxists in the Anglican Church? No way, Jose.

>im white there are 200 million whites in this country
sure thing, mutt.