Daily reminder than australian aboriginals are the most retarded race by a big margin. Average IQ is barely 65...

Daily reminder than australian aboriginals are the most retarded race by a big margin. Average IQ is barely 65. I encountered several homeless abos in southbank, Melbourne last week, who were sitting on the sidewalk inhaling glue from plastic bags. Such behavior is typical amongst them, in fact I've yet to encounter an abo who breaks the stereotype. In Northern Territories there are signs to warn abos against sleeping on the highway. The British who first colonized the Australian continent original believed abos to be some sort of primitive hominid, distinct from the human race altogether.

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books.google.co.uk/books?id=ot86AAAAcAAJ&pg=PR53&dq="the following letter was read from mr murray of"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8wIaqqZ3WAhUhD8AKHWUPBVEQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q="the following letter was read from mr murray of"&f=false

fake, race is a social construct, totally the same

inbreeding for tens of thousands of years in such a small gene pool will do that

if aboriginals are so dumb then how did they invent this?

>Southbank, Melbourne

You're lying, these was one aboriginal man, he's a musician from WA. His name is Shane and he might look like a full boong but his mother is Irish. He sells weed to people who can outrun him.

>abos in southbank

Looks like a kind-hearted woman, not getting the scornful post or the unnecesary gloating over intellectually disadvantaged peoples.

A crooked stick is the pinnacle of abo technology?


>The British who first colonized the Australian continent original believed abos to be some sort of primitive hominid, distinct from the human race altogether.

You are completely wrong about that, but feel free to keep telling yourself fairy tales.

There was a time when Britain was barbarous and practised cannibalism. Your argument about the Aboriginals is as facile as "Que sera sera."

>The British who first colonized the Australian continent original believed abos to be some sort of primitive hominid, distinct from the human race altogether.

They weren't wrong.

>Aboriginal Australians have been genetically isolated from the rest of humanity for 50,000 years with no direct evidence that they had ever intermarried with South-East Asians about 4,000 years ago, as some scholars have suggested, a DNA study has revealed.

why maoris smarter and good rugby players than abos ?

Checked. Archived that for you

>inhaling glue from plastic bags

>The British who first colonized the Australian continent original believed abos to be some sort of primitive hominid, distinct from the human race altogether.
Well, they do not look human at all. They look like some mix of a human and ape.

Thank you based Nordbot.

We killed all ours..
Tassie abos have blonde hair blue eyes these days.


Educated men never held to such a position. Many held quite a contrary one. This is a from a letter by Sir Terence Aubrey Murray (1810 - 1873), Speaker of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly and the President of the New South Wales Legislative Council, to the Anthropological Review in 1868:

"I cannot regard the Australian aborigines otherwise than as naturally a mild, gentle, affectionate, kind-hearted race. I could tell many a story within my own experience in illustration of the correctness of this opinion. In cases of public note I need but refer to the conduct of the wild tribes Captain Sturt met on his voyage down the Murrumbidgee in 1828; to that of Jacky Jacky towards poor Kennedy in 1848; and to the treatment of Mr King, the solve survivor of Bourke's party in 1860:--"They appeared to feel great compassion for me when they understood that I was alone on the creek, and gave me plenty to eat. They were very anxious, however, to know where Mr Burke lay, and one day when we were fishing in the water-holes close by, I took them to the spot. On seeing his remains the whole party wept bitterly, and covered them with bushes. After this they were much kinder to me than before."

"The Aborigines in their collisions with the colonists have not been one whit more cruel than the colonists have been to them on the outstations. It is a sad day for the savage when he comes in contact with the "outsiders" of our civilization; and in this respect Australia has many a dark tale to tell."


Don't focus on the face & skin. Those abos have a great spiritual tradition. Moreover, the didgeridoo is probably the most psychedelic music instrument ever made... :P

I should imagine that a man like you doesn't possess a tithe of the intellect of an "ape" like David Unaipon.


