Bannon Interview Discussion

I ripped the interview from CBS's website, so mirror away.

Other urls found in this thread:!SBYCQY6A!DAX9YKEGFP6LaNDNGU2G1DCg-y_34TWpqdYkqgRuUDw

Dude, thankyou.

He's so great, I hope he continues to be a great influence on America's political future, as well as the world.

Make sure you check out the videos here too man:

>fireing Comey was bad
What did he mean by this?

I love it! It's also good to hear that he left the administration for an ultimately good reason. Though I'm still suspicious.

The candor he talks about them giving into establishment shit though, I can appreciate the honesty.

Also FUCK the interviewer. I can't remember his name but this interview is without respect and that's just unprofessional.

even though this is lightly edited, charlie rose still proves himself to be one of the best interviewers in business. it's a shame they'll never release an raw uncut version. bannon is the leading theorist of the yet unestablished political order of america

Steve is amazing.

IDK, I don't appreciate how much Charlie felt a need to talk over and lecture him. I don't think that makes a good interviewer.

>the entire staff is equipped with fidget spinners

Look at how they manipulated w/ the lighting, angles and post-production to make him look old and exhausted

i meant relatively for legacy media, compare it to john oliver's or megan kelly's treatment of alex jones. this has a spin but isn't really dishonest. rose let bannon speak his mind and there are new information in this they did not cut out.

bannon's a national treasure, i wonder what he would think of his muslim fans kek

Although, I have to point out - that by bashing even the most far right people like neo-nahtzees and ebil white subremacists (Who are literally non-existant today) it doesn't get you anywhere, as with ANYTHING in efforts to appease the left

It's worthless, you can even see it in this interview as well, it's too bad only such a small fraction of the right gets this

Why is he clenching his jaw over and over? Is he autistic?

That's pretty fair, it was focused on the issues for the most part which is kudos to Charlie.
lel he probably appreciates you! They didn't cut out the part of the interview where he says all races/sexes/etc. are part of American Nationalism and all that jazz

you should hear how the crowd in their thousands cheer when trump says "there is no room for bigotry when your heart is filled with patriotism" in his rallies. Virtue is a great motivator in political activity. the left knows this

And the left controls it 100% in the USA of today, and hell, the USA of the past 100 years be it so

And it's trivial signaling will be the demise of USA as well, because the same "We all bleed the same blood, we're all americans no matter of blah blah blah" was said and used whilst the 65 immigration changes were passed, whilst the millions and millions of illegals were amnestied by Reagan again for vague promises, forever changing the landscape of the country both demographically and politically, socially. And it's still going down right now

Jesus, Bannon looks terrible as always, but Charlie looks like he's risen from the grave

It was fantastic.

If anyone hasn't seen it, watch it for yourself before shariablue hits you with their purity talking points.

I hope we see more interviews with him

theres a stir about how they did the lighting like that on purpose, to make bannon look bad. post editing and lighting.

It's rather true, a common tactic, well-known previous examples is the whole

>hahah, orange GLUMPF


I've never seen a guest interrupted that much. His job is to ask questions and listen.

Thanks for posting this user.

I still can't believe the left still doesn't get why Trump got elected.

Why does he look so sad all the time? D:

yep. the old media doesn't realize people are privy to that shit now.

Good job

All true but Americans are waking up to the fact.

it triggered the mueller investigation in revenge. he said changing the head doesnt have much impact anyway, the institution overall remains what it was.

Photographer Explains How CBS Uses Color Adjustments To Make Steve Bannon Look Bad On 60 Minutes

He knows the truth

>strategically placed can of bug spray with the label removed
what did he mean by this?

Bannon always looks like that though

Its still done in a way to make Bannon seem imposing and untrustworthy.

Who's the girl on the right, she is gorgeous. I live in the UK, my standards are low, sorry, but to me she's so pretty.

>Bannon always looks the way he looks to make him look how he is
Really makes you think.

I'm referring to the camera angles and lighting

"Villain Lighting"

(See Alex Jones Megyn Kelly interview)

>(((Charlie))) won't stfu and let the man answer
Why wasn't he broadsided with the back of Bannon's hand at some point?

That's how he looks in every picture ever. There is no good lighting for Bannon. He looks like what he is, a fat alcoholic wrinkled goblin. Go try to find one good pic of him.

They even messed with the color to make bannon look back, and him look "good"

Gadsden flag

this interviewer should be thrown off a bridge

>in the breitbart embassy

nigga, what?

Thanks user.

Really good performance bt Bannon. Ive never actually seen him speak before. Its a shame it was obviously edited and chopped to shit in post production. It seems like he was dropping redpills at length but they cut most of it out.

Also, the guy interviewing him was a complete faggot. He sounded like an old fucking nun teaching elementary catholic school and trying to shame Bannon or something


OP: use

Thanks man.

you can add Youtubes to your Google Drive? the wonders of technology

this should go on to be a popular gif on Sup Forums

Its pretty irritating how theyre STILL trying to equivocate illegal aliens with legal ones, much less WHITE settlers in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Apparently its America's duty to allow anyone to freely flood in and do whatever they want.

