What are you reading Sup Forums?
What are you reading Sup Forums?
Theory of Stellar evolution......
I don't recommend
Erich von Manstein's Memoirs
Filthy Mexicans are colluding with (((them))) to kill off whites in America with opiates. As bad as Sup Forums thought the situation was, it is far, far worse than we realized.
>immigration, identity, islam
The EU use these tools to destroy Europe.
Immigration: let everybody in,
Identity: destroy the family, religion, culture
Islam: feed it with money, label islamophobic those who criticize that
Is this a legit good book, OP?
I just got done reading Think Like a Freak by Levitt. Not an absolutely amazing or life changing book, but I think everyone should still read all the Freakonomics books and Think Like a Freak due to how quick they can be read, how they appeal to the ignorant layperson, and the fact that it is data/econometrics heavy NOT theory heavy. It's much harder to argue with statistical results.
History of the Byzantine State and Society, Armed Struggle: A History of the IRA, and Honour Guard, one of the Gaunts Ghosts novels.
The middle is making me think The Troubles were intentionally inflamed by the (((British government))). Sending the Paras in, wrongfully convicting several people in bombings, it's like they wanted to fuck up.
>Theory of Stellar evolution
Post the book, you filthy jew. I will read anything that jews don't want the goyim to read.
this thread
The only uncucked comic series left.
Highly recommend
Been wanting to read this. Can you give a quick summary?
Good taste OP
On of thr most important contemporary redpill literature
With "democracy the God that failed " " death of the west" a must have for every self respecting gentleman
Complete mind fuck
hoppe is a corporate bootlicker who sees everything through his turbid neoliberal glasses.
He talks about how the FN in France, and other populist parties cave in to politcal correctness of the left. They lose sight of their vision in order to avoid being branded as racists. Faye argues these parties need to be unapologetic, and point out the truths of reverse colonization from the Islamic world and sub-Saharan Africa.
In addition, he points out the downfalls of modernism, and emphasizes the importance of developing a new post-modern identitarian movement that promotes paganism in Europe. A return to European tribalism, combined with scientific advancements of today.
It's a great book that touches on everything were experiencing today, although Faye is anti-american. I want to read the '4th political theory' soon an cross reference both Fayes and Dugins points
>Theory of Stellar evolution
*joke about reptiloids*
Introduction to Christianity by J.C Ratzinger (Benedict XVI). Some of it sounds word for word like Jordan Peterson (which shouldn't be surprising since he's a closet priest) when he talks about Logos, Nietzsche and reality, but there are some clear incompatibilities such as the belief that Jesus was God or just an enlightened individual.
Interesting book even for a non-Christian just encountering the strange but sometimes convincing style of religious argument.
The great Gatsby
The Count of Monte Cristo
Great series.
Not sure why the British would want to stir the pot but they have a history of sending over zealous troops to "keep the peace" (See the Black & Tans). But in my opinion the socialist IRA had good reasons for derailing a civil rights movement into a war, aside from the ones that died they've done well out of it.
people here still have not taken the Asterix-Pill, so comfy Senpai