Creator of Firewatch using DMCA to take down PewDiePie videos

Thoughts on this?

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Sean disrespects wamen

He's virtually admitting the DMCA claim has no basis in fact but rather is a politically inspired takedown attempt. That's not what DMCA is for. Misusing the law is a punishable offence.

I feel like there have been recent satiric comedies about game developers thinking everyone else in the game industry leeches from their creativity, as if any industry that were to exist in their universe would exist solely to cater to them.

>Misusing the law is a punishable offence.

Heeeeh, if that were true, 94% of lawyers would be in jail. But god thing he admitted this on twitter, it can be used against him in court.

His game sucked anyways, so glad I pirated, and will pirate his games from now on

DMCA is for protection, not punishment. He's abusing the system.

Especially when you can read this in their FAQ

His game sucks anyway, so glad I didn't buy it or play it.

lmao what a faggot


And of course it's some shitty hipster studio that produces walking simulators with zero actual gameplay

I think I'm finally going to subscribe to Pewdiepie now.

So, are commies OK with the bourgeois companies retroactively threatening private individuals, in order to keep others under their thumb? Or is this the master plan to let class relations build up and explode in revolution, at the risk of the working class losing?

That's some incredible logic to justify
>pewdiepie said something that made me very angry and i want to punish him somehow
Also, if he feels so guilty he should donate some amount of money that aproximates the amount sold due to pewdiepie. But he is not going to.
He is just going to virtue signal consecuence free because he is a liberal faggot.

This seems like a publicity stunt, trying to establish his company as "progressive" and on board with the latest social trends of silencing, deplatforming "radical" views. I'm pretty sure his sales will suffer, as most gaymers are tired of "politically conscious" developers.

>not allowed to play the game I purchased the way I want
Games are all about micro transactions anyway. It's not "art" or even fun.

Fuck that PewDiePie is hilarious. I defend him, this type of reaction sets a censorship precedent. Anyway, it's not a big deal his INTENT wasn't to be racist so you can't hold it against him.

Also this, if he is so outraged by the incident, he should forgo all the money this evil Nazi made him.

His old videos were gay but I enjoy a lot of them now. His one on Jennifer Lawrence calling her out is good.

Is that even legal?

Talking about freedom of speech oh they irony

These faggots are such hypocrites. They'll use racial slurs against white people all day long but as soon as you say nigger they start talking about how you don't have any freedom or liberties. Fags can go fuck right off, and I never thought I'd actually be defending the biggest cancer on the internet pewdiepie

black people are so pathetic they need protection from whites

fuk niggerwatch

r u shur?

Hahaha ... they believe they'll do anything than promoting him even more with these actions.
Soon PewDiePie will realise that he can openly talk shit about Commies and Jews and then these sad fucks are about to experience real pain.

Firewatch is one of the shittest games I've ever played, so fuck that guy.

It has no gameplay. Therefore is not a game.
>but you can walk around and stuff
then everything is a game


He has no case.
1. He already said it was okay for streamers to play the game.
2. Pewd wasn't even playing his game when he said the nigger word
3. DMCA isn't intended to be used to attack people you previously gave permission to on account of offense.

Who gives a shit? Firewatch was trash. The last game of that kind that I enjoyed was Inside, and that's just because it bothered to have puzzles(as simple as they may have been) and an interesting world. Firewatch is literally just walking from point to point listening to some bitch moan about crap.

>no name developer of some shitty walking simulator will "reach to folks to cut off" the biggest online personality
Libshits are so delusional.

You can't revoke prior permission. His videos were made in the past when he had permission to make them. He has cause for a lawsuit if they try taking them down.

Reminder to do your part. Theres allready 7 pages of negative reviews from today alone.

>streamers can monetize streams of gameplay using our game
>unless they say a word we don't like
>because they we'll DMCA the fuck out of them

How can you make reviews if you don't own the game?

>buy game
>play game
>review game
>refund game

You cant, you need to have bought it or had it gifted.

Their game is shit though

Just buy it, play for 20 minutes, leave a bad review and ask for a refund. Easy as hell.


posting this face here

Whites have got to be the most cucked race on the planet. When someone says something legitimately racist against whites none of them bat an eye, but when someone says anything about the poor niggers they all throw a fit.

It's relevant to the subject. They won a lawsuit exactly against this kind of DMCA abuse last week.

meant to reply to

Oh he mad

This. None of these "progressives" give one flying turd about "poc" or any social justice cause in reality. They just need an easy, cheap way to make a name and money.

You can goto jail for abusing the DCMA like that. Thunderfoot did a thing on it.

Video game devs need to not poke the bear. This sort of virtue signaling never goes well for them. Sure the mindless drones buy it, but they only buy it because their friend did. We need to be the friend that don't buy shit and warns others....At all times. I quit buying contemporary games until this all blows over. I advise every gamer to go out and buy up ever PSX, N64, SNES etc. Avoid contemporary titles until all this garbage blows over.

Going strong

Why is everyone freaking out on Pewdiepie and not that fucking nigger warrior who was eating shots. He hit that guy like six times and he didn't die

He's a fucking dumbass for admitting this on Twitter. Make sure to archive all of them to use against him.

