Who else is feeling betrayed?
Trump shafts his party
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I hate Republicunts and Demosharts in equal measure, so IDGAF.
Who else would say divisive bullshit like this?
>Desperate for a win, Trump is shafted by his party
The headline a few months ago when Obamacare was on the table
trump doesn't have a party.
the man has has a bunch of pussies that need to be grabbed, remember crocodile dundee?
he may get more done if he does work with the dems, the rinos are just making asses of them selves.
I'm glad Trump now works for Schumer and Pelosi.
>equating establishment neocons as different from establishment progressives
You haven't been paying attention, have you?
>his party
You mean the one that is literally run by people who constantly denounce him and openly work against his efforts to pass laws? That party?
The republicans made their bed when they betrayed him on the Obamacare repeal.
Now they know Trump can just go to the democrats to get what he needs, and if he goes to the democrats, he also won't get roasted by the media as much.
Israel lobbyists, man
>His party
No, the Democrat bill just enabled him to shut down the government while still providing relief funds for the Harvey victims.
>being a partisan
Establishment republicans are so out of touch with reality.
>his party
>the same party that was constantly against him from the beginning and totally slided with other party
Good joke.
GOPes are the biggest group of fake representation morons ever assembled
This. The Republicans refuse to work with him. Besides working your opposing party is how things used to get done. He did say he would work with everybody.
Besides after RINOs see that Dems will work with him, they'll start to play ball.
Trump works for no one, nobody controls Trump.
>Desperate to remain relevant and "in control" RINOs shittalk and reject everything the president does
>his party
The Republicans actively fight against Trump. If he wants to accomplish anything he needs to make deals with the democrats. There is a reason why the republicans are the stupid party, they cannibalize themselves.