>tfw if they had left video games alone Hillary would be president.
I don't know whether it's funny or sad that our Franz ferdinand was gamergate.
>tfw if they had left video games alone Hillary would be president.
I don't know whether it's funny or sad that our Franz ferdinand was gamergate.
Other urls found in this thread:
Be glad it happened. Kek works in mysterious ways.
>People still genuinely think that Gamergate had any influence on the election
I never cared about GG but keep hearing about it. Someone tl;dr what exactly happened and how it led to Drumpfxd
Neither Sup Forums nor millennials in general had fuck all to do with the election results.
You view your internet habits as being consequential to the real world because you are a manchild.
It was the first meme war,it's where our skills were honed.
Blue haired sjws trying to ruin games was the first Salvo in the culture wars
Pokemon Go to the polls was atrocious, she should've left it alone, you're right.
You are unable to acknowledge the influence internet holds because you are a boomer or a retard.
>A presidential candidate actually made a big deal out of a cartoon frog from a Cambodian basket weaving forum
some girl made a game about retardation. she slept with game reviewers to get good reviews. She got exposed and blamed it on mysogyny. Then her porn pages surfaced. Then the UN stepped in and made her an ambassador for women's rights. it was a shitshow that they have yet to recover from and is costing them real sheckels in upkeep. I think.
its what started the major backlash against SJWs
SJW's are a laughing stock now and famous for being batshit insane control freak tyrants
maybe it didn't have any influence, or maybe it did, all it takes is a few million young internet savvy people to be influenced by one or the other party, Trumps victory was quite narrow
>A presidential candidate actually made a big deal out of a cartoon frog because Reddit, Facebook, Alex Jones, and Twitter
You Sup Forumse smokers had fuck all to do with the election.
She gave it a passing mention in one fucking speech.
There is absolutely no evidence that Sup Forums affected the election in any meaningful way. Leftists just tried to make a boogeyman out of the alt-right and it backfired.
are you retarded? of course you are, what am i asking
reddit, faceook, alex jones and twitter got their frog memes from here, you stupid fucking moron
You haven't been in the hundreds of threads where people talk about how and why they got interested in politics and began to turn away from the liberal progressive "consensus" that television and popular media eschews?
Because for a huge number of Americans it was Gamergate.
They aren't saying "I voted Trump because of Anita and Zoey", but the reason they were even listening to Trump and his supporters and giving the message a chance was because they had been trained to mistrust the mass media in a way they simply hadn't before.
The Jewish monster wasn't ready to be unveiled to the public.
No one gives a shit if a handful of autists circlejerking on a Chinese piss bottle forum posted cancerfrog over and over many years ago. Sup Forums had no effect on the election. Normalfags did. You're the Internet equivalent of hipsters that brag about posting X meme before it was cool to post X meme.
wow are you fucking dumb, how SAD!
your normalfags got all the memes from here, all the frogs and kekistani memes are from here, they spread from here
you see people in the streets waving flags invented right here on these boards
oh you have no idea my sweat summer child
Welcome to Sup Forums enjoy your stay new friend
Internet took a pivotal role in the 2016 US elections.
it's actually beautiful watching normies using terms and imagery that we invented right here, without even knowing what their roots are and what they truly mean, because it doesn't even matter, it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan
i can almost shed a tear
How did this ruin video games?
>Be glad it happened. Kek works in mysterious ways.
I'm glad it did.
>People still genuinely think that Gamergate had any influence on the election
Because in this case it is true.
They had taken over just about everything else gaming was the last thing left. So them believing it would be an easy victory they went literally 2 years ahead of schedule for the coup de grace. Yet 2 years was enough time for everything else to fall into place, such as President Trump.
How did they take over video games?
they started attacking and criticizing video games for not being "diverse", being "misogynist", whatever other non-sense slander terms they can conjure up, attacking video game developers for it, attacking the fans, etc.
You. Have. To. Go. Back.
>How did they take over video games?
Games Journal pro.
Essentially sellouts.
those memes were invented here, newfag , you guys over on reddit started spreading the cancer everywhere from here
>No one gives a shit if a handful of autists circlejerking on a Chinese piss bottle forum posted cancerfrog over and over.
>"Trump supporter are manchild who masturbates to anime"
>"Let's take back pepe from the alt-right!"
>"Basket of deplorables"
I think the people saying those cares.
>you see people in the streets waving flags invented right here on these boards
>being proud of that
>what matters is our plan
Congratulations on ruining Sup Forums a third time (Sup Forumstards and robots didn't even invent Pepe--a furfag did), you utter fucking faggots. You niggers had no effect on the election but you are doing an excellent job bringing in more irredeemable cancer.
Checked. We were meant to be here.
