Why are polaks so brainwashed?
Just look at their news propaganda its laughable and fear mongering
Why are polaks so brainwashed?
Just look at their news propaganda its laughable and fear mongering
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You seem mad about something. Did your muslim boyfriend forgot to use lube this time around?
t. Fritz
>yurocucks still SEETHING that poles wont commit suicide like they did
Polaks are based, untill it comes to blaming Russia for absolutely everythig they can
Pay up Dieter, you owe Poland one gorillion.
Pay denbts, sausage faggot.
>muh BASED Poland
>mfw poles are a mongrel mix of German/Russian/ Ashkenazi Jew
>insert kek here
We made peace with the Ruskies - don't let our gov propaganda fool you about it.
Poles were victims for centuries they won't submit again. The West was never really seriously occupied so they lost survival instinct, Poland was occupied for hundreds of years.
The Western cucks just don't understand how miserable their life will be under mud people rule. All they have will be taken from them. Everything they built for 1000 years will be taken from them. That will be ultimate defeat.
Lol fuck off euro cuck
t.emu-human hybrid
-every polshits ever
Germans are faggots who can't win at anything so must resort to forcing others to advance their interests. Why does anybody listen to the Germans about anything anymore? Back to back world war losers
USSR turned our country into shit and we spend last 30 years trying to catch up west and modern Russia is still full of bullshit like glorifying soviet army when still not acknowledging execution of polish officers as genocide
There can't be reconciliation with this attitude like this
>A nation can't glorify the army in which their people fought
>Russians saving you from the eternal Kraut that wanted to physically exterminate you and killed 20% of your population already doesn't matter muh commies reeee
We shoulve shredded
Would like to see you pathetic whining then
>Pro tip: there wouldn't be any
Learn to speak English germshit spawn.
They are uneducated.
It's kinda funny that how people say here that 'pooland is based' yet their women are the biggest coalburners I've ever encountered
"I find comfort in the fact being, that old whore, France, will suffer yet for our wrongdoing; she always betrayed and traded us away!"
*funny how people
Pols hate Germans and Russians for good reason mate.
you are a fucking moron.
even if you think that muslims who support jihad are a minority, the majority still supports Hijrah which means conversion of lands to Islamic lands.
Actually they prefer blaming germany on everything, and they love jews.
But pretty based against muslims, maybe because they are european zion.
We are not, but our TV is one of the worst in EU. We have no interesting programs except documentaries. The public TV is fucking distaster. The leftist TV (TVN) lying through their teeth every time they open their sucking jew cock mouth. Literally, only Netflix.
seems to be working
crypto jews in disguise
Poland is the single least cucked country in Western Europe thank you very much. Have fun watching niggers raping your daughter Hans
yeah, i dont know why most people here dont know this. They are decendents of jew refugees.
>only includes people born before 2000
completely useless
yeah because you guys are angels. you killed 2 Million Armenians and you keep killing kurds in the name of Islam, how progressive of you, Turkey.
Fatass I swear this to you, you and your entire filthy breed will suffer for what you have wrought.
Why do you watch Polish television?
>watching TV in current year
poor neetherlands, they are the real aryans
Better than Russia which bends over for Muslims
>Western Europe
>t. 30% jew based polack
The EU's trying harder and harder to get Poland to bend over and take its demands by focusing on propagating their news sources.
It's not working.
Poland will stay polish because of that.
Good job!
Insulting based Polaks
>1 post by this ID
What do you care?
>Why are polaks so brainwashed?
Pot calling the kettle black: The Post.
I don't want my children grow up in an Islamic world.
I don't watch TV at all but this is woke
Poland is the gift that keeps on giving
>flippin' off the EU on a daily basis
>asking Germany the 1mln reparation gibs
>media justly outing sandniggers as the animals that they are
stay based
They don't live in Poland, do they?
>Russian mongoloids
Based. At last someone tells the truth.
>I don't want my children grow up in an Islamic world that's why I pack them all and send them to EU so your children grow up in an Islamic world instead.
Haha my great uncle were just telling me how worthless your people were in the war. Claims your countrymen were blowing every western official to get Pollackia. Cuck Pollackia needs a nuke.
>the irony
>one country tells the truth about sharia law
>muh fear mongering
fuck off kike
Eurocuck is a Muslim confirmed . Initiating JDAMs
Yeah, it's the pole's that are brainwashed, not us having our brains washed by ak 47 bullets.
>EU will dissolve in our lifetime
Thank God.
Polack here i can confirm.
>>A nation can't glorify the army in which their people fought
Huh, weird that there's no glorification of SS in Germany.
>>Russians saving you from the eternal Kraut that wanted to physically exterminate you and killed 20% of your population already doesn't matter muh commies reeee
You mean the Russians that watched as Warsaw gets destroyed and then completed the deed by raping and pillaging their way through the rest?
what did satan mean by this?
No, but I do just want the world to stay diverse without being taken over by an occupying force.
Each nation deserve the right to keep it's culture and traditions.
You don't even show your real flag cuck, but I can tell you that we have nothing to be embarassed about.
We did more than what was predicted to be possible.
>b-but poles are uneducated retards
>b-but polish women are whores and coalburners
>b-but b-b-but
It's obvious why you would try to counter me.
You'd better show your real flag faggot.
Thanks goy, our nations should really become friends, we heard you're pretty good politicians and hate muslims as much as we do.
>Huh, weird that there's no glorification of SS in Germany.
top kek
Probably a hired poo. The level of shills is decreasing by day, shariablue's money is probably running dry.
>Each nation deserve the right to keep it's culture and traditions
V4 Israel alliance when?
those are all some of the highest iq caucasoids so who cares?
yes, because they are jews who got expulsed of those countries 100 years ago.
yeap, we have struggles with Liberal Israelis that keep controlling the fucking media, but the majority of the population is aware of the true enemy.
better than
>over 20 posts by this ID
>n-no, y-you are the one who's b-butthurt!!
>acknowledging execution of polish officers as genocide
they do acknowledge the execution and your entire government died while flying to commemorate the event
I wish liberals would fuck of, wish you good friend
quads confirm
I wish I could exchange Russian language knowledge for Polish...
But jews are the reason WW2 was declared in the first place and are the creators of communists and russian revolution.
It pisses me off that there so many threads about Poland. Stop observing our moves, you voyeurs
They're also the people trying to put muslim in Poland right now. Angela Kazmierczak is a jewess.
They are obsessed with us.
They just jealous.
wtf those digits confirm
Our president's wife and daughter are Jewess as well, so what?
Liberal Jews.
That has to do with the lack of data. I'm amazed even this exists. Nonetheless, you know today it's worse.
>V4 Israel alliance when
already happened
Ask any Israeli what think about diaspora? Ask any Polish what think about diaspora. Most of people aboard are fucking lefty in both cases.
The Polish underground state was an amazing accomplishment that nothing similar seen has ever been.
Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła
diaspora is fucking worst, not all but most
No, its actual liberal polish but close enough.
>majority of Sup Forums supports islamization of Europe now
Good job you got totally jewed.
Also Slavs aren't white, therefore Poland is 99% diverse so you can fuck off.
Yeah, I'm probably putting you all in the same bag. I don't really care about Israel, but these liberal jews as you call them call people like me, who don't want to lick the boots of israel (which I don't give a shit about) an "antisemite".
I still have the impression you're all playing a double game.
Diaspora has been the "natural state" of jews before israel. They all come from diaspora, I doubt most israeli come from autochtone populations.
here is pic. also, we are talking with Jews about tactics in regards to reparations.
greatest ally