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>Texas going blue

Yep. It's going to happen. The cities and border areas are going to come out.

Your ass is on bath salts


I've been sober for months. Never used bath salts either.

Trump will win bigly again. Democrats never learn.

Georgia blue? I believe you're mistaken

I highly doubt that, everyone knows liberals are drug addicted commies.

After see what they did during the election period, I doubt ppl will support the democrats.
The behavior was pretty much a game changer and political suicide.

She's not wrong.

I heard Democrats are going to win the election. Or was that last election...

Better than the behavior of the deplorables.

The border areas will be depleated of democrats by then.

I believe you are. ATL will come out. Urban America is going to strike back in 2020.


The undocumented don't vote.



Yea ok turd head . you dont even know who the next libtard slob s even going to be yet

>the undocumented don't vote illegally
Let me see some ID.


fucking rollerfags get the fuck off my team reeeeeeeeeee

Texas voting democrat would be a hell of a sight to see

Imagine being so defeated that you need this kind of delusion to keep you going.

No need, we all die in 2018

And what behavior have the "deplorables" do?
Trigger your feels?
Thats horrible.

>The undocumented don't vote.
Here's your (You), I genuinely got a chuckle out of that.

Like 2016 ?

>texas blue
nice meme, user.

>plus any more Trump gains

Abandoning thread, its a troll thread.

>Joe Biden
>Bernie Sanders
>Elizabeth Warren
>Kamala Harris
>Kirsten Gillibrand
>Chris Murphy
>Cory Booker
>Al Franken
>Tim Kaine
>Gavin Newsom
>Terry McAuliff
>Deval Patrick
>Mark Warner
>Andrew Cuomo
>Jeff Merkely
>John Hickenlooper
>Julian Castro
>Jerry Brown
>Brian Schatz
>Adam Schiff
>Amy Klobuchar
>Tammy Duckworth
>Sherrod Brown
>Tammy Baldwin
>Roy Cooper
>Tulsi Gabbard
>Jay Inslee
>Kate Brown

Wouldn't surprise me with Drumpf as president.


Soon? lol LMAO!!!!

Might want to understand something......

We run this shit now... The House, The Senate, The Supreme, Presidency, Funding, Won all special elections even after Trump was elected. We are are growing. You are not. After the purge and the wall and you libtards lose - 20 million illegals and dead voting for you, you wont gain another state in 30 + years..

Jesus fucking tits when did the US become Nazi Germany? Show me your papers, fuck, it's like everything you value, like freedom, is shit.


That shit is unconstitutional and racist

The undocumented don't vote and neither do dead people. You guys are in for a rude awakening in 2018 and 2020. You won't even know it's coming.

After a run of depressing shit, this thread gave me a good laugh. Thanks OP

Also there will never be a wall.

Actually yeah that is pretty awful.

No way dems take NC Ohio Texas or Virginia

Sorry goyim

The secret is going to be out that liberal progressive policies have hindered and stagnated our job growth and wages. And if you dare try to state that Obama was the reason for the stock market surge...that happened with the certainty of Trump's election knowing how pro-business he would be, unlike Shillary"s ghoulish uncertainty.

With President Trump removing just a few EPA regulations that were killing the US economy, even latinos realize there is much more money to be made with Trump than a repressive establishment neocon or progressive.

And if illegals immigrants don't vote...you would be happy to open voter fraud investigations in all states to put that assertion to rest, no?

Is that supposed to be sarcastic?

Well you better make Bernie your canidate because people don't want an establishment bitch like Hillary.

Well we definitely have Virginia in the bag.

>a jew fossil sell out, that kept his mouth shut, after being bought off from the rigged primaries

I hope they do!

Obama is the reason for the good economy.

>And if illegals immigrants don't vote...you would be happy to open voter fraud investigations in all states to put that assertion to rest, no?

waste of taxpayer funds

McCauliffe's presidential aspirations will be shunned for his connections to the Clinton family ya know. And you saw where Trump won without VA, right?

I think we all know how it's going to turn out.


rust belt retards

Actually, a waste of taxpayer funds would be subsidizing illegal immigrants and incompatible muslims into western societies. So you are spewing bullshit, making statements you cant back up because YOU KNOW it wont work in your favor, as it would only stoke the movement for strict voter ID laws.

Obama has sickly economic growth his entire administration, if he inherited a recession, what did he do to better the economy?...double our national debt? make more people homeless and put more people on food stamps?...lower disposable income?

Yeah, because inner city welfare recipients are geeeeeniuses.

Clearly they are smarter than Iowans, Wisconsinites, Michiganders, Ohioans, and Pennsylvanians. Gotta throw Maine in there too. Fuck 'em all. Fuck North Carolina and Florida too while I'm at it.

You just got destroyed in Obama's economy falsehoods, illegal immigrants voting and that inner city welfare mooches are the TRUE retards but THIS is your response? Your thread is dead now, buh bye.

Face it. You are never, EVER going to be able to cash in on your 30 million illegals and turn them into voters. Your dreams of infinite victory were just never going to happen. When the illegals you invited here realize that the pendulum is swinging on them they will drift back to their homes. The only result you will have accomplished is Americans will come to fully realize the magnitude of your treason. The 8 years of right/8years of left are OVER because of your perfidy. And your butthurt is gonna last 25 years. Try some Silvadene.

why United states? Why Not an autonom Texas or autonom Carolina? Why pay Taxis to New York wen you dont live there. every state desirve an Autonomie and freedom.