Hey Sup Forums
How do you see Brazilians?
Do you have any categories for us?
Quick research
Why the fuck do you have so many Pardos ?
uma delicia
Your country produced her, and I am thankful.
I fucking hate you all and not because of Sup Forums or uneducated racism. Every single BR I've ever met online is the worst kind of nigger. Literally worse than American blacks. God help any decent person born into that cesspool.
Yeah actually. What the fuck is going on over there?
Niggers I like BJJ though
Loud,obnoxious,annoying,backstabbers,ignorant,no work ethic whatsoever,absotely disrespectful towards anyone and everything
barzillia is jolly and ghetto. Like, it would be super chill without the hill niggers. It's like argentina if it wanted to be a 3rd world country but was getting dragged kicking and screaming into the 1st world.
Honestly 3 things pop to mind whenever i hear brazil.
-Hot thicc booty and thicc porn stars
-the movie city of angels
-tons of drugs and chaos
Brazil is a like a paradise compared to India. You are also good people and your famous for high quality bundas. To Europeans you are niggers though :v(
Do you mean city of god?
(((Whitening of the population))) was pushed by the time we were still divided
yes, yes that one. Not fucking los angeles.
There's nothing godly here, I don't even know why do you guys come here to visit this shithole
well you pretty much got it spot on, and that makes me sad
2 girls 1 cup
Uneducated savages.
(((Integralists))), those guys are disgusting, they advocate for race mixing with africans
>surprisingly chill when non-nigger
Yeah, most of us are literally monkeys, but fortunately there are some decent ones, just don't give up on us all.
>flip flop niggers
>off duty cops
I've seen "City of God" and belive all Brazilians are uneducated niggers/white cucks
we are brothers in brownness. respect.
All I know about Brazil is what the security cameras record, and then uploaded to liveleak
and it ain't pretty hombre
The only browns that deserve some kind of sympathy are the poor amerindians, africans should be gassed
I don't think so. Also my IQ is higher than yours (130)
Clothed indians blocking roads and asking for money should be gassed as well
Met white and brown brazilians through BJJ & Surfing
>dirty toenails
>like to cheat
>loud and obnoxious
>seem to believe they are gods gift to the planet
>pretty chill
>decent bantz
Not genociding all indians and bringing niggers to Brazil was my country biggest mistake in all of its history
>it breeds niggers
>favela fags
you guys make fun of niggers for thinking with their dicks but the very first thing you did when you got to the americas was fuck the native women.
Good people beautiful ladies
Well imagine being on a boat with only men for months, of course you would want to fuck a chick
I did a re-research very beautiful places nice people nice food and beautiful ladies sad that political corruption ruined it I love Brazil and it people hope I can visit you greeting from iraq
Basically every bad shit that happens in macacoland is because of corruption, this is a country where no politician is trustworthy
>know a Brazilian through work
>straight outta favela
>been in Finland for 8 years, speaks Finnish poorly but usually gets his point across
>at some point lived in a cold space under a house that he rented from an old lady
>tell stories about hunting rats, birds and sloths
>when annoyed by a chirping bird, fantasize about stoning it and cooking it
>on a refreshment day with an open bar, order multiple dishes of food while everyone else focus on drinking
>can't count for shit
>Always positive and motivated at work
>when tha wave of refugees hit Finland, he was the most redpilled Person in the cafeteria
politicians are the reflex of the society, we as whole are not trustworthy
Tru that, them motherfuckers are only exploiting the weakness in our own culture
Okay, Curious George.
It was necessary to convince the tribal leaders, they would give us an indian woman and after we fuck her it would be a sign of alliance, that was how the cooperation worker in the early days of brazilwood
What fucked this country were the niggers. Period.
My first thought to Brazil was the idea that every chick had huge bundas
Then I visited and I realised it's full of obese black bitches and skinny black guys and a decent population of mestizos and 'white' folk who suffer because of the niggers
Now thanks to Sup Forums all I think about is sopa de macao
I think all BRs can agree on this
did you say
>all this attention whoring asking for Sup Forums approvation
Fucking pathetic. BR posters are all women.
You turn every online game to shit by screaming HUEHuEhurHue BRBRbrBr into the mic all the time
Highly tolerant towards corruption. No true, ingrained concept of natural rights. Lazy. Petty. Meek, way too meek (fluoridated water?) ... Clueless and undeserving of how rich their nation truly is. Uninterested in politics. On average, literally dumber than Koko the gorilla. The smart ones just finish their education there and sail for better lands.
less black people than america at least.
