I don't know if this is allowed on Sup Forums so if it isn't sorry in advance, but I am going to an anime convention alone this weekend.
What am I in for?
How the fuck do I start talking to someone?
I don't know if this is allowed on Sup Forums so if it isn't sorry in advance...
Other urls found in this thread:
just go on with the flow if u are not confident just wait for someone else to start
I know, I know, sorry user.
I just want to talk about anime in real life for once.
>just wait for someone else to start
Years of experience tell me that won't work
Are you still here user?
I'm kind of jealous, I love going to the yearly con but I can't make it there by myself. I feel like I'd find it much easier to engage if I were alone.
Wanna exchange emails? I'll talk to you if you want~
I just want a friend! I'm harmless!
Cospaly as a side character from a popular anime and people dressed as the main character or other side characters will want to take a picture with you. While you are talking about how each other made their cosplay mention that you've been there for a while and are hungry and ask if they have any recommendations on places to eat. Surly at this point they will ask or realize you are alone and invite you to eat with their group or just them if they are alone as well if not just thank them and move on. Congratulations! You just had a conversation.
Cosplay as a cute anime girl then people will want to talk to you.
>going to an anime convention to talk to people
are you some kind of baka!?!?!?!
If you're not good in conversation just ask a lot input how they made their cosplay and cosplay in general until you get comfy. You can also bring a camera and ask to take pictures with other cosplays. (It's really common)
What anime/manga series was it, that some fuckboi went alone with some dude he befriended online, only to be gangraped? Man this is really making my head hurt.
or fuck him in the bathroom.
Dressing up and having that happen to me is one of my hottest fantasies
That alone implies you're black and is a immediate red flag.
Holy shit mate. How lonely are you? Join a uni anime club if you just want social contact with people that have similar taste. As long as you can endure their autism that these people usually have.
>My club had a fucking Haruhi flash dance in the crowded town square
You just made this same thread on /r9k/ didn't you?
Like who the fuck cares, just go there and shoot to shit with some of the people at the stalls or whatever, no one will call you autistic for talking to them, Jesus Christ.
You're probably going to think everyone there is autistic anyway.
what if he doesn't go to college?
Tumblrite hambeasts flaunting their "emancipation" in your face.
A LOT and I mean A LOT of fat, ugly, virgin males.
A small group of good looking female cosplayers - their only purpose is to get a "following" so they can live off patreonbucks.
Some normal people. They typically go in big groups. They are both male and female, probably couples among them.
It's mostly cancerous pricks all around though.
I hope you didn't participate.
I´m a white Brit living in Thailand. I got some male prostitutes as friends. They are refereed as fucbois by the tourists that visits them.
>tfw last fall I was at a con taking a picture of the Detroit river only to notice a cute Miku making eye contact and smiling at me when I went through them again
This is not for Sup Forums, you'll have better luck on /cgl/
A likely story.
Libraries have hobby gatherings. Hit up the one in your town, and ask for the activity list. Might be lucky, if not, the one next town.
This qt got really mad at me, till I said I would participate, I filmed it.
Posts the pics
Like this:
H-h-hello, do you like anime? I like anime. Boku no Pico is my favourite one.
Interesting enough, mostly white men going for the males. Black people are rarely seen if ever.
You're fucked. Try to enjoy it. The people you talk to about anime will have low power levels so it's best if you stick to popular or entry level shows. You bring anything up from this season and they'll get lost.
I couldn't even begin to imagine the dishonor you've brought to your family. I really hope you didn't show your parents?
This is actually good advice.
>Libraries have hobby gatherings.
I know, my sister goes to them every now and then. As far as I can tell they're filled with people not worth my time watching trash.
Eh, it's really not that spectacular. She's across the street in a crowd, but still, my heart went doki doki seeing it. She was dressed as Miku.
No one can tell I was there except the club members, I am sinless. We got free BK meals after (They danced near BK, the manager was happy about it since it pulled customers.), was not all bad.
Most people at conventions only watch "trash" but at least you can recommend good anime to them if you become friends. It's likely you won't find anybody over 9000 that is not on the Internet. Don't unleash your full power to these people right out of the gate or you'll just scare them away.
Well I see some good cosplays at cons, I'm mainly just talking about your normal suburban con.
but >over 9000
Get the fuck out of here dude, jesus.
Nothing stops you from taking the reins and recommending them showing some good stuff. Unless they are shitty human beans, then why the fuck would you let your sister interact with them?
There was one really based grandma that cried watching Ping Pong the Animation. Would want her as my granny.
It's just that they're the kind of unwashed, bondage pants, cliche fedora sterotype usually. I doubt they're shitty people but I really don't want to know them or put effort into them.
