Nothing warms my heart more than friends doing just friend things and nothing more.
Nothing warms my heart more than friends doing just friend things and nothing more
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I remember when I used to go out with my friends wearing skirts and holding hands.
Good times.
I love Anne and I love sharing these threads with you guys.
How gay is this? Should I be watching it?
Is it wrong if this part made me cry? When the music picked up I just couldn't handle it.
If you go to /u/ for any reason don't watch it.
Going to watch the episode now, I hope it is as cuteand gay as I imagine.
Big fat
The gay is not the main feature even though one of the characters (and this episode) exhibit plenty of it. It's fine if you enjoy that but please don't pidgeon-hole this show one particular subset.
I really hope we're now done with the /u/ pandering shit and can go back to unlucky wacky school things.
I don't visit /u/, but I do enjoy girls being intimate with girls
Thanks user, I will
Great, now I can Annepost again!
Remember that she is mine though.
I's not gay, MC has a crush with a man.
So why doesn't Botan fall in love with Ren? Anne is too innocent/dumb/pure for something like that and Hibari is a massive waifufag is already in love with someone else. Shouldn't Botan fall in love with Ren?
Maybe she is not a grill
That's basically child porn.
Best episode so far.
The ending is perfect.
Danm this show really warms my heart. It's so good to see something like this
I didn't know wearing skirts was inherently gay.
Why is Hibiki so retarded? She really is Brat 2.0
Episode 4 and 5 were 10/10 for me I don't think they can continue like this.
No one said or implied that though.
Should I dress up as Anne for my next con?
I'm a boy
Yes, do it. I'm dressing as Botan
Of course, how silly of me.
What is An trying to show me with that face?
C-c-can we go together?
What she's trying to show with any face.
How fucking cute she is
That she's a cheeky little cunt, mate.
If I don't get hurt or sick, of course
Hibari's busy with Anne, user.
Why this show is so gay?
Yeah but why isn't Botan in love with Ren?
Both of these seem reasonable
>Yeah but why isn't Botan in love with Ren?
She was.
Ren broke her heart.
Not moving...But wait isn't this going to cause my muscles to atrophy?
This OP is so great
Best of the season easily
Yeah, really puts a smile on my face everytime. Especially love the part where Hibiki is doing her little move and where everyone goes "Gambarimashou!"
Hard to say really, season has a lot of good OPs. Sansha Sanyou, Kumamiko, Flying Witch. Not saying that they are better, but they're not worse either.
Light stretches then, light stretches! Wait until I can get the body cast on you.
I disliked it at first, but yeah. This user is totally right, it's so corny but it's so good.
Maybe I should go inside a giant bubble or something
It just has so many little details to watch out for while also complimenting the music well. It also really nails the atmosphere of the show which is really importante even if the song is good by itself
I want to dick evil Sharo straight.
Is Hibiki an easy girl?
She almost seems angry at Hibari because she's falling for her.
Just don't die.
>It also really nails the atmosphere of the show which is really importante even if the song is good by itself
Absolutely. The OP/ED's A-Channel and Yama no Susume just wrapped me up in a blanket of coziness and made me feel so warm and nostalgic whenever I heard them. It always felt like I was going out to meet some old friends.
I thought she was angry because she was blaming her for giving her "wrong directions".
I cried like a little bitch.
I will keep living for you
Me too lad, me too. Seeing that beautiful silver hair being cut made a hole in my heart. It was also a pretty cute display of friendship
You're not alone mate. It's not uncommon for me to cry because of an anime, but this was silly even for me.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard would you fuck her until she was cured of the gay?
I would break the bed frame with my thrusts
-4, my dick doesn't work
It was a really touching moment. Made the episode.
I would protect her and Ren and their love.
I didn't cry, but I felt the tear ducts gearing up.
Luckily I was able to delay it again.
I would destroy the entire bed. If it was a futon, by the end of it we'd be fucking on the bare floor.
Here's your (You)
This. Red Sharo is carrying the show.
Me too.
But if they didn't want IPS babies and preferred a personal sperm donor, I'd be first in line to help them.
That scene saved otherwise boring episode.
You're talking to two different people there, user.
oh my god thanks user, you made my night~
I would fuck her really bad like the virgin I am to make her straight.
>Seiyuu singing the op
I like this so much
Ok that episode was really gay and really cute.
But injured Anne with the broken flower pot on her head literally killed me.
The ED reminds me of one of those album preview commercials. You know, where they suddenly transition around between songs? I kinda like that.
But because of her Ren keeps her hair short.
Which needless to say is a downgrade.
Yeah, that's another thing that makes this op so great
Well at least Botan was nice enough to give her bandages so they could look alike
>not Scarlet Sakurako
>not sharo/sakurako crossover baby
I skip all scenes where she's talking by herself.
It's like Rize/Ayaya/Kurumi.
Is it even possible for lolis to be gay?
I think I was a gay shota, don't know if that answers your question
Some females have told me that yes.
Cute masochist.
You find it down a bottle of pills.
You are way too easily triggered, d/u/de.
I hope you're able to type a competent sentence next time you think it's a good idea to post.
I'm pretty sure those are purityfags not yurifags.
What a lewd Anne.
>dick-shaped popsicle
Sasuga Anne.
No, I'm positive those are yurifags. They get really angry whenever people post about their het fantasies in yuri/CGDCT shows.
I'm a yurifag and I post het fantasies in these threads.
I'm not even into yuri, user. I'm just into Anne.
If you're going to criticize me at least attack with substance instead of with one of the most childish and unimaginitve nitpicks. It was obvious I misspelled.
I apologize though. I got a little over-zealous and I don't want to ruin people's perception of her with autistic reactions.