New Yugoslavia

A proper federation, not unlike current B&H. Every state will have a head that will represent the state, but there will be an elected head of the "Yugoslav" state to ceremonially represent the union internationally. The Yugoslavia of the past was too focused on Mother Serbia leading every other Yugoslav state. Each state should have its own national guard for defence rather than one federative army, but the economies should be so intertwined that war would be impossible with eachother (kind of like the EU with France and Germany and whatnot). Speaking of which, Slovenia and Croatia would not be allowed in the EU and NATO (policy of international neutrality should be pursued)

Islam should be outlawed for obvious historical reasons, but Catholics and Orthodox Christians should be allowed to practice without any disruption (there were restrictions in some communist countries on how they could follow their faith, not sure if it applied to Yugo at the time). Though the culture would be very similar between most Yugoslavs, there shouldn't be cultural tampering.

Borders would be strict for immigration, though tourism would be permitted for the free Croatian coastline bucks $$$. Economy should be focused on staying as self sufficient as possible for the upcoming racewar (investments in manufacturing, construction as well as in the service sector).

just a bit of my autistic 2 cents. could have fucked up some historical parts, but the rest should hold up.

>also what would you do with kosovo?

Other urls found in this thread:

Without croatia and slovenia, with bulgaria and i'm in

>Without croatia and slovenia
so without the guys that kept Yugo afloat the last time

>no slovenia
>no croatia

Forever poor
I wanna be
Forever poor

fuck off, jew


>New Yugoslavia
You mean greater Croatia?

Are Balkan Muslims really a problem?

its like shit on a street
its not really dangerous just unpleasant

I literally remember writing this from another Yugo thread a couple of months back. Why copy paste?

BiH doesn't work.
Why the fuck would a new Yugoslavia in the same system work ?

I really don't like this idea, or do you want another Bill Clinton to handle you?

>Each state should have its own national guard for defence rather than one federative army

Also this was the problem last time.

Each country did have a national guard army that answered only to it.

That's what led us to a goddamn war.

JNA was a small professional federal army.

Each country had their own territorial army also which only answered to itself and could be compared with JNA in numbers. (depends on the state of course)

>Islam should be outlawed for obvious historical reasons, but Catholics and Orthodox Christians should be allowed to practice without any disruption (there were restrictions in some communist countries on how they could follow their faith, not sure if it applied to Yugo at the time). Though the culture would be very similar between most Yugoslavs, there shouldn't be cultural tampering.

There were restrictions for Christians as well

Fuck off ;)


antifa kys

>Islam is outlawed
>Expects Bosnia to still be in it

You're a fucking retard

OP is a plagiarizing autistic Serb.

stfu cuck leech subhuman

Still retarded that the first paragraph talks about unison and keeping their own identities then doing a 180 on religion and expecting everyone in Bosnia to be like "welp we're in the new Yugoslavia we're not muzzies anymore!"

I'm not gonna rest until all the national barriers and borders are gone.
meni ne treba država za bratstvo
tuđe poštujem, svoje nedam
Peace out

>Croats being forced to live with s*rbs
>s*rbs are Degenerate Communist Cucks who picked a DYKE as PM

go fuck yourself s*rb.


you s*rbs are Evil and Degenerate.

Croatia doesnt want your Faggotry ever again.

Daily Reminder that s*rbia is a Cucked Shithole with a Tranny in Charge

ZA DOM SPREMNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fakat si Hitlerko

I always thought doing a UK thing could work.
Yugoslavia was created during the end of World War 1, and as a very young country, it was taken over by Nazi Germany, and a few decades later by the soviets. It was one of the few nations to be influenced by both capitalism and communism, and I think that screwed it up.

Nowadays in a different time when hostile military invasion is less likely, I think a New yugoslavia would work out well enough to compete with Western Europe.