Says the guy who can't even use green text properly. Try again.
The chance of finding a guy with more than the usual entry-level stuff is like winning the lottery, and if you per chance do find one, he/she must also not be a sperg, ugly, autistic or generally weird. Finding a friend with specific interest and being on the same level is hard.
Yell out in a crowded area "Who wants to fuck!!?"
Everyone there will likely just be as socially awkward as you. Ask them what their favorite anime is or something? They're not going to judge you for being awkward as fuck because they're all awkward as fuck them selves.
Oh, right. There are always orgies going on after the con.
>Everyone there will likely just be as socially awkward as you
This isn't 2005. Cons are full of normalfags now who only watch AoT and SAO.
Do people really not know that we have a /cgl/ cosplay board?
That's where the convention generals are.
Fucking newfags I swear
You can't greentext in the middle of a sentence without alt-codes, I wasn't going to space it a line for some fucking namefag who talks like he's on MAL.
I hope to discover one.
You probably won't even want to once you get there so just be awkward and quiet like the rest of the autists.
I-is this true user
I asked someone cosplaying the girl from Portal and she hadn't even finished the game. And that's entry level as fuck and not even anime.
It's just an excuse to have halloween in the summer
I've never been to one myself, but that's people's primairy reason to even go to cons? Is it to buy stuff or to socialise?
Unless some great VA is going to a con or Anno why even bother.
>going outside
Top kek
enjoy getting buttfucked by 3dpd
Nice propaganda. You didn't post it correctly because you didn't realize it wouldn't work the way you did it. Do it correctly or fuck off.
Not true. A acquaintance joins me on cons just to fuck fat girls.
It's mine. It's the one time of year (hopefully never again) where I can socialize and actually operate better than good majority of them. And there are decently cute girls here and there. Saw a Hachikuji last year, which is a rarity considering all the Umaru and other flavor of the month bullshit there was.
My reason is buy stuff. And only because I can't have paypal.
I go to cons when there are interesting guests who might offer insider information and autographs, and also to check out the dealer room for the odd chance of something that isn't overpriced and readily available online any day of the week.
Most people go with friends and act like retards all day
Why go to a con if you don't know what to do there?
That said I miss Sup Forumsnime cons.
One of the following:
-Fuck 1-5/10 low-esteem chicks in your favourite entry anime getup.
-Win quiz with your superior moving cartoon knowledge and get some nice swag you either sale or give to qt girls (rare as hell) to get some sweet cosplay photos with her.
-Buy some rare stuff for okay prices. Manga that don´t usually are stocked in the general book store.
-Enjoy being with geeks, yet have the feeling of being superior.
-Desperate for social contact, all depends on you if you can get new friends or go home more hurt and lonely seeing normal folks going to cons with their pleb friends.
>which is a rarity considering all the Umaru and other flavor of the month bullshit there was.
Last con I went to abouts a month ago was just full of people either cosplaying as One Punch Man or quoting it. Fuck that shit. I feel you.
I would've lost my shit internally. I hope there is much better shit this year.
and that I actually get laid
If you just want to fuck a girl and have no standards. I can guarantee you will fuck that pussy. Girls going to cons are in a lot of cases ugly as fuck. As long as you are not picky, and average looking, is home run.
How do I do this?
Pls give me steps user.
Is that really how you want to lose your virginity tho? It's something precious. You will never be a pure boi again.
Why would you go there, it's a full of reddit and mal entry-level audience. They're not fun to hang around with even if you don't want to talk about anime
>-Fuck 1-5/10 low-esteem chicks in your favourite entry anime getup.
>actually having sexual intercourse
>in real life
Help desu. Is this what triggering is
Can't blame him, they are horny as fuck.
The only girls I've ever gotten came to me because they thought I was funny, so I have no doubt if I manage to hide my autism I can get laid. I think plain girls are cute as fuck as well.
I'm not a virgin.
Would anybody from Sup Forums be fun to hang out with then? Don't think so. Probably would be worse.
>go into cancerous thread
>read comments
>get cancer
I don't know what I was expecting
It can be interesting, but there's still probably going to be some autism
Some would, don't assume everyone here's a jaded fuck who can't have fun irl
Cousin of my friend is Sup Forumsnon, we play geimus together, talk about manga and shout some internal maymay sometimes, my objective is to fuck him
>win shit
>give to qt girls
>to get cosplay pictures
Quest system mate
If you're a grill just come into him
My friend does it, I played along to try and boost my confidence, I would only have sex with a girl I love (never ever).
