She's back anons!

Hillary's FIRST full interview since the 2016 campaign

Warning to those of you who are emotional: There are some tears!

Other urls found in this thread:

I really hate that bitch! She's not even a real liberal!


IT WAS HER TURN!!!!!!!!!!!

no one cares faggot

in fact if she runs in 2020 it'll be great for us

I love Hillary. Bernie is not a real Democrat.

Dumb bitch


Ben Garrison is a disgusting anti-Semite.

>She actually thought she could win


*breathes in*


erhm, sorry hun it was actually her turn

>it's back
Not for long

Op she's more of a conservative, than a liberal. She was for the Iraq war, against gay marriage, supported goldwater, called incarcerated blacks "monsters" and "unhelp-able". But the worst part is that both her and her husband supported Nafta.

November 8th 2016 was truly an amazing day bros

She's not a conservative, fuckwit. She's a Neocon.

It was quite possibly the worst day of my life.

Her misery and pain is so satisfying.

ok we get it, you can go now

top notch animatronics. They really have a good pupateering team to work that desiccated husk so...realisticallyish.

She's neither. She's basically just filling a role


Why didn't Trump deliver on his promise to continue investigating this bitch? Why isn't she in jail RRREEEEE

This, she's pulling off that blouse really well

It was a pretty shit day, either way the American people were getting screwed.

>implying a reptilian can cry

she suckered millions again?

>t. Hillary

The American people were actually saved.



Obama was the greatest president of all-time. Hillary would have been even greater. Trump is the worst in history. Very scary and sad day for me.

The build up to nov 8th was good, That night was good and the weeks after were good.

God i'm not normally into older women, but she's really hot.


i'd give anything to go back to election night and experience everything all over again
the fear when texas and florida were blue at first
the excitement when the tables turned in our favor
the rush of excitement when pennsylvania flipped
that is a night that nobody born after it will understand, the culmination of more than a year's worth of fighting came to that moment when the news announced that donald trump would be the winner
at least 2020 will provide a similar rush

>spreading blame to everyone she can but the person most responsible, herself
Good riddance. Trump has zero experience at working in the public sector and he's doing just as good, if not, a better job as any of these "career" politicians

really makes you think why we even need them at all.

Trump for Prison

>greatest president
Obamacare was shit. The left constitutes wanted single-payer health-care, but Obama didn't want to stop taking money from the health industries. Also, he appointed a guy to the FCC who then tried to gut net neutrality. Then there was that shadow war he threw us into with Libya and he didn't even have congress vote on it. He also influenced Mexico's politics in a bad way by donating large sums to a presidential candidate who was in favor of keeping monopolies going even though it's killing the Mexican people.

>discredits the Nobel Peace prize by getting it for his skin color
>discredits it again by drone striking another Nobel Peace prize winner (killing him)
>sells millions in weapons to the cartels to track them, refuses to let the trackers be turned on
>person who presented his birth certificate and the person who did her autopsy both die of "accidents" within 1.5 years of it being presented
>almost doubles the national debt by giving it to banks as a plea for low interest rates
>loses 6 to 10 trillion dollars in the Department of Defense alone. Not "wastes", loses. No one knows where it went.

>best President ever

About 4 min was all i could take of this demonic reptillian animated corpse-like creature.

But the hateful comments directed at her on the you tube page are wonderful as well as numerous

It's so cute how it tries to have human emotions, every emotion she has looks faked.

Glorious to see she hasn't got over it.

Love how she repeats that Trump admitted sexual assault. He said "they LET you do anything". Shows just how dense she is.

She does a "yoga" exercise called "alternative nostril breathing".




Every president post Harry Truman deserves prison, except for Jimmy Carter

It was a sad realization that Democrats would've hailed Mitt Romney as the second coming if he had a D after his name

I know for a fact you dont even pay healthcare.

ITT freshmen browsing futa on their (((macbooks)))

>millions of white people

and that is why you lost you GUNT


>You seem so genuinely ignorant, did you not know they were cheating for you?
>How could you hire someone so obviously as crooked as Debbie Wasserman Schultz, did you not think about how that would look for your campaign?
>You haven't been really quiet since the election, there was a brief period there but you haven't exactly gone away eventhough you don't have a job, so to speak, you were the only one campaigning that didn't have a job to go back to in case of loss, was it hard on you? Was losing the election and realizing there was nothing for you to do, did you take that hard?
>Why do you blame everyone else for your defeat?
>You talk about now President Donald Trump standing behind you during a debate, what about the fly that landed directly on your face, did you not feel it, why wouldn't you swat it away, it was right on your eye?

Is the interview anything like that?

I know those feels.

I won $3000

No, they don't. Just Trump and Nixon.