Fuck s*rbia. s*rbs are the reason why Balkans are SHIT. Nationalist Fascist Croats will always be better than the Satanic Communist Globalist (yugoslav) s*rbs. at least Croatia doesnt have a Tranny Faggot as PM. you disgusting Commie s*rbs are now trying to bring Faggotry in the Balkans, you truly are Evil scumbags, just like Zionist jews, almost as if s*rbs are wannabe jews, since Yugoslavia was Greater s*rbia and all non s*rbs were treated like how Zionist jews treat Palestinians. even after you lost Kosovo to Shiptars (SHIT but not as SHIT as you s*rbs) and got virtually castrated by NATO and Clinton in 1999 (too bad Belgrade didnt end up like Hiroshima, Belgrade actually deserves to be nuked and i hate HillyBilly for not nuking it), you still try to ruin every country next to you. it almost makes me wish the Moslem Ottoman Roaches would come back to rule all Balkans, as Roaches were bad, but not as bad as you were, and im not buying into the Remove Kebab meme since you got Assfucked for 500 Years and you lost Battle of Kosovo in 1389. you fucking bastards, i hope you all get AIDS and HIV from your Faggot PM. this time you s*rbs will get Ovened and Lampshaded at Jasenovac for REALZ. (like your buddies jews) by the way, you stupid s*rbs would never have Electricity, and thus no Internet, if not for Croatian Inventor Nikola Tesla.




>having a choice in the matter


daj se smiri

Fakat si Tito

Fakat si Milosevic

Fakat si srbija

show your flag, roach


>be s*rb
>get raped by Turks for 500 Years during Ottoman Occupation
>claim to "Remove Kebab" despite having Kebab Blood yourself
>have the Audacity to call others Roaches


Malo slovo

are you afraid to show your flag ustasha larper?


I kek every time I see this.

take the Holy Croatian Coat of Arms off your ugly Ruski ripoff Rag, you Yugo Rat.

>EU Flag

EU is the Modern Day Yugoslavia.

show your flag larping t*rkroach


>EU is the Modern Day Yugoslavia

It's more of a bipolar version of the Third Reich
>Russian flag

Those colors are pan Slavic :/

Not Antifa, I'm an anarcho-primitivist, but there are no flags.

keep lying s*rbfag, but History doesnt Lie, you lived under Ottoman rule for 500 Years. (and soon you will get 500 more if Erdogan plays his Cards right) Ottoman Rape Baby, your Orthodox Christianity does not change your genetics.

How this picture makes you feel, tebra?

No its the cheap slavic version of the dutch flag

>mehmet projecting this hard
shhh janissary rapebaby


Yeah apparently Tsar Peter ripped it off when he was in Amsterdam to learn how you goys make boats , and ships.


All I want is to be with black angels, I dont care what country in

thank Lord for helping the Croatian Nation survive the Last Century of s*rbian Occupation and helping the Croatian People for defeating the Devils from Tel Aviv-on-the-Danube (belgrad), and praise the Lord for saving Croatia from utter destruction by the Devil Solomon Molochovic. (aka "Slobodan Milosevic")

may God bless the Croatian Nation and help us Croats make pic related a Reality, AMEN!

Crni Andjeli hnghhh

still not showing your real flag, mehmet?

at least that nigger doesnt rule Croatia like how Tranny Brnabic (Burn a Bitch) rules s*rbia.

She is Croatian.

pojedi dvokrisku opusti se kuzis :)

my god, look at that low iq inbred face

At least serbian women, besides being the hottest in the balkans, don't fuck with blacks.

>It's more of a bipolar version of the Third Reich

how dare you compare the Reich with the Satanic Communist Jewish Empire known as EU(SSR)??????

>Those colors are pan Slavic :/

and Croats are actual, Genetic, and Ethnic, slavs... unlike the Ottoman Rape Babies called s*rbs. and the s*rb Flag looks like the Russian Flag upside down, s*rbs even ripped off their Mutant Eagle from Russians.

more croatian women with black men = more mixed angels for us

Im all for Bosniak and Croat unity to did the Balkans of the Serb plague.

What's wrong with Croatia and Slovenia? I genuinely don't understand so can someone explain?


>so without the guys that kept Yugo afloat the last time
What kept Yugoslavia afloat was the will of both the Eastern bloc and the Western bloc to not fuck us up and leave us as an operational neutral ground between the two behemoths,
and also as an attempt to "prove that multiculturalism can work".
Both provided us with free tourism and travel passes.
Both provided our government with information that kept us stable, sourcing from far superior security and espionage agencies than we had.
Both provided us with trade without any significant sanctions for being neutral.
And it was all provided by temporary goodwill, rather than your inflated self-esteem my little fellow Balkan-nigger.

