Don't you think it "they" would have had the attack start around 10-11 o'clock instead of 8-9? By 10-11, the towers had well over 50,000 people.
Wait Sup Forums it just occurred to me, why didn't that attack happen later in the day?
Other urls found in this thread:
>yfw you realize they were after a few specific targets
they had to do it before lucky larry came to work.
really makes you think
Also, why the Pentagon? Why not the more symbolic Capitol or the White House?
Actually read up on the attacks. Half the attackers flew into Logan and had no reason to hang out in an airport longer then necessary. Also the attacks happened midweek so there weren't many transcontinental flights, the planes actually hijacked were only about half full due to the low demand. This was also a deliberate choice made, as a full plane meant it would be more likely the first class cabin would be booked full and thus more people would been capable of immediately stopping the takeover before they could get the gas out. Which is exactly what Flight 93's passengers themselves did, stormingthe cockpit causing the plane to crash in rural Pennsylvania (which is why the Capitol Building wasn't attacked).
the plane that crashed in pennsylvania mightve been on its way to the white house (?)
Ok, even then the other one should've picked the Capitol. The Pentagon is a really shit target. They also hit the empty wing which is interesting.
The owner and his family had appointments.
We all know it was shot down
i thought lucky larry was on smoko.
Flight 93's target was the US Capitol Building but passengers stormed the cockpit and the hijackers ran the plane into the ground. This happened because the hijackers didn't properly disable the aircraft's phone system, allowing passengers to make outbound calls, letting them figure out the WTC towers had been attacked:
The Pentagon was chosen because it's the seat of the US military. Blowing up the US military's main administrative headquarters is a great way to get their attention (what Bin Laden wanted).
>cnn com/2006/LAW/04/12/moussaoui.trial
Because bush requested an optimized graph between casualities and emotional impact.
That's all he needed to get those laws approved
The specific part of the pentagon had some Jew's office that he used to steal billions but the evidence all burned away
>implying it was not shot down
Yeah it kinda looks planned, I also think that they didn't expect the twin towers actually collapsing.
> already the largest attack on U.S. soil in history
> needed to get their attention
Larry and the Kabbalists wanted knew they only needed to destroy the buildings for the shekels so they cut the goy a break.
Can't milk the cow if you kill all the cows, user.
got any proof of that, criminal investigations aren't handled by the department of defense. What you're suggesting would have been done by the FBI
Must be a heavy burdon to carry for those service men who had to take it out.
I hope Bush personally made sure they were sorted out.
Flight 93's drone the only plane not to reach its target. The drone -- scheduled to strike the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington D.C. -- scrapped due to a delay of Jason Dahl's Flight 93 lasting forty one minutes by an air traffic controller at Newark Liberty International Airport. This unforeseen delay caused the premature destruction of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania while the plane reported to be Flight 93 that landed at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport was its drone.
Just this pic from Sup Forums
It's (((crazy))) enough to be true.
Even if there was evidence of foul play any average person would taken out
>born after 9/11/01 Sup Forums fags
Be glad it didn't happen that way or it would have been worse.
ALQ had access to enough terrorists to do five planes. There's no reason not to use them all in one go when the security crackdown afterwards would have likely made further attacks difficult or unsuccessful.
Also, while 9/11 itself was bad imagine the shit that would have flown if the Capitol Building itself was destroyed. Congress wouldn't have a place to meet (at least not for a few days until another site was selected) and perhaps the most important building within the US wouldn't exist. That was Bin Laden's goal, cucking America in a way that hasn't happened in our history ever. It failed because hijackers couldn't figure out how to disable the onboard phones.
(((They))) have a little bit of compassion for their goyim.
What am i looking at
none of that makes any sense
50 thousand goyim deaths would've just been a potential participant at the oppression olympics.
>muslims have been trying to destroy western civilization for decades
>but some bright sparks on Sup Forums found out the truth
Of course, the Jews. How could it be anyone else?
How the hell do you even navigate a massive plane across the mainland USA towards Washington DC? Like is there a GPS in the cockpit and you just say "Hey Siri take me to the White House"
9/11 hijackings were double hijackings conducted during an annual United States/Canada military exercise known as Global Guardian. The nineteen participants (originally twenty -- Zacharias Moussaoui missed his flight; five assigned to each flight) on board four planes were part of simulated hijackings where Boeing Canada demonstrated its "uninterruptible" autopilot anti-hijacking system to the United States. They were present to physically hijack the planes then the autopilot is activated remotely and lands the planes safely to a predetermined location ending the demonstration.
Instead of landing the planes to safety after the Boeing "uninterruptible" autopilot anti-hijacking demonstration, Canadian red team that had control of the planes during "uninterruptible" autopilot anti-hijacking demonstration doubled crossed the American blue team, switching the exercise from simulation to live and swapped the decoys (the passenger planes) for drones. Three of four drones reached their targets being the Twin Towers and the US Navy Command Center in the Pentagon while Flight 11, 175 and 77 were remotely vaporized over Warning Area 386A (W-386A) airspace.
Flight 93's drone the only plane not to reach its target. The drone -- scheduled to strike the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington D.C. -- scrapped due to a delay of Jason Dahl's Flight 93 lasting forty one minutes by an air traffic controller at Newark Liberty International Airport. This unforeseen delay caused the premature destruction of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania while the plane reported to be Flight 93 that landed at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport was its drone.
Not entirely
It's the muslims with the help of jews.