Charlie was also still trying to say antifa dindu nuffin, despite that narrative having collapsed weeks ago. Guess this was filmed beforehand, before ZOG journalists got new marching orders

He's doing everything he can to knock reach across the room and strangle that pompous old fuck to death. Bannon more than anyone else sees right through the eeak pandering to the establishment narrative and Rose was interrupting and talking over him to control the message. It's disrespectful and what the left has been trying to do for the past two years.

he was pissed at the line of questioning

Charlie Rose has been around a long time. He's always been someone you sort of suffer through, but he's a full-on shill in recent years.

It was probably while charlie was lecturing him like a schoolkid on something dumb. People tend to do that whe theyre irritated by trying to hold their tongue and keep composure.

Clenching your jaw is a tell. Squeezing your hands is a tell. Gripping your thigh is a tell, etc

Eh I thought he was overtly hostile and his tone ranged for condescending to contemptuous.

I wonder if Charlie Rose is really (((Charles Rosenburg)))..

Nope, he ripped it, like it says in the OP

I checked, hes apparently not a yid. That sort of pompous chiding he was doing was bordering on parody. It was like something out of an amateur high school play. Especially when he tried to scold bannon on MUH CHURCH MUH BISHOP, and promptly got btfo.

I wouldve answered in the same way. Im catholic, but fuck the church. They care more about filling pews with beaners than anything else

Well, nothing new actually, but thanks anyway, here's something new if you're interested. I remember SA user decrying the royal family as crypto-jaws. Well, well looky here: It's up for at least an hour - not a peep on cuckchan, same goes for the other one, what a fucking joke:
i.e. it's official, aren't you embarrased there isn't a thread about it yet?

Dude google doxxed you.. I can se your name when I press on the information of the video. DELETE THE LINK

Huh, well color me surprised.

We can still see that the producer was (((Rosen))).

I particularly liked the part where Banon was like, "I grew up in a black neighborhood, went to a black school, then went to the army. I don't care if you limousine liberals from Manhattan want to wag their fingers at me and call me a racist."

Can't aggrieve the Steve.

Oh god, is that her sister again?

he's a failed pseudo intellectual who misread marx and maurras.


That's a great video thank user

are you fucking kidding me? You came on here to kiss Charlie (((rose))) kike ass? Sad

socialism has been tried and failed by catholic missionaries. i forgot the name of the mission but it was in south america.

no they just misread it u idiot

He looks like a fucking frog breathing.

(((Rose))) is a media gatekeeper. A old retarded fuck who attends the bilderberg group and actively tries to ruin the west. You are pathetic

i know your real name now senpai

bannon knows about the power of autism

Rose is a bilderberg slave he eats kike ass and gives them softball interviews. The man is lower than dirt. I would not piss on him if he was on fire

> not being an Irish streetfighter.
He was struggling to maintain composure and not give Charlie a beat down. This was Bannon's first major telivision interview.

What do you expect? (((Charlie Rose))) is a kike.

The Saudi-Israeli alliance is news to nobody with a brain, that might be why. Still interesting, especially if it was Salman.

Where's his upper lip?

>I wonder if Charlie Rose is really (((Charles Rosenburg)))..

OK. I'm gonna private the google drive vid, and it'll be a few minutes before It finishes upoading on MEGA

Nah, google just uses the Youtube interface to make drive videos viewable in-browser.

It keeps the bugmen out

Also a few people have already sent emails requesting access, so I'll be granting access that way while the vid's uploading to MEGA

Nice honeypot.

I'll wait for Mega but you're a based OP, thank you

favorite line of the interview by far
shut Charlie the fuck up

There's only a 27 minutes vid? Am I doing something wrong? Anyway thanks user.

If this was a honeypot do you think I'd be dumb enough to initially upload it to a place where my IRL name would show?


He discovered how bad things really were.


what the fuck is taking your mega link so long!SBYCQY6A!DAX9YKEGFP6LaNDNGU2G1DCg-y_34TWpqdYkqgRuUDw

Here's the MEGA guys.


Please respond ;_;

Yeah the interview's only a half-hour.

Oh, I thought at the end Charlie was hinting for more. Thank you.

thank you user


I like how at the end of the "Trump's biggest mistake" clip, Charlie tries to pull the 60 minutes signature move of saying a statement trying to get Bannon to repeat it word for word. Shut down.

Checked. Confirmed no malware.

Thanks user-kun.

BASED user

>pol one month ago: fuck google, boycott them
>pol today:

you can't make this shit. you guys would be nothing without the services offered by the "evil liberals", never forget that.

see TL;DR pic self-related

>Sup Forums is one one person

>Charlie: We're all immigrants, except the natives
>Bannon: Charlie, that's beneath you
>Charlie: :( Alright

Is this interviewer supposed to be top notch?