1.Do not cosplay. If you do, don´t do Naruto or some other flashy character. Light Yagami and Okabe make some girls really wet and interested if you look good. If you do not have a nice face, do not cosplay.
2. The best way to start a conversation is compliment their outfit, you want the cosplay girls, they are the ones wanting the attention the most. Ideal would be if they are with another girl. Talk with the one you are not interested in first, ignore the chick you like. The other girl will try to either lean in, or act busy. Either is fine. As long as she does not walk away. This is a sign that she wants to be included. After a few back and forth, ask the other girl, she will be fucking fish on the hook for being noticed after getting freezed out.
3. Ask for taking a photo with the girl(s). Tell them you want to pay them back for the great photo. Suggest a meal. They turn you down, be fast with the reply of going for a drink instead. The girls love you being this interested.
4. Getting the drink phase passed, is smooth sailing my mate. Do not drop your spaghetti during your lunch/drink, ask her questions, ask her questions, do not talk about yourself unless she asks, if she do ask about you, answer with questions. They dig it if you are a little mysterious.
5. You win, if you have a hotel room nearby, and ask her she wants to go back later and watch some sweet anime you have just got your hands on.
Don't go there expecting to get laid. There was a guide at this so google it.
In cons, excepting if the girl's an absolute cunt, you just gotta ask for a picture, and you'll get it
If you want more out of her though, that may seems like a better option, but it's not really worth it considering there's a 10% chance you actually get dat pussy
Should I dress as Punpun next con?
My other idea was getting a kyuubey hat and going up to all the Madoka's and saying "ey girl wanna sign a contract?".
You saying I ain't cool?
Those streams were fucking great. I miss them.
Well you can keep it, but is entry-tier goods, One Piece key chains, Bleach t-shirts, better to give it away for some good cosplay photos, or exchange it for a free meal from some teens that want it.
I'm not.
Most people that like Punpun are males. So unless you are gay or want some male contact, is wasted effort. Kyuubey idea is quite solid though, girls like corny lines like that.
You want him to ride you or the other way around? Are we speaking bara, or trap here?
Last time I went to a con was a a shonenfag friend, who met up with his online shonenfags friends, that was pretty terrible.
Then I spent one hour talking gundam and gunpla with the guy who sold those.
Then I tripped on the stairs and accidentaly grabbed a fujo's breasts.
It was ok.
Yeah, could be worth it.
You gay or something? I just want to suck his dick.
>Not being gay for traps
Nah, it sounded like my trap hentai, too bad you ruined it by being gay.
Wheres that screencap with the guy who carries a cone around with him due an too affectionate hambeast
>Kyuubey idea is quite solid though, girls like corny lines like that.
What do I do when they say sure then? As pathetic as it sounds what if it was some clipboard saying they'd agree to hang out with me when they're done walking around. With enough charisma I feel like that'd work.
Make it your goal to talk to as many people as possible use your judgement on who to target. Everyone has their quirks (mental set backs) so relax they could turn out to be cool people. I've met a few cool people but its very hard to make a friend (someone you will actually hang out with outside of said cons) depending on your age and gender.If you go to a party try not to get blasted drunk and instead remain inbetween tipsy and woozy drunk so you can hold conversations. Don't let yourself become a bacground character or you will feel out of place. when all else fails these are my sacred lines so don't waste em
"You watching any shows this season?"
Trust me itll save you when the conversation has gone stale.
Use their taste to splinter off into other shows if they dont know it shorted the summary if they do go into detail etc
They don't call me anime pro without reason.
>anime pro
Let me become your mentee
I am doubting you know, if you can pull it off that is. If she says yes, you should already be high in self-confidence and be on auto-cruise mode on what to do, is almost instinct kicking in, being more funny than you ever thought you could, being more charming than you ever were, all being second nature.
But here champ, just for you. Put in the extra leg work if you are afraid of yourself. Imagine the exchange, all of it, every fucking angle, imagine what would be the best reply to the questions that she might ask. Run the lines in your head, snatch some nice lines from a romance comedy movie or two (watch them). Dress nice, wash your hair, clean your teeth, shower, use deodorant, do not fucking sweat as a pig, if you do, bathroom before engaging, mirror training.
Is not that hard. I find it easy when the girls are not all that cute. And do not think of fucking her when you talk to her, that thought will mess you up. Fap before you leave the house, do not think with your dick.
>I am going to an anime convention
>I love going to the yearly con but I can't make it there by myself.
>I see some good cosplays at cons
>I go to cons
>I miss Sup Forumsnime cons
Sup Forums became reddit so slowly, that I hardly even noticed. Even two years ago this thread would've been trolled to oblivion.