How do we stop overpopulation? Just look at this webm

How do we stop overpopulation? Just look at this webm.

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Stop giving food and aid to Africans

By nuking india, china and africa

That wont stop them from having unprotected sex

salt the land with chlorinated biphenyls

>Africa heavily dependent on aid and foreign investment
>Western world facing total economic and civil collapse within the next few decades
Africa will collapse under its own weight when the west falls, the global economy will tank and huge numbers will starve, which will then lead to horrific epidemics the like of which has never been seen.
30% of Europe died around 530AD to the Justinian Plague, 50% to the Black Death. Both of these came after terrible crop failure. Given the centralisation of the population in the cities and the ridiculously precarious nature of our economies, combined with the outrageous levels of corruption and the impossible burden of mass migration, not to mention the inevitable ruin of antibiotics, everything will fall this century. Natural laws come into play when humans get too uppity, too stupid and too lazy, and we get a much needed slap back down every now and then. And thank God for that.

virtual reality, get the 3rd world hooked on them

they can rape as many white womenz as they want in the virtual reality

Diabetes is causing a population bottleneck as we speak, just wait a while.

>researchers take a closer look on the current data to suggest up to 76 percent of the world's population is overfat. This amounts to an astonishing 5.5 billion people.

this is a bullshit webm, anyone that believes this is autistic

impending population crash in africa, war between china and india, super bugs that eat up the tropics.

american whites have a stable population, japan is reducing to stable now. it'll all work out just fine.

accepting more refugees so they can adapt to our low-natality lifestyle

based on UN data and prediction. it's no secret that average subsaharan birthrate is 4.5 and infant mortality rate is decreasing. meantime average european birthrate is 1.5.

Cut off aid to Africa.
Stop trade with China.
Take all the oil.
Build abortion clinics along the mexican border
Government subsdidized birth control.

Couldn't have said it better.

But majority of those kids would not reach sexual maturity without gibs and their population would recede to levels they can sustain by themselves.

exactly, autism numbers that dont account for wars, climate change, famine, epidemics that will happen and hit africa worse than multiple nukes

You are a little cynical.

The countries like Equatorial Guinea and Gabon will prorably be fine since they're rich

I didnt know Japan was that populated.

i'm scared...

of the plague? Just move to the mountains, somewhere you have access to the fresh water and where crops can grow and you'll be fine. Most plague victim were from close knit populated areas (cities) where the disease could spread quickly through rodents and food

i don't know how to farm though

Egypt gets more aid than any other African country

do you know that subsaharan african population has been booming since 1970's despite continuous wars and famines?

this is also true for afghanistan and iraq since american occupation.

you learn through mistakes, besides a quick internet search will teach you. Hell there's probably a youtube tutorial on farming.

here's how we stop it.

This is the only right answer, those three areas are a fucking pest and should be fumigated.

that's true. i'll just add it to my list of ways to prepare for the happening

Something like genophage from Mass Effect, except it targets chinks, poos and niggers instead of krogans. It is already possible to make biological weapons that target a specific race. It wouldn't be morally wrong because it wouldn't kill anyone, just make all of them sterile

There are too many Africans in the world. I've started seeing it in the small 95% white city I live in, just over the past couple of weeks I've been seeing more North Africans than I have my entire life living here.

Just the other day I saw at least 10, in one day! Very few seem to speak English, and a lot of them are grown men, what could be going on, hmm.

Sweden is helping by taking in the surplus population of overpopulated countries. However I think we can be doing better. There's still a lot of space left in Sweden to fill in.

Put Sterilization Chemicals within China/India's waters.

Yep, just like the jewish population that kept booming despite the 6 gorillion.

They have been having sex for hundreds of years. The difference is that in the past, half of their kids starved to death and most of the others died from illness.
So yes, not giving them food and medicine would kill off many Africans and stop them from growing so fast

sweetie, sterilization iS genocide

Even cuck porn it's genocide.

you're a fucking loser

same thing happened here

New slave trade

scarier than any horror movies ive watched

But no one dies in it

>implying you lowsey pasta fuckers wouldn't become the slaves
You'd be in the kitchen

kill yourself

>Colombia is not even there

China isn't even growing since 90s. Worldwide East Asian and White populations are similar in numbers and birth rates.

Climate change, increased costs of living, promotion of homosexuality, wars, and closed borders.


Solar Flare? Asteroid?

Well if we can take recent history into account, the niggers will start killing whites, then they won't be able to eat/live, similar to Zimbabwe, It will go faster than Zim since Europes winter, so they'll be gone in a year once our numbers are cut to a significant amount. Once they can no longer leech they cannot sustain themselves.

You have to keep in mind the only reason the African population is so high is because of us. We send them aid and over breed them.

It will cause famine killing off the excess and forcing population growth rates back to a stable norm. Africans are still having 7+ kids even though their countries are no longer heavily agrarian countries where you need 7 kids to help you work a modest sized field.

Cobalt-Jacketed nuclear weapons dropped on Africa.

Egypt has the same amount of arable land as Bulgaria with ten times the population and less than half the GDP per capita.

>How do we stop overpopulation?

we don't, nature does.

>little ice age
>implying that will stop people from migrating in and out.

People are used to cold weather by now

It'll stop their kids from reaching adulthood

>People are used to cold weather by now

People are, but not niggers.