I still, to this day, unironically thank and blame Zoe Quinn for causing Trump to win office. While it had been building before, she was the final stray that broke the camel's back so to speak.
Combination of overt censorship(NoA and NISA), overt paid reviews(Zoe Quinn Saga) and SJW bullshit combined with the severe degradation of ongoing franchises(Mass Effect), along with articles attacking gamers as a whole("White male is the easiest difficulty," "Why gamers need not be your audience [for video games]", etc.) lead to a perceived notion that gamers were being attacked by SJWs and were therefore making games shitter.
And yet you are still here trying to stop it. You can't. Everyday more are summoned here. Everytime you move the post counter you come closer to Kek. We see you.
Also while gamergate was the biggest bridge to the silent majority Sup Forums was literally the tip of the spear with all the information.
Remember when like 10 websites posted "gamers are dead" or something all on the same day?
A lot of people saw fake news for the 1st time in gg.
Within the same hour too.
What is the difference between that, and a company deciding that they want to pander to a diffetent audience?
Thoth approves of your message.
blow it out your ass libshit
trump won, go cry in your corner
If they had left video games, TV and Movies alone I would still be a fat slob. With all the Leftwing, Race Mixing and Globalist propaganda in all three I have become so sick of them that I consume almost no mainstream entertainment at all.
I have lost about 30 pounds in two years due mainly to diet change and a little exercise. I have had to start buying pants in smaller sizes in order for them to fit comfortably. (I never though I would live to see the day.)
(((Elitists,))) you had us slobs at Bread and Circuses. But then you got greedy and the Circuses became a bunch of Leftwing, Race Mixing and Globalist propaganda. I.E. Boring!
I have to thank you for shaking me awake but I have to hate you for trying to kill off the white race. You have built a world of Golems with your own hands and now the Golems are getting restless.
Sad thing is that same sort of shit was going on with the major news outlets covering political stories for literally decades and the only person I ever heard call it out was Rush Limbaugh. Think what you want about him but he has done a very good job barking up the MSM tree.
Wrong. I voted trump to keep a war mongering killer out of potus.
When SHTF and the West is WORL, get rid of every kike mud and traitor you can.
They declared war on us a long time ago, and our treasonous system is protecting them. When that system collapses in the Sovereign Debt Crisis and that protection is no longer there, capitalize on it.
There is a difference between pandering and coercion.
Off course all my posts are satire :DDDDDDDDDD
This. Hillary speech writers said they're most proud of the alt right speech she spoked about, lmao.
>another meme flag making another shit post
I have yet to see a quality post from someone with a non-country flag
Pepe dindu nufin
Timeline ad far as I can remember for GG
>Zoe Quinn creates shitty visual novel based on depression. No one cares
>Zoe's now ex boyfriend post story that she slept with 5 guy(burgers & fries) to get reviews on her game
>2 of these 5 guys actually posted reviews. Don't know the accuracy of this claim, but Sup Forums ate it up anyways
>1 week of laughing at the review industry literally being in bed with devs
>boyfriend goes back on his claim but who cares at this point if it's true or not
>a bunch of websites post the same article "Gamers Are Dead" within hours of each other
>much research into that article figured out a lot of game reviewers were part of a mailing list that told them what to write and how to review games
>this was the real 'start' of gamergate. The Zoe shit was a joke, this actually pissed people off though
>torrent of shit articles for the next 2 months calling every video gamer a misogynist. Can't call out the video game media without being called a misogynist
>absolutely no mention of the fact they fake their reviews/articles
>some attention whores attempt to capitalize on this including Anita & that tranny running for congress now
>Sup Forums ends up going through the fappening around the same time
>MOOT freaks out and bans both fappening shit and gg
>not letting Sup Forums discuss the main issue in gaming at the time was huge
>caused a shitshow across the website that ended up causing MOOT to leave
>review websites / SJWs ended up winning the fight, discussion of anything gamergate related was banned on every major website on the internet
The game media got what it wanted in the end, we stopped talking about their shady business and went back to licking our wounds on Sup Forums. A lot of the people who may have only posted on Sup Forums before this got a taste for Sup Forums during the event and brought their experience to us during the election.
I never heard of the term SJW until GamerGate. I also never lurked that much back then to care. Was GamerGate as bad as everyone claims it was?
>Denying the influence of places like Sup Forums on US elections.
You have to be literally retarded.
>A lot of the people who may have only posted on Sup Forums before this got a taste for Sup Forums during the event and brought their experience to us during the election.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention this earlier: A large chunk of Sup Forums's current population stems from GG and being, for lack of a better word, refugees from Sup Forums because of the whole situation.
