He could have saved it so easily

He could have saved it so easily.
If immediately after he started laughing and went "oh no omg it's just banter we call each other racial slurs to make fun of racism by exaggerating it because it's so bizarre a lot I call people white for X and joke with my jewish friend for Y I am so sorry that's out of context it's a type of self-satire hyperbolic deliberately over the top banter like what louis CK does etc etc also press ethics require any good journalism to include this explanation etc".

Instead he immediately explained that niggers are assholes and started talking about immigration. He's fucking retarded and wants to get shut down.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, he should have started tripping over himself to apologize like a massive faggot.

Fuck off, Sven.

What? Source?

Dude has so much money that even if he does get "shut down" he could live easy for the rest of his life. Highly doubt it since he's not in any partnerships with anyone and still makes bank after his last "scandal". Dude could just stream on twitch or youtube and make bank every day despite dropping a "racial slur" that's used more commonly than any other swear

>cuck option from a cuck flag
he'll be fine.

Pewdz is /ourguy/, sorry if that bothers you, Mgambe.

He did well, now he just has to say that he doesn't regret it. Then he must impregnate Marzia

lol if you think apologizing would ever get some sjw to let something like that go.

That's the sort of thinking that got the swedes where they are.

>2 of the most recognized people in gaming culture are both swedes and by some miracle neither is cucked

Weird how things work out.

lying is for betas

He could easily have saved it. Saying nigger isn't how you redpill twelve year olds.


He's probably gonna be temp-banned from Twitch at least.

No but with a follow up rant of press ethics and how they have to include his explanation (which they wont) a lot of people would be pissed off that he's unfairly branded.

Any Swede that uses the internet properly will be a massively redpilled person due to current events. Any Swede that doesn't use the internet will only see what (((they))) let him see.

Oh no, Pewdiepie's career is so over just like Jontron's

typical swedish behavior

>You can't insult me because of historical opression I've never experienced. But I can insult you however I please.
I'd love to get a flashfoward of history books talking about today's society right before I die.

Why are people so mad that he said "faux king nick her"? I don't see how that is racist at all.

What the fuck are you talking about? He said 'sorry' literally 1 second later. It was a motherfucking slip up, and all these fucking cunts are over exaggerating a bowl full of fucking nothing

no one has time to apologize for shit when they're trying to kill niggers

Your a pussy and your flag confirms it


he should never say sorry
the moment you say sorry u admit guilt

Never back down or apologise to SJW's. If he had done they would immediately take the apology as proof of him being a horrible person, claim the apology wasn't enough and then attack him more.
The best thing he can do is just treat it like normal.

he didn't do it to redpill. if you watched the stream it was obviously something that came out from his inner mind out of rage for losing that kill on the game. it was something natural and should have to apologize to anyone.

PEWDS HAS A CHANCE TO SAVE THE WORD NIGGER. If Pewds does it right, he has the power to prevent the blacks from holding this word at such a high standard. He should address him saying the word nigger as like "so what, saying nigger doesn't make me a racist."

Jontron could easily have saved it too.

Watch the full stream. Also, you do realize it's your people who are writing the hit pieces as we speak? Come on Schlomo you know they will tear him apart good this time.

It wouldn't be apologizing. It's a sorry-not-sorry. "I'm sorry you misunderstood my cheeky banter making fun of racism" puts the blame on the offended.

Yeah but I mean in general.

perhaps a mustached phoenix will rise from the ashes

He disavowed the alt right nazis whatever that means, he's a weak faggot at heart

I want him to go full JonTron

Funny how the ones bitching and moaning by this are white dudes and some other mega snowflakes from sjw and most black people, including my shitstained ass are just laughing at this shit. He meant no ill by that shit. Hell, using the most "offensive" slur when angry at veideogames is common as shit.

A fucking nothingburger, the left's favorite snack. Idgaf, won't be listening to their manufactured controversy.

Nah, you haven't seen nothing yet. Some dude on Twitter wants people associated with him to drop support so he doesn't get money. As if he will die of hunger or something. Nigga is literally sitting on 10s of millions which is enough to live your life fully, twice over


i know you're reading this pewds
if you don't fucking do it, I will

Why are swedes and americans so all over the place for a fucking word?
Get your head out of your asses you fucking retards.

