The_Donald is right you know... :^)

The_Donald is right you know... :^)

This is unironicly the truth.

the international jew fears white power


What have black societies done though? Seems like they'd be a handicap to unite with if anything.

Yeah pretty much. We can figure everything else out later, right now the middle class (all races) need to team up with the lower class and challenge the Jew.

So much fucking this

Godawful takes, read Technological Slavery by Theodore Kaczynski

The thing is though, we should work together but on separate homogenous territories.

>implying you're not the establishment

As evidenced by judea's war on Germany.

But evidence means nothing to civic nationists.

Gentiles unite

Kek wills it

As long as "The Establishment" is code for "International Jewry," this is pretty much the biggest thing to take away from David Duke's "My Awakening".

This, I can get behind.

Nah, fuck the Donald. He sided with Nazis. Nazis scare me and I'm white. I was cool with the establishment until Donald and the GOP took over.

Fuck off dude, you're a retard

You mean the Unabomber. Saying his full doesn't make him more reputable.

/r/ing the gif of the australian who was in the savannah and didnt want to shake hands with niggers so when he went in for a handshake, the camera cut to a close up of two white guys shaking hands

SJWs will side with them on anything.

kek thats the one

Is this real?

How did they agree to do a pretend handshake with him?

who the niggers? lel what do they care they got 10$ for their participation and they were happy with it

you can see by camera quality that it was a different time, when nignogs were properly grateful for being graced with the presence of a white man and not the uppity chimpanzees they are today

No I mean Theodore Kaczynski which is his name, and he is very reputable and provides sources for all his claims.