It ate up the entirety of Sup Forums, which was/is the 2nd or 3rd biggest board on Sup Forums after Sup Forums and/or Sup Forums. I don't recall the order, its rather meaningless, point is: A large board was dedicated to it something fierce.
>The game media got what it wanted in the end
I think it was something of a phyrric victory for them, though, considering that they got a huge amount of exposure, reveled a lot of their skeletons, and pulled a ton of heat for essentially Status Quo Ante Bellum with reduced influence.
There's a large age group that doesn't trust them at all anymore.
I guess they thought we would be replaced fairly quickly, don't see that being the case
I have been here since 2010 and still dont care about this.
Shitty game journalism red pilled a lot of people on Sup Forums and probably other sites like maybe reddit.
The specific details aren't that interesting, what is interesting is that a lot of video game playing manchildren were exposed to some of the worst aspects of journalism. These people were shocked and disgusted by shitty media practices, and instead of changing the journalists simply called them sexists, racists, nazis etc.
A shitloads of centrists were suddenly turned into Sup Forums going right wingers. In the past ''the gamers'' were angry at Republicans because Republicans didn't like games and said that violent video games cause kids to become violent, but in a few short weeks crazy gaming journalists completely reversed that and cemented the left as the anti-gamer wing.
A lot of people moved to Sup Forums because of gamer gate. A lot of the initial pro-Trump stuff directly from disgruntled gaymers. I myself became a regular on Sup Forums because Ramzpaul made a video about Gamergate and the rest of his videos got me really interested in politics. Before gamergate I would only use Sup Forums to shitpost about niggers.
It's not a victory when a hudge chuck of the market is now actively looking for signs of SoJo propaganda before buying a game. Just look what happened to BioWear with ME:A. That game was heavily marketed and was made by a affirmative action team with genders studies degree's and it showed from the brownwashing to the ugly chick as the default. They expected the fans to fall in line like Star Wars fans did, but the fans said fuck you and boycotted... killing BW Montreal and possibly the Mass Effect franchise as a whole. Sams
>The ABSOLUTE state of newfaggotry
>BioWear with ME:A
how'd sales go for that again
heard it wasn't a financial disaster
It was so big that I lost friends over it.
>Implying she doesn´t love to get anally destroyed
She married a rapist for God sake
whoops, forgot pic
>a entire studio shuts down and liquidated
>blockbuster franchise in limbo
ME:A was boycotte was a message not to fuck the orginal base.
Asseffect: Reeeedromeda utter failure was just a (((coincidence))) goy.
I see me:a in the 20 or less bin. For comparison niggerfield, battlefield 3 was still on shelves as used games
Good point manolas.
>heard it wasn't a financial disaster
It wasn't a total dumpster fire, though as I understand a large portion of that came from the Origin Early Access revenue rather than selling the game itself. Most of the actual sales of the game were preorders or early access.
In large part, they enabled that by using very short term review embargoes and the prestige of the franchise to quickly push a lot of units out the door before people realize they were buying a train wreck. Basically, they managed to turn a profit on it, but only at the cost of burning the Mass Effect franchise to the ground and selling what was left to a scraper.
Videogame "journalists" were revealed not just to be corrupt like everyone assumed, but a clique of coordinated narrative drivers. Pretty nuts, but still not a big deal really. Its not real life, just vidya game stuff.
And then MSM got involved and did the same thing. The blatant use of the same tactics, selective coverage of things, outright lies and coordinated narrative woke a up of autists up to the fact that media and leftists do this with other subjects as well. Soon, that weaponized autism focused on the election, happenings, and academia.
And the thing is, is that it's more fun to expose and shitpost than videogames are.
Following up; all those video game playing people lack nearly every skill except for pattern recognition. they're practiced at that. Once people start seeing (((coincidences))) everywhere and racial statistics to back up patterns they've noticed but thought it was just their own anecdotal experience on, that group got real racist and real antisemitic. It also helps that Jew and nigger jokes are easy, funny, and have the bonus of making leftists chimp out for even more edgy fun.
>And the thing is, is that it's more fun to expose and shitpost than videogames are.
Hold a moment, you're theorizing that these video game players find this fun and that's the reason they continue on with it?
A reminder of why i hate taking pictures with women
Is that why Hillary paid a bunch of nerds to sit in a basement and shill for months?
>Sup Forumstards and robots didn't even invent Pepe--a furfag did
You're right, we subverted pepe. We managed to take a relatively innocuous cartoon frog and turn it into a symbol of political revolution that became big enough to be mentioned in a candidates speech without our role in it's subversion remaining largely unknown. We out jewed the jew on this one.
Don't forget she outright and publically mocked her basement virgins too.