"David Unaipon (born David Ngunaitponi) (28 September 1872 – 7 February 1967) was a well-known Indigenous Australian of the Ngarrindjeri people, a preacher, inventor and writer. Unaipon's contribution to Australian society helped to break many Indigenous Australian stereotypes, and he is featured on the Australian $50 note in commemoration."

Abo thread? Abo thread fuck yeah!


Spot on. They invented a stick. Such progress

until the irish fucked them and realized they got pregnant thus they are technically human

B-B-b...but its RACIST to take land from retarded savages and advance it more in one century than it had in the last 10'000 years. Obviously the place would have been much better off left as some backwater stone age wasteland forever.

You should've killed them all, not just take away their children.

But, hey, it's never too late.

David Unaipon was "known as the Australian Leonardo da Vinci for his mechanical ideas," which included included "a centrifugal motor, a multi-radial wheel and a mechanical propulsion device." I am not sure that a descendant of criminals has the right to talk ill of others, or perhaps that is how he makes himself feel better about his lineage.

> inhaling glue from bags


It gets you high

In an update to this movie, they found 'Macarena' again and her mind was damaged - she talked like an alzheimer's patient, 'wandering down the garden path'. Sniffing glue is bad.

They didn't. Returning Boomerang are probably a white invention. The Abo ones are just flat sticks to throw at birds.

>documentary Children Underground
>wiki says "In an effort to increase the Romanian work force, former communist leader Nicolae Ceauşescu outlawed contraception and abortion in 1966. Thousands of unwanted children were placed in state orphanages where they faced terrible conditions. With the fall of Communism, many children moved onto the streets. Some were from the orphanages. Others were runaways from impoverished families. Today there are 20,000 children living on the streets while the resources for sheltering these homeless youths are severely limited"

I see liberal propaganda in this description
>blames contraception instead of the fall of communism which impovrished people on the former eastern block.

>ooga bogga a liberač token Apo is used to break stereotypes about Abos

My theory on how they did this:

10s of thousands of years ago aliens landed on Australia and sent out a scouting party. The aliens encountered the abos and saw one of the abominations walk towards them. One of the aliens pulls out a titanium soace boomerang designed to stun and throws it at the abo. It hits the abo in the head and bounces off of its thick Neanderthal skull. The space boomerang falls to the ground and the abo continues its advance undeterred. The aliens look at each other and go "oh shit" and run back to their ship and leave the planet and the boomerang behind. The abos pick up the metallic advanced boomerang and try to replicate it over 10 thousand years but as far as they get is just a wood carving of the alien weapon

Even a normal stick can return if you throw it correctly.

Abbos are the perfect example of why we need race mixing.

Cause they are the only ones that didn't do it.

No wonder, look at that monkey face

In the age of Alexander the Great (say) what were Croatians? It was just another barbarous land of barbarous people. You needed the Romans to civilize you.

Just because some may have considered them a "kind-hearted race" doesn't mean they were not considered intellectually inferior. Being primitive doesn't not inherently mean being barbaric. Sir Terence Murray may have had nice things to say about them but I assure you he did not consider them equal to whites.

What would you do if you found out you were part abo?

Feel like a real human before the ephigenetic disease of kings.

From the rest of the letter:

"Nor can I, after ample observation during a period of fully five-and-thirty years, regard the aborigines as by any means so low in the scale of intelligence as they are generally represented to be. I have lately seen, in the Morning Post of the 13th of February, a statement by Mr Crawfurd to the effect that they are different from and inferior to all other races of mankind. If this is the case, all other races of mankind must be more highly endowed than I, for one, ever thought they were. Mr Carlyle says her Majesty's subjects, who are spread all over the world, and include every race, "consist of so many millions, mostly fools." Mr Carlyle is a very profound thinker."