Why did he say that? It's so out of character for him, he was not the kind of person that throws "nigger" as a slur. Especially after all that WSJ shit, you would expect him to watch his mouth. That legit confuses me.

>Women call guys dicks
>Men call women cunts
What is the problem?

>walk around any italian city
>shout "nigger" at the nearby african
>I get beaten up but african does not sue me or whatever for insulting his race
It's a different world

everyone is going to grab on to this and bash him to get a few political correct points

i think he is, just wont go full retard like jon

just real game rage, he had gotten close on past streams but had meme'd it out at "nibba"

It is a word tiny shrimp eater. It is a word popularized by hollywood and rap culture. The sooner we take the power from a dumb ass word the better. Words cant hurt.

He'll release an apology video later.

Bad words all go in the same place in your brain, so when you're angry or in the heat of the moment sometimes you say something you don't mean.

Nigger, motherfucker, etc all go in the "bad words" box. It's not like there's a separation just because a bunch of niggers get offended by the word.

Besides, you hear it often enough every time you play a game that it just gets stuck in there. It's not his fault.

But really I hope he comes out and DOESN'T apologize.

He should say we all need to become desensitized to words like nigger so they lose all meaning and power.

i hate niggers

>He's a fucking genius and wants to get shut down.

He's got fuck-you money and is probably getting bored of screaming over video games as a career anyway. If he gets martyred by the jewtube thought police he'll be in a good position to set himself up as a free speech crusader and actually make a difference in the world.

Pewdiepie and Notch are actually doing great. They are redpilling kids with their opinions and commentary and, more importantly, if they are ever shut down (especially PDP), there is going to be a MASSIVE redpill chimpout in the youth on the internet. Their beloved eceleb would have been literally censored by the leftists narrative.

Regardless of whether PDP is shut down, he's doing great at dropping redpills on Gen Z. The worst that could happen to him is a slow, quiet descent into irrelevance if he started quickly losing viewers.

negro it's not racist.

this, gotta respekt the gaming culture. fucking gamophobes

His subs only go up, he lost maybe 200 subs, while gaining thousands.

Ta livet av dig, fjolla

Jontron explained in detail why immigration is bad because it would dilute the white gene pool.

> shitalian walking around in shitalian city
> shitalian says something
> shitalian gets beaten
> "mamma mia at least ima not-a gonn-a get-a sued in mi bumhole, tutti frutti what a good day!"

The problem is "cunt" is a super gendered insult in a way that "dick" can never be. Due to many factors, like historical oppression/dehumanization

jontron is a worthless mutt, the likes of which will get deported alongside with niggers when whites start giving a fuck
I hope you mongrels don't unuronically think you'll be "spared" or some shit, for pointing out the obvious

look at this whiney nigger cunt

I literally copy/pasted the line from the OP pic, you fucking moron.

Who is jontron? Sounds based.

>oh no omg it's just banter we call each other racial slurs to make fun of racism

No, we're trying to normalize this type of behavior. He said nigger. There's no explaination, apology, or reason needed. We need to entirely reject leftist ideology and the Jewish media. It has to start from the top, with people like PDP who can do it without consequences. Cucking to the "le racism is bad and I'm not REALLY racist here's some hamfisted excuses" narrative keeps you in their trap.

Why does he have to turn in to Politically correct faggot and start justying himself as if he did some terrible crime?

He is controlled by the Jews.

100% correct.

or move himself to another platform
or start a new platform
be the major spokesperson for zeronet

Saying nigger publicly (or privately in a leaked convo) and a nigger takes offense, means that you can land in jail here. Many such cases. Sad!

He did everything right you Jew
Really massages my pecans

I honestly just find this whole situation interesting.

The left's knee-jerk reaction to create a consensus that he's now a despicable person that should be ostracized at all costs is heavily counteted by the fact that he has a big-ass fanbase, most of whom aren't genuinely offended by the term "nigger", but tolerates respecting the social stigma the word carries to not have their asses stigmatized themselves.

