So, some leftist decided to make a documentary about immigration and that we need to take all the gorrillions in to switzerland!
Can you go and dislike the Trailer?
SwissAnon thanks you!
So, some leftist decided to make a documentary about immigration and that we need to take all the gorrillions in to switzerland!
Can you go and dislike the Trailer?
SwissAnon thanks you!
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Thank you Pinochet!
What a cuck!
Thanks Kaiser!
You have my downvote
Jesus. When Switzerland starts to accept shit like this, then its definitely all over.
I wish you the best of luck user. May you have many more years of based belief.
We will keep fighting!
left them a comment, think its fairly reasonable
The cucking is slowly coming to our country.. But! We still have our knights defending the plans of the liberals
this dude is a Sup Forums user's troll account.
trust me.
also disliked this for my swiss brothers :)
ah i see
Defending us from their plans i mean
I hate mountain niggers but I'd rather have them as neighbours instead of the sandniggers.
Keep it up!
I have a fantastic solution. People should be allowed to have refugees come into the country, as long as they feed and house them personally, and become legally liable for all the crime they commit.
You either get no refugees, or red pill/kill a bunch of idiots.
Reported for promoting terrorism.
If we take some, they should be able to work right away.. we always need people to clean toilets or work on the fields. if they dont want to work -> git out! If you have higher education and can work right away but you refuse - git out!
Don't let them win
im not downvoting anything until there is a translation
Done...I thought the Swiss Germans were supposed to be the conservative ones.
you retards realize up/down votes both help promote a video on youtube right
Documentary is mainly about the town "Oberwil-liele" where the Mayor (Andreas Glarner) is also the most outspoken politician agains immigrants. He is chief of the asylum departement in our conservative party (Compare it to the german afd). Now the leftist are mad crying and hate him.. now they make a documentary that swiss people are racists and need to take in more immigrants to "clean their soul"
Report it for promoting terrorism.
Which one of you mad men did this?
DV'd for you swissbro
ok medpak u did good have a downvote
god.. that guy hahaha
Has nothing to do with humanitarianism and it never did.
read: Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy
Greenhill was an advisor to John Kerry.
That's up to International Zionists.
All of you realize the only reason Switzerland was never attacked by any side in the wars is due to the NWO/Rothschilds choosing Switzerland as the main location for their assets, yes?
The NWO might let Switzerland "go" into a cultural death spiral at some point if they don't comply but it seems unlikely for now. I haven't seen enough signs. Stay on the lookout.
Good job with the dislikes so far!
Sup Forums
Downboated & counter signaled
What the fuck is it with White people and Ethnomasochism?
You won't see some Libyan nigger advocating for the destruction of his own race.
Thank you Gay
Look at the people who are promoting it. Women with short hair and fat glasses, and little manlet cucks.
I know, but still.
They obviously weren't born that way. How does one get fucked in the head that badly, and why is it always white people?
((( ))) do i have to say more??
Put an end to this leftist nonsense before it's too late.
Our right is working on banning Burqas right now!
Our race developed a more profound sense of empathy than any other race. This greater capacity to feel the emotions of others has been weaponized against us in the form of guilt.
>"Hard headed altruism" -Dr. William L. Pierce:
>Switzerland doing the right thing and choosing the side of good in an international crisis
lol you just know its an evil plot. unless these refugees are bringing gold bars and priceless pieces of art with them
dont think that the opinions of some juso/ greenk cucks is the opinion of the regular Swiss.
oh good, I was worried you guys had given up your mega-jew ways
Markwalder... wtf! i hate that bitch! Sold out to to Kazhaks and the EU!
>The desert jews are finally trying to infiltrate the mountain jews
Oh this is not good
>He thought mountain Jews weren't on the list for cultural (((enrichment)))
You're not laughing now, are you?
Hehe, better start rationing that Swiss cheese.
sad but true
I've done my part.
Hail the gods.
someone make a post:
rip singapore
Now can you go and find out why I can only find dark chocolate toblerone in the airport please?
smashed that dislike button
it's always libtarded women that feel the need to import more ugly shitskins
Guys, we seriously need your help. Down-vote this video and drop a redpill!
I'll do something nice for the Swiss today. It is Peace and Prosperity Day after all. I wish both upon you.
Is it just me or is public opinion shifting quite a bit these days? E.g. take that Abu Ramadan story. People are more and more pissed, aren't they?
>Abu Ramadan
the what story?
And the immense NWO wealth which funds the organizations which funds these communists.
I smell Swexit
From what? We are not in the EU lul
>britbong education
fucking hell. muh misrepresentation/mistranslation
give me a fucking break.
>The 64-year-old insists he is “well integrated” in Switzerland despite never learning a Swiss language in the 20 years he has been in the country, or holding down a job. In the interview, he also takes issue with earlier reports that he received CHF600,000 in welfare payments in a 13-year period. Without revealing how much he received in total, Ramadan said he survives on CHF500 to CHF600 per month for food and other essentials after he has paid rent and utilities.
what a lying, disingenuous cunt.
>"survives" on ~550 bucks for food and other essentials
give me a break.
Is that dutch or german? I can't tell.
As long as you're in the Schengen Area, you'll never get control over your borders.
>Welcome to Switzerland
>no French or Italian subtitles
Fuck this.
>so far!
wtf? when I went back to the videos page Youtube didn't save my dislike
"Selbstbestimmingsinitative" (Self determination initiative) to end all the BS contracts and protect us from the EU has been launched and will probably be on the ballot next year.
Which area is the best in Switzerland?
>That weird native thing
The German part.
The french part is full of commies, and the italian part is fag
It registered that you were coming from Sup Forums, that's why. Next time, copy link & paste it in new incognito tab.
Disliked the video, liked all the based comments.
Pls don't let Switzerland get ENRICHED
Swiss wrestling is best wrestling because there's no weight classes.
How does come there is no "swiss part"?
No "swiss" language?
Are you germans in denial?
>It registered that you were coming from Sup Forums thats why
seriously!? is that a program kiketube installed?
I don't understand the attire though, seems impractical as fuck, they look like polo shirts.
And it's pretty cool how it happens on a fucking sand pit and you need to keep grappling even though your eyes and mouth are full of sand.
Fair enough.
Good luck with that, and watch out for butthurt from the EU and its army of delusional zombies.
It is sawdust.
And it is a "Edelweisshemd".
I have done my part
The EU is already mad lol
the like-dislike ratio
Meme Magic
That means you're doing something right
Do you have those "family crossing" signs in europe that they have in california?
No, only things that cross our roads are Deers.
lol, you really have that
How come people from non-English speaking countries also save their pictures in English? Is it just easier to do? Wouldnt it be simpler to save it in Romanian?
Yeah but they have it to warn from immigrants.