No. The next war will be the last war.

Bez zajebancije sada, vidio sam par crnkinja koje su se doselile kod mene u kvart. Bio sam presretan

danas je jedna bila u busu, dok sam iso na ispit

kako da joj uletim familijo? Zaista mi je malo falilo danas

this is larping roach hiding his flag, don't feed him with (You)s retards

Mislio sam nesto tipa: Hey, I saw you few days ago and thought you were really cute. Are you new to the neighbourhood?

Kad ne znam pricaju li hrvatski il ne
i strah me da ne ispadnem creepy

s*rbs are Pissed at how their Brown Atheist Communist Nation is inferior to the White Fascist Christian Nation of Croatia. so s*rbs chimpout at Croats for simply being Croats.

success breeds jealousy, s*rbs also hate AMERICA for being more succesful than then and for BTFO'ing them in 1990s.

and Croatia will win, and your whole Demonic kind will Finally be Exterminated and Peace will reign in the Balkans.

The eternal (((NatSoc))) is afraid of this

Thanks for the laugh you are trully retarded,but keep going your amusing me.

Mhmmm topacice leda

>mlk crni andjeli poster sa Sup Forums-a

zar vam nista nije sveto?

brukas svoj narod degeneriku

And they get buttmad when they see this.


why does that flag have 2 croatian coat of arms, I'm croatian nationalist but you cannot have equal union when we are overrepresented even on flag. Ofcourse croatia has the biggest economy from all those countries but still...

the Eternal (((s*rb))) has no Ideea Croatia and NatSoc have gotten along very well.

>Interracial Marriage promoted by (((Tito)))

not any different than

pridji joj kao sto bi normalnoj curi prisao,nisu crnkinje nesto od nasih riba.

Ali jbt ja sam prosle godine u roku 5 min video 3 Srba sa 3 crnkinjama a i pre neki dan video sam kod mene u parko jednog baju sa njegovom crnom zenom i njihovim mullato detetom,a danas kad sam isao do bankomata neka crnkinja skakala po nekom liku oce da je vodi do nekog kafica.

Ovo je invazija Crnih Andjela ali mene boli kurac

How's about SFR Yugolsavia instead?

Fuck the EU!

Eternal (((NatSoc))) does not understand that normal Serbs ,and Croats get along pretty well

I just noticed that Ante Pavelic had Vlach level of fuzzy eyebrows

reminder that t*rkroach is still in this thread larping as ustasha and hiding behind Nazi flag
i repeat - do not feed it

Communism is bad
This version of Yugoslavia is capitalist so fuck off

Feed it till it explodes

Ma nije mi isto kao sa hrvaticama, ovo mi je doslovno prilika zivota

dao bog da uspijem nes, e pa spammat cu cijeli Sup Forums sa nasim slikama

how about radical yugoslavia?

all that is Bestiality/Interracial Marriage similar to

any Croat who thinks s*rbs are Human and even commits Bestiality with s*rbs is a Traitor and deserves to Die with the s*rbs.

Jebi se!

Trebate ici u bolnicu.

imaš po Splitu pun kurac crnkinja i azijatkinja, moš birat šta oš. Dobro sad je gotovo lito pa će bit samo žutih


no, just SQUASH it

i know it might be too late but i SAGE your Shitty Thread.




literally nothing can trigger me as much as this. FUUCCKK, you literally have nothing to prove that theory

make the balkans great again

Ono kad shvatis da je Blajburg bio IRL banter i sranjepost

Split je zaista najbolji grad za zivot u hrvatskoj (ako ne i u cijeloj ex-yu) tovari kako sam ljubomoran

>ne radi nista
>iznajmljuj stan strancima za bezobrazne pare
>jebi crne andele

die t*rk

Ne znam zasto si toliko obsednut crnkinjama ali ta u tvojoj slici mi je malo ruznjikava,ima mnogo bolje crnkinja nego ta.Ali sve su zene iste po mentalitetu.

mrzin turiste, samo zakrče sve prolaze i ceste, pun ih je grad skoro cilu godinu. Neka samo šalju pare mi ćemo in slat slike