How is this not illegal?
How is this not illegal?
fuck off pedo
>Defending pedos
No wonder everyone hates the alt right
>but muh children
Wtf burgers, Predators are very rare desu
It's probably not.
Pedoburgers should just bomb the shelters for revenge. See who's laughing then
>predators not allowed
>aliens are ok and even can get food stamps
Fuck you America!
Because pedos are subhuman, Worst then niggers or jews.
I've been saying for years to bring back public executions for pedophiles. That sure would cut back on child sex offenses
>niggers still allowed
>every registered sex offender is a pedo
Oh common mate, just go and find different shelter.
>fuck a 16 yo while being 17 yo years ago
>can't let you in, you fucking perv
America, everyone
I never said anything about sex offenders did I?
Fuck off you fucking rapist, Go sleep in a parking garage
Nope there both underage senpai. If it was 18 and 17 you have a point but we can't arrest children fucking each other.
This, I'm all for gassing pedos but its fucking retarded that the american definition of pedo seems to vary from state to state, where if you drive over a fucking line in the middle of the desert you're all of a sudden a criminal if you fuck a 16 year old
last time i checked you can be a sex offender if you fart in public in america.
Kekd. Underrated
I know a guy that is a registered sex offender. He was drunk and grabbed a strippers tit. Aggrevated sexual assault.
Kys baby fucker.
subtle. well played.
This thread makes predators sad
Are more important than pedo rights.
Their only natural rught, is to be castrated and choked to death on their own little dicks.
This. Why should even pedos do it? It's the perfect way to troll people.
No shelter 4 u
Why should it be? That sounds great, they should tie pedos to lamp and let the Hurricane take them.
>You had consenting sex with a fertile 17 years old "minor" somewhere in the past?
>heh that means you are not a human being anymore you can die
They are just looking illegal immigrants, not pedos i think
Too bad Podesta doesn't live there
Hola sènior..
>worst than niggers or jews
>both groups are overwhelming prone to be pedo scum
If you grew up in a black neighborhood, you'd know almost every black girl gets her first between 9-13. Usually from someone 18+, and often family/friend of family. I don't think I've ever talked to a black girl this was not true for.
>implying its the altright that defends pedos
lel m8 if the alt right was in power I am reasonably sure that pedophilia would carry the death sentence
>17 is considered minor
It's the law you dumb nigger. Only niggers break the law
>be american
>have a 5 figure debt in order to pay university
>after 10 years your efforts are finally taking off. Debts are paid and you have a beautiful pregnant wife.
>you discover she is cheating on you. the kid is actually from Chad, fug...
>when you tell her she flips into anothere person. she fakes to the police that you tried raping her.
>lose your house and half of your shit, go to jail and be labeled as sex offender for the rest of your life.
>after the nightmare of jail and losing all the faith on humanity somehow life is back on track.
>your salary is not even the half of before's but you can deal with it.
>Irma hurricane incoming.
>Don't have money to leave florida.
>Wait until the last moment but realize that shitty shack surely will not stand against the storm.
>Look for the local shelter.
>Your ex-wife is there. And also Chad. He is a police officer.
>Watch the actually helping the community. Maybe your wife was a bitch but the guy is kinda cool.
>They both notice you are looking into their direction.
>She talks with him, with a disgusted face.
>Only he approaches you, now with a smileless face.
>"Y-yes ?"
>"Identification please"
>"Identification please Sir!"
>He checks my ID .
>"Sir, we have children and women here, sex offenders and predators will not be allowed"
>Desperately beg him to stay.
>He punched me and drag me to outside,
>2 posts by this ID
more effort than the usual shill you kid fucking cunt
I agree, we should tie Podesta and all the pedophiles on lamps and let the wrath of nature punish them.
yeah I would all be for hopping on that high horse of to hell with those pervs - if US laws wouldn't make you register as sex offender for absolutely retarded shit all the time.
Poseidon will be appeased
>muh law
No one should follow retarded laws
>It's the alt-right defending pedos
Actually, no sweetie. Pedosexuals are a protected minority under the LAW. This man should be arrested for even considering arresting people for their sexual preferences!
If the child is old enough to decide their gender (kindergarten) they're old enough to participate and learn from experience. Duh.
>knowingly violating the social contract of your people
>bitch about the consequences
>making it illegal to rape a child is a stupid law
>be in florida
>pedo steals my id in the chaos oh the hurricane
>tacks his face on since all drivers licences are fucking cardboard now
>go to shelter
>"sorry you cant come in without id you might be a pedo or an illegal"
>pedo gets in and i die
Good job there
>woman falsely accuses you of rape
>you get put on the sex offender registry on the world of a lying hag
>die in hurricane
Kek, nice one user
>implying some """""sexual offenders """" aren't the victims of lying wenches
Especially in Florida. Isn't everyone a sexual offender in Florida ?
Comrade, you've got the wrong flag on, you silly goose! #Resist #Stillwithher
OP is a libertarian
>get turned away
>find a shelter not run by the state
>find another fertile 17 year old qt instead of complaining that other people don't make MY personal choices their problem
>fuck laws and shieet m'nigga
this wasn't something that came out of thin air, there were hundreds of rapes and gang rapes during Katrina thanks to letting any and everybody into the shelters.
ITT: assmad rapists and paedophiles
>having sex outside of marriage
Not a kid fucker. I just find it completely retarded that you can commit a crime, be served a punishment, do your time and still be treated like a demon for the rest of your life. They might as well ban everyone that has ever been to jail.