>Britbong flag
>cities look like Pakistan and India
>full of muslim rape gangs
>dares to call other unicvilised

Dont worry you anglo-snowflake you will be on the same path as the Abos.

forgot what it was called but didn't we do some shit where we tried to breed out the abos, like china did to taiwan?

a lot of people have abo blood now cause of that shit, but you can abuse it for gibs n sheit if you can prove it with family records or something

The only reason you are spared from mass immigration for now is because of your poverty and the fact that your country suffered under the hardships of Communism, not some sort of superior moral virtue you possess.

Blame whitey for everything but still expect gibs.

Link to the letter?

Reminder that our fucking niggers aren't that much better mate, infact in some places id rather swap.

They just sit around, sniff glue and do nothing.

Ours are way fuckin worse.

books.google.co.uk/books?id=ot86AAAAcAAJ&pg=PR53&dq="the following letter was read from mr murray of"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8wIaqqZ3WAhUhD8AKHWUPBVEQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q="the following letter was read from mr murray of"&f=false

>Even a normal stick can return if you throw it correctly.
No it wont.
Now I kinda suspect that you are a perfect example of why we shouldn't mix.

They are common thugs too. It just never makes the news and the stats are fudged to make them seem human.

We labeled them as fauna for a reason.


Some Jew sees the Aboriginal throw a stick...

It "Magically" becomes a high-tech, aerodynamic, "hunting-weapon"...?


Tell me another one...

>implying we were idiot enough to ever allow mass immigration

You Know even your English whores are coming here for dicks because males in UK are either faggots or sissies.



Of course it will idiot.

It's kind of sad to see aboriginals try to latch on to American black culture. Whenever Triple J plays some "aboriginal rap" I can't help but just laugh.

Don't worry, Mamma Merkel is going to make sure you become as diverse as us


You are the perfect type of the Neonazi. You know that you are yourself a hopelessly vulgar cretin, and the only way you can make yourself feel better about yourself is to convince yourself that your blood makes you of a superior order.

Homo sapiens is 200000 years old

for one they only arrive on new zealand in like the 13th century, as opposed to abbos having been in aus for ~100000 years

>Average IQ is barely 65
Wasn't Koko the gorilla scored at something around 80?

I'm aboriginies and i smarther then ur mums cunt fukin bitch

What's the difference between lower and higher nuclear energy?

>testing a car battery by short circuiting it through rebar
Okay, that's one way
>testing a car battery by short circuiting it through yourself
Okay, that's just retarded


my friend has some aboriginal in him but doesn't really look like it and has a job etc (but got it because he is part aboriginal)

who cares about abos jesus

white people dont gives a shit about australia or something

I had an aboriginal friend named Morton. He actually travelled to America once to go on a hunting trip with big game hunters.

He was introduced to Billy-bob, who was owned the cabin they'd be based in.

Billy-Bob: Hey Morton, you've lost a flip-flop
Morton: Nah mate, I found one!
Billy-Bob: You're going to need better gear than that if you're going to hunt bears.
Morton: Bears? Shouldn't be a problem, I've got my boomerang!

And with that Morton disappeared into the woods. After several hours and several beers later, the hunting team began to wonder where Morton got off to, and if he'd be okay; when, all of a sudden there comes Morton flying out of the woods with the biggest Grizzly you've ever seen after him. Morton had lost his boomerang, and the Grizzly had a big angry bump on its head.

Open the fucken door, Morton was yelling! Open the door.

One of the guys got up to open the door, and just as he did, Morton ducked to one side, and the beer came flying in to the Cabin. Morton slammed the door shut, and said 'Skin that bastard, I'll go get another!'

I have met at least 3 aussy abos in az so far. White mixed, look like white boys with golden tans. Nearly like Trumpo-ish sheen.
Nice guys, culturally cognizant. They do say that their old society is pretty violent with lots of taboos.
I have developed a interest in fucking a abo girl if I could find one. The ones who you see huffing glue and drunk passed in the gutter are probably the most cultural, they know the culture and history is dead or dying. They are doing their best to die soon and move on to the next dimension but have a good time while doing it. The hard part is they are such survivors, hard to die.

Sigh another shareblue abo attack... abos are ridiculously right-wing and redpilled.