It kinda comes to down to a breaking point where people's respect for not using "nigger" isn't enough to want him publicly denounced; it's suddenly seen as petty - which the left responds with preaching on about how awful people are etc etc. - which his fanbase kinda rolls their eyes to and try to be all like "yeeah but everyone has used nigger at some point in their life cmon now stop overreacting" - to which the left gets even more offended - and so on.

Interested in seeing the development of this situation.

You can be arrested? That much about free speech...

the left can only win this one if they manage to put him offline.
i doubt it happens in this case

There's no free speech in most of the world.

Well they sure give illusion like there is before you cross the line

Nopenopenope. You fucking know he would get taken out of context, and apologies are a sign of weakness to lefties. Just stand your ground.

He should never apologize for Leftist cunts.That's how Trump won the elections. The whole I am not racist,I am not sexist I am not anti semitic etc...is really like a trap.The best is to just go with it

personally have never said the N word, yes, never ever used that term as a spoken word in any way as a hinge in a conversation, racial slur etc.
When he uses it in such a flippant way, it is obviously in his every day vocabulary as a derogatory racial slur.
He apologised shortly afterwards as he was aware again he was also on live = making money from his stream.
It is absolutely not the first time this waste if space has profited from using racial slurs.
This is why it is important to make every one aware of his actions are not OK. Millions of younger generations still watch his channel and will be educated to use terms such as these in a casual manner and think nothing of the ramifications of their actions.
A casual racist is far more dangerous than a neo-nazi.
And no, it is important to 'blow this story out of proportion' as i have mentioned, it is a long, long line of terms, and jokes he has used in the past which is culminating in to evidence he is pretty much a casual bigoted asshole.

Yes, if there's enough exposure you will be arrested for "Hets mot folkgrupp" which is a fuzzy law about insulting groups of people. One guy posted on facebook about how he hated being woken up at 7AM by the muslim call to prayer, which he jokingly compared to a mule with a stomach ache. An armed mob of muslims showed up outside his apartment and the cops showed up to arrest him. Afaik he was found innocent during the trial but the prosecuter appealed the sentence (can't let people get away with speech like that) and it's up for round 2.

Checked, and ive mentioned before in defense of PDP, that he will be attacked by lefties over his poor comedy and send at least a couple of his millions of subscribers to the right. Sometimes i wonder if this is planned, because it seems too good to be true.

All for free speech but he built himself off of his appeal to such a wide audience.

He might even just be fed up with a kid-friendly image, like all of the Disney sluts.

Otherwise, he should be more careful with his words. This is hardly news anymore.

Bad bait

Quit smearing somalian cum over your groceries before you eat, you'll understand


b-b-but historical context!!!

leafposters are the worst.


Americas education, ladies and gentlemen.

.t eurocuck

reminder that pewdiepie saw the future and tried to warn us

Richard Spencer is CIA you CO.

I only saw the short vid please link longer source where he starts talking about immigration

He is obviously not stupid and aware of what is happening in the world.

All kikes, muds and traitors need to GTFO of the West. When SHTF, you know what to do.

Pewds is forgetting that he has a really young audience, most born after 2000. He could potentially kill his channel like Onision did being a SJW

He does more to further a real cause than 99% of people on this board.

I take it you dont like Italians.

Wrong. He will be the official leader of the Alt-Right.

He made his money already and doesn't give a fuck about a bunch of preteen faggots pestering him 24/7.

>Instead he immediately explained that niggers are assholes
It's almost as if the insult was justified

kys nigger faggot

Fuck off back to fantasyland, nigger


>He could potentially kill his channel like Onision

That would've happened already after the whole media smear campaign. This guy is just likable and good looking, you can get away with almost anything.

>oy vey goyum u shoulda just toed the line! now you're gonna get it! look at this racist white nazi with his nazi blonde hair and nazi eyes, oy vey its anudda mashugunah chutzpah!

you larp as a leftypol faggot pretty well, user

Leftists do realize that all this outrage is just going to make more edgy kids say nigger right?

He thinks it's funny

*any of the world

there are only ramifications because liberals insist on it. they want the word to be offensive, they want black people to be weak and sensitive, they want more racial tension. the world would be a better place if the stupid word was just used flippantly without liberals screeching about how offensive it is and must be for all time

> Taking the bait

Perhaps, but check
Turkposting is ferocious

who cares nigger?
t. shitskin