I thought everyone having guns would make you safer?
Where is your god now 2nd retardment defenders?
I thought everyone having guns would make you safer?
Where is your god now 2nd retardment defenders?
Other urls found in this thread:
They obviously pissed that guy off
>barged in with automatic weapon
Automatics aren't legal without the right stamps, ATF approval and monitoring. As far as I know you even have to ask permission to cross state lines from the ATF too. So gun laws once again didn't work.
They should make murder illegal. That would fix everything.
so is this an argument for everyone to have automatic weapons, you know, for self defense?
If only the party goers had guns this wouldn't have been so tragic.
It's an argument that gun laws don't work, otherwise he wouldn't of barged in with an illegal weapon to commit an illegal act (murder)
it was in TEXAS! they all should have had at least one gun each. unless the 8 killed were the bad guys and this single vigilante did a service for the world.
great idea user.
>Implying gun control works
>What is Chicago, Detroit, and other ''gun-free'' cities
Explain how no one having guns would have made anyone safer from a guy already willing to break the law with guns.
No way it was an automatic. That conclusion was drawn based on one bitch's eyewitness reports and most people don't know shit about guns or how quickly even semi-autos can be fired.
Plano is pretty pozzed. Lots of liberals, who didn't own guns, when I lived there.
Guns dont kill people, shitskins do
>north texas
nigga wut?
Does that change the story at all faggot? Or do you just like to try make assumptions to seem right? Converting certain semi-auto rifles to auto isn't that hard, I don't why people think it's impossible just because it's banned to produce parts.
Texicans even take their guns to church.
Its not that difficult, its just that not one bothers to fucking do it because its a waste of time, energy, and ammo.
Your point is? Reloading ammo is a waste of time and energy to me, but it doesn't stop tons of people from doing it. Just because you personally don't think it's worth it doesn't mean other people do.
But the more important question is "was the shooter a white guy"? the details are not out yet. hmmmmmm.
Same old Dallas Crackboys and their legion of nigger fans.
>Bad guy with gun kills people
>Literally a literal reason why people should have guns
OP too dumb to into logic
It was probably a M2 .50 with a fixed bayonet fired from the hip, one-handed.
media sources are slow to identify race. they won't even say what kind of automatic weapon was used.
reloading ammo is a long-term hobby, converting one firearm into an automatic isn't unless you have a long line of other home engineering projects behind you and even then, such a person is not likely to then go on a rampage with said converted assault weapon
Cowboys have a black quarterback now, makes sense.
The suspect was described as an adult male, and the age range of the victims was still being determined.
I bet they were nordic.
I'd agree to that
Coulters Law
>7 cowboys fans killed
They probably deserved it
bantz and played out arguments in the comments sections of most articles. but wait till race is announced, black OR white.
I think you're on to something.
Yup, he's not wrong. I think they're masochists though
>media sources are slow to identify race
That's because it's a bunch of niggers.
I thought everyone living with niggers would be better for society?
Based nip poster. You alright M8 I nuke you last
First off this isnt a Gun problem its a Nigger problem . Know how you know ? its not on the front page of CNN we dont need to Eliminate guns we Need to Eliminate Niggers
it was probably just a giants fan
And that is all you need to know. If the shooter were white his face would be on the story. It ain't. I bet his name is Jamal or Tyrone. Likely most, if not all, the victims were as well.
you sound like the media is trying to play down black-on-black violence. but this is north texas, where only white christians with big churches live. it's gonna be a white guy shooting up a white family.
So im gonna guess coulters law is in effect?
>was it niggers?
There are plenty of niggers in texas
We are overrun by poos and mudslimes. I see at least half a dozen walking sheets every day and their accompanying sand nigger. Pls send help this is no longer Texas
>Tfw the gun was from Fast and Furious
>Ban guns
>Can no longer kill roastie football watching Chads
I'd say the guns did their job. What's the problem?
Fuck off retard, shall not be infringed. Go get your asshole blown out by a bbc you fucking faggot
What is a "watch party"? Is it like a key party?
Or did they just have friends over to watch the game?
ICE has got your back
I havent heard it called this but this should be official. Like Murphy's Law and Jude Law
Most likely was a mexican
the global media is just champing at the bit.
>The chad mass murderer vs the virgin football watcher
It's a party where you watch people party so you don't have
I've never defended the second amendment on grounds of safety. Everyone having guns is absolutely unsafe, but we have a right to own them and I don't want that to change.
>nigger mass murder
you wh*Te bois r crazy spraying yo skools an all dat sheeeeeeeeeeiiiiit
Plano has a lot of "model minorities" and it relatively nice. Of course they're libshits.
If you think that, you know nothing of North Texas. Grew up in Dallas and can tell you, we got lots of blacks, tons of Mexicans and more than too many liberals in the cities.
I concur sir, I definitely smell a dirty stinking brown rat.
no mag in
>automatic weapon
probably not legally obtained then
a witness. but don't jump to conclusions.
seems like you believe in religious dogma, and any fact that contradicts your dogma, you just discard.
they are concentrated in urban areas
This. What the fuck happened to muh gun state. At least security should have had a gun.
conflating gun laws with police response time and momentary psychosis. I mean come on!
Captcha : spice rack
literally 9 million illegals. 9 million progeny of Santa Ana. What a fucking joke. My fore fathers made that state, only to have (((corporations))) flood it with illegals. Shekel stretchers make me sick. Should have let the Apache be, they loved killing Mexicans.
>Leon Kennedy
>RE4 starts with you breaking into some guy's house and then gunning him and his friends down
>bragging about being a murderer
what the fuck is wrong with americans
Pewdiepie was right.
>Watching basketball
Good, they deserved it.
honestly, if you had a semi auto on you and trained in self defense with it you could probably take out somehow who came in blazing with full auto.
who brings a full-auto to a domestic dispute...a white guy of course. that is what my money is on. police briefing a 2. central time i think.
Who cares theyre cowboys fans
>Dallas cowboys faggots
>having guns
Those liberal idiots got what they deserve.
>who brings a full-auto to a domestic dispute.
Drug dealers. Domestic dispute my arse...
More should have died.
Cocaine is the choice drug for whites. Snifffff
perhaps white drug dealers?
That's not even clever
Don't talk shit, don't get hit.
You may not like it but some people actually deserve to be shot. Think about the cheating wife who is off sucking nigger cock while her husband in fighting over in some middle eastern shithole.
It wasn't full auto I would bet a thousand dollars on it.
>7 people in house
>don't have a gun within reaching distance to defend them if something happens
>He took my rolex and my wife
gave me a chuckle m8
real word. literally the act of retarding. the other retardments to the constitution were the 13th and 19th.
That's not funny
>barged in with automatic weapon
So a minimum $15,000 weapon, an illegal weapon or the news knows fucking nothing about firearms.
I guess gun owners can cross you off list of people to save when your government comes to enslave you
>South Africa
government has been ok to me. don't know why you're paranoid.
We're sick of being surrounded by niggers. Just like the white people in SA you fucking nigger.
How pathetic is your life if you're still starting gun control threads three decades after your fellow travelers lost this war?
Look past the propaganda, odds are the man was severely intoxicated.
Crimes with actual machine guns are so rare the Justice Department doesn't even bother to keep track of them.
Wtf I hate self protection now!
They were paki
Big if true.
the potential for gold shitposting intensifies. please be true.
No one is safe when niggers have guns. Everyone knows that. Except liberals.
are they renting from him?
someone forgot to bring the timex to the watch party