Why do people like Sam Harris again ?

So i was listening to this clip. (him and Douglas Murray having a conversation about Molyneux & Jared Taylor)...

Sam Harris says that he doesn't want to have an interview with Molymeme because the guy keeps talking about race and IQ differences. And it triggers him a great deal...
He also says that Molyneux invited Jared Taylor. Claims that Taylor is a racist and antisemite. (even though the guy's concubine, Evelyn Rich is a jewess).

Why do people worship Sam Harris though ? He's a geniuine Neocon for one. (though he denies it).

Granted, he's less childish than fucking Ben Affleck.

But really...Let's not pretend that the guy is "based" or always keeps his cool...He's a fucking hypocrite. (lost his temper on many occasions against Jordan Peterson)

He's good at debating religious people..But that's pretty much it.

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Here's the clip in question

I liked Sam Harris. In 2015.

His entire shtick was to be le hyper logical Vulcan man, but he fell apart into emotional hysterics after the election of Trump.
I don't think you'll find many defenders here.

Sam Harris is a pseudointellectual cuck. According to him, it's wrong for Molly and Taylor to talk about race and IQ, but for him it's totally fine because magic

We'll obviously Sam can't be racist. He has a brown Muslim friend.

He failed as soon as he tried to step out of his comfort zone. (debates about religion).

because Zoolander was pretty good

he is a notorious philoshoperjew

Sam is right about everything, learn and get wiser and you'll see it too.

>Sam is right about everything, learn and get wiser and you'll see it too.
I guess if you're a jew. I could see that. But i'm not.

not sure anyone except the fattest of fedorables have any respect for him now; double since his massive failure against Peterson. He came off as a dull, whiny child. He's a 'can't see the trees for the forest' kind of pundit and useless for anything practical. He's had years to do something with his influence and has nothing of value to show for it. RIP.

Oh yeah, Sam said we have to treat people as individuals. Never heard that from Molyneux

His years of sucking up to the neoliberal establishment would have paid off if it wasn't for those meddling kids.

Sam Harris is a fucktard, plain and simple.
An unapologetic Zionist.

Of course he's going to say Jared Taylor is racist. Of course he's going to deny racial differences in IQ.

It's in his BLOOD.

He titled his book "A letter to a Christian Nation", as if Jews aren't totally in control of the United States.

Also, stop shilling the same fucking thread, I saw you post this same thing word for word a few days ago.

Everyone goes through a small Sam Harris phase until they realize what a megacuck he is. I stopped paying attention to him when he went full blue pill with his attacks on Trump (racist, misogynist, bigot, all the lefty buzzwords) and started cucking for Hillary.

Just because he tells the truth about Islam doesn't mean he's based.

sounds like hes running out of things to talk about.

You're a brainwashed Muslim.

He is controlled opposition. I never liked the fucker.

People with high IQs are self absorbed and have poor ability to see themselves in context because academia puts them on a pedestal
See Dawkins, Hawking, Tyson, Chomsky, Zizek, any other memester that's shown up in the past 30 years as a pop intellectual icon won't be famous 30 years from now aide maybe from Hawking for his work on black holes
What's particularly enraging is that if Harris ever met with one of the old salt REAL philosophers he'd get his head served to him. I'm fairly certain he hasn't even read Plato or Aristotle, so I'm not sure why he calls himself a philosopher when he hasn't done his homework.

He's really stupid and other really stupid people can relate to him. The fact that he's presented as an intellectual makes them feel smart because they have the same level of intelligence.

Just like everyone, he's right about some things and wrong about others.

I find it really weird and hypocritical for him to constantly rail against religioin while also being a notorious zionist. I just really hate that idea. It's so flippantly in opposition to his claimed ideals. Fucking outrage...'All religions are shit, but I'll make an exception for my brother kikes because (unknown)'

He's a fucking JEW.

There is literally no point in listening to Sam anymore now that he's been completely taken over ideologically by Maajid Nawaaz.

Sam started 2014 by saying there is no reform possible, and no such thing or possibility of a liberal muslim (since they just aren't really muslims). Now he's essentially Maajid's white sock puppet.

Not that that's a bad thing. Discussion of Islam should be more than just simple analogies with the 'intentions' meme and using that to justify Bush's Iraq war.

I hate it when you've got scions of separate Abrahamic religions making excuses for the violence of other branches. All kike religions are absolute cancer.

He's too busy trying to prove he doesn't have a soul to have any useful insight

Everyone saying Harris denies IQ differences is wrong. He just did a podcast on the issue with the guy who wrote the bell curve.

>You're a brainwashed Muslim.
Why should non-muslims die for jews ? Why can't they fight their own wars ? What's in it for us ? I don't give a shit about you people. Just like i don't care muslims...I want them all out of europe. Get fucked you zionist shithead.

He also tries hardcore to make sure the goyim know they don't have free will because it's an illusion and some other (((solipsism))) memes.

This. So tired of kikes trying to force us to D&C for them. I hate all their fake religions and fake wars and fake currency and fake everything. Become Gnostic. Escape the kikes.

Well He did admit that racial differences in IQ exists, which then got him in trouble with the libtard MSM, and he was called an alt right Neo Nazi sympathiser for months, and he lost a few sponsors. I'd say he's not our guy, but someone who's willing to listen. He obviously knows race realism exists, but he's not willing to bet his career on giving an alt right a platform after what happened. There are a lot more redpilled people than you think, but most arebt willing to destroy their personal lives and careers for a cause that will probably fail.

Because hes one of the few libshits that sees a problem within Islam.

Sam Harris' career has benefited from two things:
1) Christopher Hitchens' death
2) Richard Dawkins keeping a relatively low profile in recent years

At the end of the day, he's something worse than a Jew. He's a Reddit-tier fedora activist.

I never cared for Sam Harris. I always thought Christopher Hitchens was better.

Sam is basically just an elitist

He won't talk to any person without credentials, unless he knows he can make them look stupid

His understanding of human psychology is nigger-tier

His ideas are just regurgitation of left coast nonsense

You like him because you are told to like him and the human herd instinct is strong

Then people are told not to like him anymore and he goes away

Seriously just sam harris

He's racist, sexist, etc.
He's just a mindfulness shill who wasted 10 years "meditating" in India.

His books are abhorrent shit. I'm not saying that as reverse psychology.

Stop giving any of these people attention. That includes Jordan Peterson.

He believes as the Deep Ststae does, that "intellectuals" should run every aspect of daily life because they know what's best for the rest of us. They're intelligent, afterall and we're just rural and suburban retards.

>idiots with advanced degrees who have never succeeded at anything outside of academia should run everything