would you marry a cute white conservative girl who is redpilled on everything but is also a single mom? (kid is white)
Would you marry a cute white conservative girl who is redpilled on everything but is also a single mom? (kid is white)
depends why she is single.
Only if she's a widow.
I think I would be more inclined if the pre existing child was a girl
I'm in my early 30's now. Older i get the more chances of me not having a choice
Can the kid squat?
>(kid is white)
yes. if i was older and not likely to have a kid of my own, the woman was great and dad was 100% out of the picture. I see no problem with this.
A single mom can be red pilled, if and only if she is a widow.
Yeah if she bears my children
If she is a widow and will actually be a good monther then yeah I would.
Depends why she is a single mom. Probably not.
>would you marry a cute white conservative girl
Depends, does she have a penis?
Only if she truly values the traditional family and her current white children will be more aryan looking than our own.
Yes but I'd have to beat the stepchild
No. I am not some cuck who is going to raise another man's kid.
Yep. If she was a widow who'd been faithful to her deceased husband. The white child deserves a solid, white father figure to be raised properly. In these cases, I'd even say it's a noble act for the furtherance of white culture.
You can stop being retarded, thanks.
Why do single moms always have sons??
Yes, because redpilled conservative women don't tend to have any bad luggage. If she's a single mom then it's most likely not from whoring around. Redpilled qt's are also hard enough to come by so why not?
You can stop being fat.
I did. About 20 years ago. 15 years in she runs off. I raise her kid and mine alone. I would do it again for my kid's sake. They are red pilled to the hilt. We go to the gun range and talk politics. One is marrying a cop. The other is in college. I'm still single and will never marry again. I'm happy without women in my life. But I was in love once. That was enough.
what I came to say
Why is she single?
Only if she is a widow, otherwise she is not really a conservative
stop beinga fag. I am 30 and still do well with nonfat 18 year olds espite not being good looking
No. My ideal girl would be a mixed race mexican/white girl with no sexual history.
This is the only option, and it's still a stretch.
No such thing, you're all chameleons.
only if she can still bear my own children and
one or two kids from the same dude.... plausable
3-5 kids from different dudes.... fuck that dumb shit
sorry i want my own faily and you are a whore
if i hear these cunts saying "only real men" blah blah blah justifying their bastard kids im going to fucking lose it.
they have been brainwashed with some princess shit. back in my day in the 90's there were like 3 chicks pregnant through all of high school and they all knew and were told "it will ruin your life" but then feeling were hurt and they started normalizing it and now look... if you make it out of your teens without a kid its seen as an achievement worthy of a monk or perhaps you are just a loser and cant get laid...
EMP the fucking world please for the love of fucking doughnuts
>mexican girl
>no sexual history
Yea that's okay I guess. I have two kids of my own and a spare room. So yea whatever.
Nope. A non-virgin is a deal breaker for me.
i wouldnt even marry the perfect woman. i've become way too happy to give up my current life
yep but only if she is ready to give birth to my children
As others have said, only if she's a widow, it's been at the very least a year since her husband's death, and she wasn't a degenerate at any point. Kid deserve a dad, she deserves a husband.
Would feel weird, though. And if there is a afterlife, it's going to be awkward as fuck there.
I genuinely wish you the best of luck to find a girl like that. I've given up, personally.
>getting married
well, ladyboys are less likely to be single mothers
my gf was virgin at 19 and her sister is 23 and still a virgin
>23 year old french girl
>still a virgin
just how ugly (or muslim) is she?
are they known as sluts? Being from New Zealand I've never met one.
She's less attractive than my gf but still is ok
She's studying political science and is pretty blue pilled tho
Where did she run to? Did you see her again?
>he fell for the virgin meme
Any girl over 16 that's not a virgin is either a dude or lost their virginity to their father
Kek, oh boi
Mexican girls are the biggest sluts running around this globe m8
Your best bet to find a virgin would be if they were about 10 years old, and even then there would be a chance she sucked some dick already
Lol ok, you'll never know the joy of having a non degenerate gf
I am interested in this story. What happened to the mom? Junkie?
I'd ask her who her father or brother is and why he has not stoned her to death yet. What a fucking disgrace.
My girlfriend was 20 when we met and still a virgin. They exist. She even has a friend who was also a virgin and stayed one for like another 2 years. Her friend isn't all that attractive though.
If my wife passed away (the only reason I'd be looking for a new wife) I'd be coming into the relationship with white kids too.
Wouldn't bother me at all.
I did. Married blue eyed qt 46 years ago. 3 blue eyed grandkids so far. If I had known in the 70s what I know now I woulda had 20 kids. My only regret.
Depends on why the father is out of the picture, and she would also have to give me atleast 3 children to counter the cuckoo.
But most probably no.
would stick benis in/10
despite all the glaucoma
she has to be a raging bitch or just simply hate men to have never fucked
>Single mom
Pick one
>Married blue eyed qt 46 years ago
mind if i ask you how you came to this site, oldtimer?
[spoiler]also, what's your secret for a happy/stable marriage?[/spoiler]
FUCK. I doubt white girls are much better though.
>Only if she's a widow.
The only acceptable reason
No she just has high standard and don't want to fuck for the sake of it, just like my gf made me run after her for 6 months just to be sure I wasn't a pump and dump kind of guy.
Not if she is 3D.
I read somewhere that the hypersexuality among South americans has some kind of genetic reason don't quite remember what it was. It said that it makes them more aggressive, which is why Latinas are labelled as "hot blooded" meaning they are crazy putas who will rip your dick off if you make them angry
sounds pretty great actually
that's how it should be
best of luck to you and your girl
make a lot of bbys
sure thing Jacques
you know what happened to the man who didn't mind raising another man's kids? he wound up raising another man's kids!
I would have in the past, but not now.
>a cute white conservative girl who is redpilled on everything
Can a KGB operative be conservative and redpilled?
Yes as long as she and the kid are the same ethnicity as me.
Best TV show ever, but the daughter is dumb as hell.
Sup Forums would marry anything female that gives them the time of day.
It's been made obvious in this thread so far already that being a widow is the main requirement, but also only the tits and vageen doesn't have issues. Women who had kids by large have faulty tits and in a few cases a wrecked poon too.
Not unless she's a widow and the husband was a responsible father.
No! I don't do kids of any kind. Never have, never will. Uncompromising.
No. I get the anons saying they would if she was a widow which is understandable, but I wouldn't be a good father to a kid who isn't mine.
The only correct
Yes, her daughter/son can marry with my son/daughter
Depends on how old/hot her daughter is.