So after seeing 6 million posts about the eceleb from 5 years ago on Sup Forums I finally watched the clip of him saying "nigger." It was nothing, lmao, he changes his phrasing to "asshole" in the next sentence but that half second is going to cost him his career. What a terrifying timeline we're in.

>99% of games focus on combat, agressiveness, tactics, conquest, heroics, testosterone, battle-driven narratives with an "us" vs. "them" narrative
>let's destroy it and force propaganda even there

GOOD. Now since their hobby is ruined they will do the same things but in real life.

>So after seeing 6 million posts about the eceleb from 5 years ago on Sup Forums I finally watched the clip of him saying "nigger." It was nothing, lmao, he changes his phrasing to "asshole" in the next sentence but that half second is going to cost him his career. What a terrifying timeline we're in.
are you retarded or just living under a rock?

hes said nigger before, his fans are aware of who he is, why would this change anything

I hope he does lead a coalition of game devs to not give him permission to stream their game. That means he'd be more likely to stream my game

and hed be streaming less shitty games made by SJWs

the dev is probably just mad because he said firewatch had a shit ending, was too linear and there wasnt enough extra shit to do in the world.

Agree with that. Felt like I was being railroaded.

Another PEEPEEPOOPOO indie dev thinking he's going to make any dent or difference with his tantrum.

I wonder how many Nog's are grateful to this man for protecting them from a Swedish guy saying mean words on the internet

That one is kinda sad. Dude just wanted to buy groceries and he gets treated like shit.

Jane Nigg?

He said it like 3 times already, you stupid nigger.

>cost him his career
At 60 million subs, he's outgrew his youtube life-support phase.

Fuck 'em. I guarantee you he makes life difficult for his neighbors with his jiggaboo thumping music at 2AM. Did I mention "fuck 'em?"

nigger stole some white guys emotions.

>Misusing the law is a punishable offence
kek, fucking idiot

Based as fuck

I wouldn't let racist pieces of shit make money using my products either

No one cares about my white feelings, so I can't possibly care about the ugly stupid feelings of ugly stupid niggers.

Haha fuck that nigger

the game was a neat idea, a cool walking simulator with a HORRIBLE THRID ACT.


When did all this shit start? I remember going from Halo 2 to Halo 3 (2007) and watching Bungie pretty much say "fuck you" to the competitive community so they could cater to the casuals. Even back then I was saying that catering to the mainstream and fucking your core support would be suicide.

Guess pewdiepie won't be making any money out of walking simulators.
Seriously, Firewatch was so fucking overrated. The game was a hit so now the developers think they have some sort of highground.

He seems pretty civil.

stop making videos. you're not going to make it, bro

>freedom of speech is freedom of prosecution

I actually legitimately liked the game, and the ending. its a bit overhyped, but i liked it.

We could probably get him to. Just need his virtue-signalling sense to entirely override his common sense with enough pressure and he'll SJW himself into throwing away all of his money.

Yeah it wasn't great but it was a fun, relaxing game.

Fags here are a bunch of contrariant 17 year olds who will dislike something because muh politics

> says the guy whose "products" are narcotics and snuff videos

Amazing. Last night there was only one page and the reviews hadn't impacted the rating just yet.

I used to hate pewdiepie

but now I love my handsome bro

>memeing as an argument
You've already lost

Just like the rest of the world, these CEOs and decision makers have gone full reactionary ADHD faggotry who can't think past the current fiscal quarter.
They steered their ship into the abyss, fuck em all.

This guy sounds like a Jew. He's a Jew right?

underrated, needs more visibility

> Furthermore, we're complicit: I'm sure we've made money off of the 5.7M views that video has and that's something for us to think about.
> I mean we're not gonna give any of that money back, don't get me wrong

raise large sums of shekels for donations, no one bats an eye
say nigger once and the whole world will know

How can you call people degenerate when you are a subhuman animal with no humanity?

All video games sucks desu. Rather spend the time learning or creating something.

Doom and gloom is the journalist's bread and butter. A happy ending from the beginning is a flash in the pan, but a proper controversy leaves the audience on the edge of its seat. It's all about the ratings.

C u c k

I would consider it more like storytelling. Looked nice tho.

its on the firewatch website that any player can use the games content and make their own content...or something along those lines... and on top of that Felix isnt in a binding contract with (((them))) so they can try and run up a DMCA but its going to fail. And altogether its a embarrassment to Law for them to use a dmca for this..
explains everything

Firewatch was pretty comfy but I'm glad I didn't buy it.

It's considered perjury.
>If you send a DMCA takedown notice that is both false and meant in bad faith (such as to harass, or doesn’t state a real claim), you have committed perjury. Though unlikely, if the party you sent the takedown notice to decided to pursue this in court, you could face all of the consequences that your state imposes on people who lie in court.

oh boy, if you only knew. you play as a grossly overweight loser who ditched his ill wife to work as a park ranger. the game wants you to believe there is some kind of 90th x-file mystery going on. in the end every lead was a red hering, your boss who you flirt with was just teasing you and actual cucks you with another man. the conclusion of the story is that you are an incompetent and pathetic numale

lets go

So I just finished watching a Firewatch playthrough. What the fuck was that shit - an interactive soap opera? Is it even possible to lose in that game? I highly recommend you watch a playthrough before getting ripped off if you are considering purchasing this.