Almost a higher percentage of white people.
See? Soo fucking attention whore OP doesn't even asked you. My sides. You have a feminine brain.
You guys got that pixel site on lock.
You're joking right? We're literally 20% white at max
Not actually, barzil is dominated by pardos and black niggers
ive seen liveleak, im never going to brazil thats for damn sure.
you people are animals desu
That is not entirely correct.
Most of our population is composed of truly hard working people. We may very well be the most hard working people in the world. (Except for our last generation.)
Our main problem (besides illiteracy) is our 500-year-history of reliance on the government for everything. It is nothing but normal for an average Brazilian to think that the state must provide universal healthcare, universal education, personal security, jobs for everyone, etc. We do not even conceive of doing things ourselves. There are known historical and sociological reasons for that, but I don't think anyone here is interested.
I still remember seeing
in all chat on a server the day TF2 went free to play
Brazilians are just a southern variety of americans.
Also, it is the future of America...
See Tropa de Elite, specially the first movie.
Brazil is too big for being all shit. Well, it is mostly shit, but you can find good in such vast shit pool.
Really? I thought they and your emperor were based as fuck.
I still think Tradição Pátria Senpaiília has been doing a rather good job.
>OP doesn't[sic] even asked you.
Yes s/he did you illiterate retard.
>Our main problem (besides illiteracy) is our 500-year-history of reliance on the government for everything. It is nothing but normal for an average Brazilian to think that the state must provide universal healthcare, universal education, personal security, jobs for everyone, etc. We do not even conceive of doing things ourselves. There are known historical and sociological reasons for that, but I don't think anyone here is interested.
This is truth, we need to work that up.
What did you wanted us to do after basically conquering an entire continent? Convert to wankerism?
Meant second part of to you.
I think of you all as those natives with the cute fit people that wear leaves and get high on rain forest poisons. Your avatar here is wearing a hooded sweatshirt and I don't really like these. When I see people wearing these I immediately assume they are criminals.
I think that's because Brazil is not a nation and people who go into politics there don't care about the average Brazilian. Or other Brazilians if they can't make a quick buck.
Corruption is not the problem, it is a symptom.
Just a bunch of dirty, brown spics
Shit situation
Always positive.
The tropical sun fucked our brains so thoroughly in Brazil that we became the exact opposite of what we were/are:
"Brazil is the hell of the negro, the purgatory of the white man and the paradise of the mullato."
João António Adreoni, Jesuit Priest, 1711.
Your problems are mainly the following:
1) Back stabbign sobs who ideolize rascals;
2) Communists.
3) Not even a Nation.
Your historical ignorance surpasses every body.
Joaquim Nabuco and Pedro II are my absolute heroes. Ousting the royal family and becoming a republic was the worst thing to ever happen to this country. Pedro II was more intelligent and intellectually endowed than half of his contemporary monarchs.
I may be an ancap but I got a raging boner for our monarchy.
Our problem is that Brazil was colonized by the portuguese, not by the english.
>1) Back stabbign sobs who ideolize rascals;
Why do you think we idolize rascals?
>2) Communists.
Communists as such are utterly despised here. Almost everyone is "conservative", at least regarding manners. The problem is that everyone wants Brazil to be a continental-size Denmark (with universal free healthcare, education, and so forth) and so they vote for leftist politicians.
>3) Not even a Nation.
>Your historical ignorance surpasses every body.
Point granted.
Kek keep telling that to yourself nigger
The dissolution of our monarchy started to erode the sense of national identity Nabuco wanted us to have. By having a highly corrupt and self serving republic and tapping into the deference for a central authority that would work wonders under a monarchy, we have a highly cucked populace that thinks the government is the end all solution for everything.
We remain a unified country because we were colonized by Portuguese Catholics. We'd have fragmented if the Bongs or the Dutch had thoroughly colonized us. I'm all for secession and all, but we owe our flimsy unity to the Portuguese and the Church.
>portuga ainda puto que um dia o GLORIOSO IMPÉRIO BRASILEIRO estrupou a Europa e usou Portugal como palito de dente
Flee to when shit gone wrong category.
>Kek keep telling that to yourself nigger
Not talking to myself but definitely talking a nigger.
>look up BR political parties
>90% of them have some form of social(ist), green, worker, labor, progressive, or communist in the title
this is your problem