>she is saying fake news
>trump unironically says fake news

No interview will ever be like that you tinfoil hat wearing moron

I won $2,800 that day on predictit. Felt amazing cashing that check made up of liberal money and tears.

i found a worth while way to burn it

pic related

>Did you have any clue?

Pretty much sums it all up right there.

This recent interview is heavily scripted like the majority of her interviews. Fake as hell.
Blaming Bernie, comey, not regretting the deplorables comment she made during the elections. Predictable as fudge.
The only interview I've seen of her in which she sounds authentic is the one by VOX. The tone of her voice is different her mannerisms are more natural, you can tell she is pretty smart, like books smart, but sadly it doesn't compensate for her crookedness.

>Just Trump and Nixon
Seriously did you forget that:
>Reagan gutted community college because of "hippies"
>Clinton sold us out to China and Big Corporations for millions
>JFK didn't want to give blacks rights, it wasn't until MLK practically dragged him by his collar and then he suddenly had a change of heart
>LBJ started getting the US with shadow wars with Russia
>Obama made Obamacare rather than Single payer healthcare, because he was receiving donations from Insurance agencies and Health corps
user read a book dude, America is pretty fucked up.

>more of a conservative
I never said she was one, just that she leans more to the right than left.

Fucking genius, I wish I would have done this. I ended up putting the money towards a down payment on a car.


The fucking salt I had from my commie co-worker. Fucking amazing. Called the election one month out too, saying Trump was going to win the Electoral vote but lose the popular vote.

Fuck, if people in Michigan and Penn were willing to drive 2+ fucking hours to his rallies there was no way they were not going to vote.






PENCE 2018-2021


Nah, it should have almost all been green party but due to America not having rank choice voting it will never be this way

>there was an open investigation into the trump campaign and their connection with russia
>you never hear a word about it

>tinfoil hat

Those are all legitimate, openly known and reported things that happened. No tinfoil necessary.

how many colostomies later?


Since her time away she has eaten 66 Haitian babies in blood ritual sacrifice.


The fact that she isn't behind bars at this point proves how cucked our justice system is

People cater to victim complex. Use the sick menatliets against them. Especilly when you really are the victim. Make them all swim threw it daily. Your family your neighbor. Anyone who is to blame or that is a typical retarded out of touch local yahoo!

This bitch is so delusional.
Put her in a mental ward before she hurts someone.
>muh russians
The Cold War is over you cunt.

Tell me when she gets indicted up and ready to go to jail.

Us right and alt-right wingers are banking on you loons to double down on your delusion for the 2018 and 2020 elections.


She's charged up!

They claim to play fair ball but just like a nigger their crimes most the time go Dindu!

Does anyone else kinda regret not ending up in the Hillary timeline?

I feel like it would have been entertaining to watch her act like a retard on the international stage again. Remember that time she gave the Russians a plastic button?

She's a neoliberal that means war and free trade.

On social issues she yields to the highest bdder.

"Fake news" was a thing started by the left to try and discredit every information source outside the MSM, meaning the people that weren't sucking Hillary's clit for over a year. Trump turned it on them.

Maybe her entire goal since the 60's was to cause trouble?

I think it fits her career!

It certainly was.


kill yourself

tfw bet $200 on Trump as a joke at the beginning of the Republican primaries. Odds were 1:52.

Easiest $10k I've ever made.

Tack on all the war crimes too. All of them deserve prison.

apparently it was not

Why hasn't she succumbed to a disease yet? It's annoying.

She's gone completely insane now. She's so out of touch, she thinks this book and these interviews are improving her public image. She's deaf and blind to the fact it's making her look even worse. No one cares how personally hurt she was.

Posting a random pic because I don't want any traces of that evil witch on my computer, not even in my temporary internet folder from directly linking it.

Damn, what a shitty interviewer.

>"I. think. I. am. "good".

This cunt is terrible at pretending to be human

>tfw I knew he would rightfully win, and also knew he would win the 4 rust belt states (I posted it here several times in autumn 2015 only to be met with sarcastic greentext and '(You)'s.), but I thought they would rig it and she would steal it so I didn't bet

>tfw missed out on thousands

>tfw to intelligent not to second guess myself


racist much, saying hillary would be better than obama, you racist bigot i bet you're a big evil nazi

I wish I would have made bets. Would have cashed in as well.

sanders still being alive in 2021 guys old as fuck

Heh, why didn't she buy off the Russians to fix it for her? That's the real reason she lost.

Writing anti-American political suicide notes didn't help either.

das et Maine

YES! We need this bitch front and center to make sure the Dems lose 2018, hard.

oh she''ll' be back...

>video of hillary human crying

cancer always...uh, uh, uh...finds a way.