He literally and unironically did nothing wrong

He literally and unironically did nothing wrong.

>burgerfats bomb your country daily
>you're the bad guy for hitting back at them once in self-defence

fucking burgerkikes deserved what they got on 9/11, its a shame more didn't die

Other urls found in this thread:


Well, now they're flooding into your country. Guess what happens next.


Nice b8. Try again

Did you know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11? And I have proof: youtu.be/kyLyGXQUIo0?t=3m23s

>anglos want to legalise gay marriage and destroy religion and impose cultural marxism/feminism/sexual degeneracy
>a foreign monotheistic conservative religion flooding in will somehow aid this goal

you played yourself m8

i'd take muslims over anglos, jews, or atheists any day of the week

United States hadn't bombed Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia pre-9/11. Well congratulations, you got Afghanistan bombed. What's the next step of your master plan?

>>burgerfats bomb your country daily
We've never bombed Saudi Arabia.

Both claims are bunk.

Rampant underage posting needs to stop.

Yeah but we did bankroll and train Osama before 9-11. Really makes you think...

Osama didn't do 9/11. Our own government did.

Go suck a bag of dicks, Wayne.

Well the CIA did train him, arm him and educate him in subversion and guerilla tactics, but he definitely was not a patsy.

microfiche or fake

Did you forget the part where your troops went to help us bomb poor sand dindus? If you thought you got your shit shoved in by flightless birds, wait until those burquas start exploding.

>fucking burgerkikes deserved what they got on 9/11, its a shame more didn't die

There could of been more but Larry Silverstein and the Thermite Gang, had all the jews take off that day.

Today is the day that Allah gifted us with 9/11 was the beginning od the end for wh*Teys

Intelligence community. The 'government' is simply not that sophisticated


>attacking american globalism serving Judea
But on the other side sandniggers died.

You must be young.

I don't believe Osama was behind 9-11 I believe it was our own Luciferian/Babylonian government. I'm just posting it because people need to be aware of how much our own government brainwashes our people and the world. Vids related:


>Really makes you think...
it's a shame what they did to him and Gaddafi, thats no way to treat west point grads

How many jews died?

Shillpost, see you real soon schlomo




Have you taken the Gaddafi pill yet, user?

Jewmericans were bombing the ME before 9/11? (1st Gulf War doesn't count). I thought that on this occasion the ((('mericans))) genuinely dindu nuffin apart from funding Israel and having military bases in Saudi Arabia. Correct me if I'm wrong.

That depends. Do you believe the ((((official story)))) for 9-11?


fuck off bushshills. We all know you follow the zionist order.

>2 posts by this ID

COME ON AUSFAG DON'T LET THIS THREAD DIE. There's a bunch of newfags and youngsters who still think that they hate us for our freedoms.

>burgerfats bomb your country daily
When the fuck did the US bomb Saudi-Arabia daily?

>cause the afghan/iraq war by destroying the WTC
what daily bombing before that?

>You must be young.

Just wanted to say something about something, so yes, I guess I am young because it was quite a childish thing to do and I apologize.

>burgerfats bomb your country
he was a saudi tho

what's the name of that sexy kike in your pic again?

>implying osama exists

Why do you think Obongo was so quick to throw him in the ocean after he died? It took two fucking years for Saddam to get the rope.


bess something

why didnt he atack a military base or something?

Any Afghan vets wanna give me a QRD on this pic?

Is this why we blamed 9-11 on Bin Laden? Or is this one of the MANY reasons why we blamed it on Bin Laden?

americans are sassy kids that they believe they are right to bomb every country in the world but these countries should not fight back.

>the press

Anyone else find the timing of America's heroin epidemic kind of strange?

QRD please. Thoughts?

He did nothing cause it was mossad



Beofre we had a heroin problem we had coke/crack...when we were secretly in South America....beofre that we had the heroin /pilll problem in the 70s..strange that is when we were in Vietnam..the second largest producer of Heroin.

notice anything?

Oh, you think OBL was a real person? They got you good.

Really charges my coconuts.

I agree but not for the reasons stated. He dindu nuffin because he literally dindu nuffin. He was just a crisis actor they hired for a couple of skits.

Even if he wasn't behind 9/11 (which I agree he more than likely wasn't.) there were other attacks he was behind on Americans.
>Embassy bombings in 98
>USS coke attack.

Also if you want to know how the US government deals with orginazations they don't like check the RICO act. They hammer people with crimes they had nothing to do with simply because they are part of a group.


Not everything is a conspiracy.

Okay? Somethings are. What's your point?

No proof of crisis acting from the spoiled brat.

>He literally

stopped reading right there, I hate this fucking word and I don't even use english that much in my life

There is also no proof that those Navy SEALs killed him but no one has a problem believing the "we dumped his body in the ocean" bull shit. Everything about Bin Laden is fucking fishy. Vid related, somehow this wanted terrorist who eludes capture from the U.S. government can be tracked down and interviewed in person by CNN. You're a good goy.


>Our own government did
Why do idiots always say this? It obviously goes beyond government

there's a rumor he ate bacon in college. don't know anything else he did wrong.

He did not do 9/11. It was mossad. He just said it is a good thing the economic center collapsed but expressed grief over the lost lives

It was definitely MOssad but I thnk it's worth asking whether Bin Laden played a role in it, from another angle

The transcipt came out that he wanted to end the US empire, by putting us in debt.