And if a hudge franchise like Mass Effect can be killed by cringe face modeling and obvious SJW make over (reminder the girl was supposed to be the new face of the franchise), other franchises can die if they alilenate the orginal fans. Had the game been more appealing I'm sure due hards would have bought it with the hops of a animation patched. Instead you got a transgender plot that ended up triggering the people it was meant for until they utterly removed it from the game.
Those memes got posted everywhere, by everyone Xrs, Boomers, Millennial, ECT. Chan had a impact. Don't ever let them tell you different. The progressive left is scared shitless because they can't capture the free flowing energy of top tier meme propaganda! Praise kek!
The Left will never leave your circuses alone
Leftists will always be too afraid to offend each other, and that keeps their memes weak and untested.
We bantz on each other all the time, like men do. Nobody shuts down a thread explaining how problematic a joke is. You call the other poster a retarded faggot and the posts wash into the ether. Only the strongest memes worthy of replication survive and spread.
Yes synagogue of Satan trips, THAT'S why shareblue spends millions upon millions of dollars on paid shills to come here, because it doesn't matter...
Fuckn retard
Meme magic is real. Its just persuasion thru informative propaganda distributed thru means of effective dissemination.
what are some reports for gamergate? I frankly wasn't paying attention at the time. All I know about is some woman sleeping with someone for a favorable game review or somesuch nonsense. I don't really want to spend hours trawling through source material at this point, but videos or digests that list their sources would be greatly appreciated.
Fucking gr8 user.
The population is being made docile.
This here is a pretty good and quick summary.
I've not gone through the entire thing, but this seems good if you want to hear a summary instead:
Liberals and the media are literally 1-2 steps away from calling for the extermination of all white people.
Literal concentration camps -- run by liberal minority groups with full support from the media and all of our elected officials.
It's the clear next step for liberals and the media - calling for all whites to be killed -- that white people are too toxic to be allowed to live.
We are maybe 2-3 years away from that step.
"We will most likely see these type events explode peaking out in real bloodshed by September 21/22nd, 2019 (2019.725). So expect to see this civil unrest continue to rise especially after 2017."
So, bravely fight the 3 wars to save the West:
1- the war on our individual personal weaknesses (fought by becoming better each day physically and mentally)
2- the cold war on the leftists and traitors (fought by waging defensive and offensive memetic and deplatforming war on the enemy, online and AFK)
3- the hot war against the traitors and enemies of the West when the anti-white oppressors of the West kick it off (to be fought in the future, and to be fought right now by means of SHTF prepping)
after the Great Western Global Civil Wars we’ll need to remain vigilant and make the correct changes to our way of governing our people in order to prosper again, instead of facing another cycle of 300 to 600 years of dark age era on the West again.
Fight on these 3 fronts each and every day and you’ll reach satisfaction. Do it for yourself and do it for your family. Do it for your community and for your country. And last but not least, do it also for your race and the whole West.
I wasn't a fat slob, but I let myself get cucked a bit with ancap and relativism. Now, back to working out and sparring pretty much every day of the week. Constantly consuming redpill statistics, philosophy, and now writing etc etc. Constantly beating back against communist ideas in every discussion instead of letting it slide. All they had to do was be patient and cuck one more generation fully (I'm a millennial), but they couldn't have any patience and knew it was right there at their fingertips...now I can't wait to see liberals under bootheels.
A quality post on Sup Forums?
Is this really 2017?
Women should not have rights.
Gamergate was the biggest thing since 9/11 prove me wrong
As a video gamer...yes this is absolutely true. Don't hardly play video games anymore anytime not spending doing what was in my aforementioned post, all I try and do is shitpost on youtube and twitter...occasionally dropping redpills on those that seem like they're open to it.
Thanks. So the "gate" was the Zoe Quinn story, which I'm assuming some people took super seriously, some less, and that's what the media picked up on. When the gamers hit back, that was when the mainstream hit gamers. So the big investigations and such had to do with the gaming media and fighting tooth and nail lies published against gamers. At least, I'm assuming that was the big driving force of gamergate. Correct me if wrong.
What do you mean by faking their reviews and articles though? Surely there was some bad stuff said by people being angry and enjoying anonymity. That's how the internet works. Anita sarkeesian I know was hit with silly death threats, etc.
>What do you mean by faking their reviews and articles though?
Mailing lists to cordinate stories was the big one.
>What do you mean by faking their reviews and articles though?
On Metacritic, if a game scores an 85, the developer gets a bit of money from the publisher. So they pay money into this mailing list, said mailing list says "This game paid up, give it a 90 or above!" Those that don't comply get fired and blackballed. It is literally buying reviews.
Women should have rights, just not the right to vote. That right belong to heads of families and serving men, if you want a safe, stable and prosperous nation.