They're all to blame
>inb4 thread deleted and scrubbed from the archives
I've always wondered about this gif:
I know security cameras in 2001 weren't what they are today, but why would one of the government's most important building only have one camera watching this side of the building filming at 1 frame every 2 seconds
this still doesn't make any sense
Because they have boots to do that, also it doesn't make any sense to record the exterior of a building and not just the entrance/exits where people will flow from.
Pentagon plane was targeted to WH. But WH is a small target and hard to see at 15000 ft and 600 mph. They missed first run, tried to circle but radius was too tight. Pentagon was visable and a target of opportunity.
Oh look, a missile, not a Cessna.
High-tech systems aspire to render airliners "hijack-proof"
OTTAWA -- The Boeing aircraft company has a Canadian patent pending for an anti-terrorist system that will automatically fly and land airliners if the flight crew is incapacitated or killed. The "uninterruptible" autopilot will be activated by pilots or co-pilots flipping a switch, by sensors that detect excessive force against locked cabin doors or remotely by officials on the ground.
Once initiated "no one on board is capable controlling the flight," say documents related to the patent application by U.S. Boeing, the world's largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners.
planes at this point in time had navigation systems
they probably memorized the route from the point at which the hijacking was planned anyways.
Here's the BUAP flowchart:
you're referencing an article from 2006, created after 9/11
you're still not making any sense
I can't see that possibly going awry, no.
Boeing-Honeywell Fully Integrated Avionics AIMS1 BHUAP has been deployed in 757-767s since 1995. It wasn't officially patented until years later.
look up how many jews died that day compared to the amount who worked at the towers.
>Global Guardian
>when the scrambled fighter pilot asks "Is this still a drill?"
so what are you saying, what is your point
thermite melting the foundation?
The planes used during Global Guardian '01 i.e. 9/11 attacks were sabotaged and hijacked remotely by Serco.
and "serco" is who and why would they gain from destroying aircraft
One reason is because the hijackers knew that the really early morning flights would have less people on them and thus would be easier to overpower.
>tfw we could've seen the white house in flames
it wasn't an act of war without the attack on the pentagon which by the way was pre wired explosives had nothing to do with airplanes
>but why would one of the government's most important building only have one camera watching this side of the building filming at 1 frame every 2 seconds
because the cameras had been turned off that morning
Global Guardian '01 was a TOPOFF exercise. A failed attempt at a coup d'etat. i.e. overthrow US government because Flight 93 was delayed 41 minutes by an ATC. The target was US Capitol Building. Serco didn't have time to swap it for a weaponized drone and had to go to Plan B.
the israelis were jetlagged, got the time wrong
9/11 wasnt about the bodycount my man
Can I get a rundown bc that is 60 pages and I've wasted all of my restroom time at work until after 12 for the day
The plane that crashed in Penn. was supposed to hit one of them.
The targets were symbolic, you fucking crack head.
Less security less scrutiny fewer people to resist on the planes early in the am
Hope this is a fake question. Look in to what happened more closely. Specifically in the area in the Pentagon building where whatever happened, happened. It'd usually all about the money. This is no different.
The terrorists went to flight school, you fucking spastic.
The US government was already couped because Bush won the election through voter rolls being thrown out and Gore conceding early. Were you even old enough to vote in 2000?
So they know how to fly a plane but that doesn't answer the question? I'm not trying to be a conspiracytard I'm literally asking, how do you turn a plane 180 around and go find Washington DC. Do you recognize when you're in Maryland from the fucking sky?
They chose early morning flights for California, because they'd be fully loaded with fuel, and security and traffic in airports in the early morning is lighter. This was pre-9/11, security was a joke for flights.
I used to fly a lot before 9/11. I miss the days when people could meet you at the gate.
You realize, planes have maps, correct? And radar? That show the pilot exactly where they are, in relation to the ground? What, you think air traffic control tells them where to go? Or they look out the windows? The terrorists trained on navigational tools.
Before computers there were three guys in the cockpit - the pilot, the co-pilot, and the navigator, who used maps and radios to map the route.
It was a 3 pronged attack on commerce (WTC), Pentagon (military), and democracy (capitol building)
This. Plus 50,000 victims families is a shit-ton of people who would be really motivated to find out if the attacks could have been prevented (with those kind of numbers they might have been able to expose the Bush Administration's role in the attack).
They were funded and trained by the Saudi Arabian government, who provided them dry run tests and everything they needed to be able to carry out the attack successfully. Without the assistance of the Saudi government, 9/11 would have never happened. We should be bombing the Saudishits into the ground right now and seizing their oil for ourselves as reparations.
Response was meant for
this is correct. the spot hit in the pentagon were the offices investigating the missing trillion dollars announced by Rumsfeld a day or so before.
building 7 also had info and documents on this.
the two towers were a grand spectacle for distraction away from the other two hits.
really basic 'art of war' shit
That would be beautiful.
>bin laden involved in 9/11
this guy
>At 8:46 a.m., five hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the northern façade of the World Trade Center's North Tower (1 WTC), and at 9:03 a.m., another five hijackers crashed United Airlines Flight 175 into the southern façade of the South Tower (2 WTC).[97][98] Five hijackers flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m.
>9:37 AM - 8:46 AM = 51 minutes
>1/2 * 51 minutes = 25.5 minutes
>8:46 AM + 25.5 minutes = 9:11:30 AM
>why did they time it to be around 9:11 on 9/11
also it is probably difficult to stall for over 2 hours in a plane
Fucking leafs
Here you go
FMS manual