Any Aus melbfags hear about that abo a few years ago who singlehandedly fought 3 muslims who were sexually assaulting a girl on a train? Yeah... its the sort of shit the media doesn't like to talk about.

Low IQ

You are probably an haitian or a peruvian

Fucking conspiratards

Yeah, reckon he's thinking about Northbank; from Rebecca Walk to Banana Alley is full of homeless, abos, and New Zealand's dregs

Racial distance: Abbos & new Guineans are really a category apart from the rest


Due to aerodynamic air resistance it's perfectly possible to throw a stick circling and to make him return to a point in the close proximity of where it was thrown


No arguments besides calling me dummy, confirms the veracity of my statement.

Its strange isn't it? I've met a few niggers, mostly from Nigeria, who were rare 1 in a 1000 geniuses, but Ive yet to meet a full blooded abo who has a basic stem degree

>He sells weed to people who can outrun him.
You mean you have to race him for the priviledge?
But why

"Hey i'm white and i always need to talk down on people we've conquered to make me feel special..." when most whites are the dumbest niggers on the planet. FUCK OFF. stupid. You people theorize and speculate. You don't know shit. that is why your rape the planet to try to figure out how to buy yourself some more time to stay here. But nature is taking you out let alone your enemies, and yourself.

>my friend has some aboriginal in him

Weird leafnigger detected

Marvelous abbo culture provides the evidence for civilization expanding after developing.

>You have to live among american dindus or aussie abbos.
Which do you pick, and why?

I already live in America, so I won't have to adapt to a whole new culture. I'm going with the dindus.

Go to hell, you white piggus.

Those dumb abos will outlive you stupid self-destructive morons.

East Asia will take over the world within the next decade.

They look more human, and are comparatively cleverer, but are more violent.

White aussies seem more disgusted by abbos and frustrated by their usefulness than anything. Whereas the dindu is an inborn murderer.

reason he's notable is cos there's so few, sempai
>that bellcurve


aboriginals aren't violent
you guys are lucky af

He is right though. We have stereotypes here of British girls coming for Slav cock. God help you open Tinder during the summer months, nothing but English, German, and for some reason Aussie girls.

Not coming for slav cock. They are just touring and looking for all the cock they can get while away from their responsibilities and people they know. They'll find their fellow tourists on there also

Bell curve arguments only work for you if you are a godless materialist who senselessly believes that mind derives from matter. Anybody who believes that man has a soul cannot adhere to them.

By the way, in any event "The offspring of black and white American soldiers, who fathered children with German women during the American occupation of Germany after the Second World War, had no such IQ differences as that among black and white children in the United States." (Thomas Sowell, Intellectuals and Race.)

Gene Roddenberry created the prime directive for a reason. Arguably you could say abos and red Indians are worse off now then they were before. Perhaps even the 50% of the African population living in poverty. Some of them just are ready for drastic change. Don't for get western civilization was something white people grew into over centuries.

Pretty much all aussies are retarded

Don't sniff petrol from a can


the original boomerang was invented in poland.

fact is they are the most advanced.. they've returned to the original state while we are still seeking they have found.. the simple life. sleeping in the road, they have adapted tto use petrol as human fuel and the magical stick of course are all so far beyond white intellect we can not fathom it..Learn from them for they are a gift and show us the way to our destiny.

That is because the blacks in the american army got iq tested. Thomas Sowell has later admitted that there is in fact probably a statistical iq difference between different human populations.

What do you mean by "later"? The book I just quoted is from 2013.

Natural selection and evolution do not account for the soul, which is a separate entity from the body. The fact that thousands of blacks have proven themselves exceptions to the rule proves that any black may prove an exception to the rule.

I thought petrol sniffing was just a meme

do gorillas have a soul?

if blacks are a specie which is not fully human but the result of some sub specie integration will they have a soul if the animal part lacked one?

>this post
>that flag
Checks out. Go to bed, hans, you cuck.

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