>forgery is this easy
You're a dumbass. Enjoy your (You)
Actually, there are federal and state conflicts here. So, no, no one knows what the fucking law is.
>pizzagate is real
>they are going after pedos WTF!!
lol what a change of narrative
the drumpf dirt tapes are going to be leak soon or what?
>do your time
No, that is part of the punishment from day one.
There is no mystery about it.
It's permanent probation/restriction.
Be glad we don't publicly hang you scum.
>Innocent people die in vain while guilty assholes are safe to continue their shit.
Now where have I seen that before..
They didn't start going after pedos until Trump was sworn in
>Sup Forums is one person
I never get tired of this straw man.
Keep memeing you will fit in some day
Our drivers licenses are fucking non laminated cardboard now. Its so easy to tack on faces to this shit.
Honey you and I both know pizzagate was rubbish and our pedos will be safe and sound. No one is going to deny our people their BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.
Drumpf BTFO
Well to be honest this would only stop the economically poor and average pedos.
I'm sure the pizzagate fags like Alefantis have boarded a plane and probably on their way to collect free lolis from the shelter that were marked as "missing along with their family".
>be american
You forgot the part where he get shot.
I hope the CIA raids your ass and sends you to Bubba
>be huemonkey
>be so insecure you need to concoct fantasies where at least everyone is as shit as you are.
Only one of our posts is true.
They cannot catch the predator if they cannot see the predator.
Lol, fuck Polk County. Can't think of people more deserving of a hurricane.
Lets have the convicted pedos/rapists/peeping toms and whoever else are sexual deviants bunk with you and your kids and wife, or a relative that has women and children in their homes.
You are probably one that spouts off to let rapefugees and illegal immigrants into the country, but would never allow them within a country mile of YOUR home, and never donate a dime to those causes.
It's his, not yours.
>not even knowing the laws you're complaining about
I honestly didn't know that in some states the legal age is 16 before seeing it on here, so most high school teenagers who are in their sophomore and junior years legally can't have sex. I live in one of the blue clumps in pic related.
The age of consent really should be more flexible in regards to people within 2 years of each other in age. There are actual cases where this applies even though they are somewhat rare.
Laws regarding sex are usually rather poor concerning degree. Legally you can't back out of sex after you give consent assuming there are no criminal acts alongside this condition, and there's lots of cases where consent is given while intoxicated and this is contested as "false consent" or something (mostly unsuccessful, but it's possible a new precedent will be established in the future).
> sex offenders
Frankly I don't give a shit.
I never got accused with rape. Have you tried not hanging with whores?
way too long hue monkai
>Walking around in the middle of a hurricane going from shelter to shelter
This are the kind of ppl you are sharing a board with
>muh law
Like a broken record
>subject everybody to involuntary pedo check
>it takes 12 hours to fill the building
>hurricane is here in 6 hours
>even more pedos get blown by something 5 days old than if you just let them in
But niggers dont have IDs, this is why we cant have ID voting laws.
that's odd what if they're pedoniggers around there? how'r they gon catch em all?
>The age of consent really should be more flexible in regards to people within 2 years of each other in age.
they usually are
there are hard aocs but virtually every state has exceptions now
>(((Wrongfully))) listed as sex offender for having sex with a minor
>Still too poor and/or stupid to prematurely find shelter outside government procedures that ban you because reasons
Perhaps it's nature's way of saying time to go?
>This are the kind of ppl you are sharing a board with
Yeah we don't really endorse retards here, perhaps it's time to go back to Sup Forums mr (((Nazi))) larper.
>consensually fucking someone two years younger than you is being a predator
You guys are amazing.
Sup Forums complains when they aren't allowed to racially profile all the niggers looting in a hurricane
But we aren;t allowed to discriminate against pedos (who commit 100% or child sex crimes)
No. Fuck refugees. But an American that made a mistake 20 years ago shouldn't be demonized 20 years later if he has been punished and not reoffended. And I would be fine with a sex offender sharing a shelter with me. They don't deserve death. Come up with an adult solution not some virtue signaling bullshit like this sheriff. For instance, cordon off a room. If you want to stay in this shelter all sex offenders must be in this room after dark. It's not fucking hard to be decent human.
That would be racist and your a pedophobe.
>being gay is normal, don't oppress us!
>but pedos need to be murdered
really makes you think
>be drunk
>pee in public
>you are now a sex offender
>cops think you'll rape a child in a shelter full of cops
>die in a hurricane
The funny part is the ones who didnt get caught get to stay
>not learning if you're sexually compatible before marriage
You're just asking for a divorce. If you think sex is unimportant you are in for a rude awakening when your wife starts looking for tyrones to satisfy her since you sure can't.
>And I would be fine with a sex offender sharing a shelter with me.
Good, so make your own shelter and share it with the sex offender. When it comes to places with too many people, you might want to take a vote.
>They don't deserve death
Maybe not, but they don't deserve to be near other people seeking shelter either.
>Being a decent human is locking sex offenders in a room after dark
kek. Either bait or too retarded.
So edgy
I don't disagree with your premise of doing your time,and then getting your life back. However what idea would you have to keep women and children safe, in such a vulnerable situation? You know the stories from German and Swedish refugee camps where children were getting sexually assaulted on a daily basis. The safety of innocence should come before convicts in emergencies like hurricanes. Why is the burden not put on the convict rather than innocent citizens?