David FAGbridge

>It’s hard to understand why any single person would need 29, 30 or 47 guns in a Sydney suburb.

- David Shoebridge Greens NSW MP, Spokesperson for Justice, workers’ rights advocate, campaigning for sustainable planning

Awww :(
Can we ban all guns now?


Other urls found in this thread:



The reason would be that Sydney is filled with up turban wearing kebabs and chinks

>implying it's up to the State to decide what you "need"
>implying any of these guns was used in an unlawful killing
>implying Australia isn't an Oedipal nanny state
>implying Ireland isn't one too
>implying I'm not jelly as fuck of Americans
>implying I don't cry myself to sleep at night wishing I had a gun cabinet full of semi-automatic long rifles

>Give guns away
>Muslim gangs have illegal guns anyway

what does this solve?

I'm sorry user.

What Sydney really doesn't need are SJW politicians running around dwciding what's best for everyone. I used to respect Australia but theyve turned into a
SJW/atheistic globalist protostate that i wouldn't waste time visiting.

>campaigning for sustainable planning

this, out of all of it, is what makes my blood boil the most

"sustainable planning" is another greens-ism for "inflating the building industry bureaucracy to the point that nothing gets done"

It's okay user, we'll have to liberate Europe eventually, maybe you can get your guns then!

What's the problem here? He can only carry and use like one or two of those. Why does it matter?

Why would a bunch of niggers and Mexicans want to liberate white people?

Dumbass they'll be gone by then

>"need those guns for my youtube channel, officer. i do historical vids about these guns. huge hit with the yanks. helps pay the rent."
but no, it's hard for them to understand why...

How many bars of gold do the 48% of the 1% need?

> We can't let...

... this guy get the nuclear codes?

David Shoebridge absolutely hates guns.
Recently he tried to convince a police commissioner to ban the Pardus LAX12 because it looks like an assault rifle. He literally said "We dont need these dangerous LOOKING things on our streets".
A LAX12 is a lever action shotgun for fuck sake.

He is so dishonest I can't tell whether he's really cunning or just plain retarded. He has even been barred form obtaining a gun licence in his home state because he's so dishonest he can't be approved as a "fit and proper" person.

I hate how socialist Australia has become over the years. Everywhere i go is full of butch lesbians and queers. The country isa cesspool immigrants and almost all of Australia's black communities live off well fare. It is disgusting. HAIL TRUMP

>fully functional sniper rifle used in Afghanistan
>aka, shitty second hand hunting rifle

Regardless, I T-thought we banned all the scary guns after that one strange isolated incident in Tasmania seen in Australia never before and never again

Can't he just tell them it's for hunting down emus? They should let you keep them if they know you're using them to kill their ancestral enemies.

yeah, and as they always do, they want the rest.

>implying it's up to the State to decide what you "need"
this is here the point these commiefaggots really cannot get through their thick fucking skulls fuck how i hate them all and all the complacent normies who go alongside with this shit

I wouldn't mind the state making such big decisions if we lived in a secluded, national socialst ethno-state.

If Ireland was like Japan we wouldn't even want guns.

Too bad Sinn Fein is going to flood us with niggers and turn us into Somalia.


Australia's always been heavily Atheistic. We have never been "SJW" till the last 5 years or so, 10 at the most.

Australians who put their guns on YouTube are usually watched by Anti-Gun groups in Australia who at every turn will try to have their license revoked. This happened to a popular YouTuber "SteveILikeGuns" because he was shooting a hand gun on his land, which isn't legal in Australia (handguns have to be shot at shooting clubs) also I think something to do with him shooting a semi-automatic which he has the license for, but laws were changed and the gun was asked to be handed in, he did a video as a "last shoot" video and they nailed him for that too.

In the beginning they were trying to take him down for "glorifying firearms" they were scared that him talking enthusiastically about his guns would make Australians go and kill someone, because our Anti-Gun lobby is legitimately paranoid.

BAHAHAHAHAH FUCKING RIFLES!! You fucking pussies would cry havoc over a derringer, grow some fucking balls already eurofaggots.

That's because they literally think lever action guns are "brand new rapid fire technology".