BBC made a show about Child grooming: Three girls

What does it mean? Enjoy

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Grooming is good, you want to look your best

Child grooming now mainstream in Britain

Actually surprisingly "woke" for the BBC, made my stomach churn watching the first episode

>look, you're my bitch now.
#yolo #swag #dealwithit #420 #rekt

>BBC enforces diversity quota
>director is forced to make a series with brown people
>is a feminist that hasn't gone full retard and cares about female victims more than brown perpetrators
That backfired.

that scene gave be a chubby, not gonna lie.

The same bbc that denied the rotherham abuse of 1400 children unit 2 fucking months ago and still deny it to this fucking day if you point out it was all muslims.

wow bbc made this?

Pedo training film?

Want material for their citizens

Al jabeeb is more subtle than burger or kraut propaganda. They make shows like this so they can claim to be impartial.

Fucking sickening, anglos really fucked up their country.

They want to normalize it.

What the fuck man

It was all Blair


I can't believe they did not white wash this

disgusting jews like you subhuman chinks influence this

Is it a serious take down of the culture that perpetrated and continues to perpetrate child grooming gangs and the police that continue protecting the practice?

It must be getting absolutely torn apart by (((critics)))

i cant believe they let him wear the muslims hat


WTF IS THIS. Someone give real context..

Look at me,
You're my bitch now

When the Brittish Broadcasting Company promotes a Big Big Cock agenda.

It's like a how to video...glorious! WTF I love BBC now

this was beautiful enrichment, thank you for sharing

At least they didn't cover up who they were and whitewash them, it's based on a real abuse case you retards

Fuck off wanker. I don't about no whitewash. Its a god damned training video...I'm gonna use those techniques in my 14yo neighbor

Why don't they use a more lolita looking actress?