He's going to cuck isn't he?
He's going to cuck isn't he?
sweden yes
I'd hope he'd know better after the last incident with the jews.
yes he's got millions in future profit to protect
Can you imagine if he doesn't and then survives where other media flops? It'll be like the first restaurants to defy yelp reviewers.
lol the nigga don't give a fuck
he's got millions and never has to stream again
>its okay when niggers use the word nigger.
His subscribers is going up. Only non-subs are bitching.
Youtube won't shut him down unless he does something SERIOUSLY egregious. He makes them more money than any other channel. I'd argue he makes them more money than all the music channels combined since they don't have to split their revenue stream NEARLY as much with him.
So, effectively, he's untouchable. He can say what he wants until it passes some legal barrier.
I believe in him, he sounds like a bro although I've never watched his channel yet
He needs to double down
Sure he will, that won't stop the media from smearing him.
double nigger
he'll probably post an apology video, say it is never justified to use that word, blah blah blah
he should just ignore it
millions of little kids say it every fucking day playing call of duty
STOP being a KEK
have you ever made a million, I'd bet it's not so easy to just forget about it.
if not triple
Varg, what happened to you?
yeah he needs to own it, like idubbz does
This is his subscriber data in the last 2 hours
He's getting stonger
yeah. He has really shitty views
vid games and niggers?
He's too big of a channel to fall.
Youtube have been trying to suppress him and are cutting off their nose to spite their face. They cancelled his Youtube Red show, and nobody's interested in Youtube Red. If they shut his channel down and he goes to Vidme, Youtube's monopoly will be OVER.
Reminder he was in deep shit for being a """"Nazi"""" before, and he lived through it. The mainstream media can't keep Pewdiepie down, they know it, and it pisses them off.
I'm going to subscribe to pewdiepie specifically to spite Google.
he said in the stream that he wont make an apology video(or "apologies futher" or something like that). "It doesn't help". He has been "trough it before".
(as far as I can remember)
on Sargon stream. he send him messages and shit if he wants to be on the stream. he said pewdiepie wont come on because he wants to lay low
What do you think happens if he just ignores it? You think these people will still be on twitter in a month and tweet him "Just apologize. Wahh. Waaaah"
They give up in a few days and nobody cares anymore
sweden and cucking over racism
name a more iconic duo
without pewdiepie on youtube gaming I think that hundred million dollar R&D into improving their livestreaming functionality would go to waste. There's 0 fucking market for youtube gaming with twitch in existence, EXCEPT pewdiepie.
Just so you know, the only channel I have ever subscribed to until yesterday was Primitive Technology. Nothing else. Until this fucker dropped an n-bomb, then I subscribed, not because ive ever watched one of his videos, but because of principle.
If anyone's a cuck, it's the streamers that are saying he's ruining LP's. That in itself is an admission that they're selling bootleg copies of the games they play, and that the hammer should be able to come down at any time, which goes directly counter to their previous arguments.
Will the western world ever recover from this foul mouthed swede?
Some devs are trying to illegally DMCA his videos to spite him. I enjoy seeing their DMCA requests denied by google, as they have no proper legal precedent. Especially since i'm 150% certain that pewdiepie's legal team contacted them to obtain written permission to monetize their content. They did it with my game and my game's some little one man piece of shit.
I fucking hate Jim Sterling, that pompous fat piece of shit is a testament to the gamer community's descent into liberalism and political correctness.
He will apologize in some way for sure. The question is whether it will be a really serious apology or a nonchalant one.
Yes. A sobbing video where he apologizes and condemns raysizm.
He fucking apologized right after he said it.
Even though he didn't need to.
/ourguy/ is a ruthless killer. He's not going to back down.
Is there a site that provides any analytics for this? Gimme a graph or something.
But he did nothing wrong.
Socialblade, no I'm not linking it do it yourself faggot
What, theoretically, would he stand to gain by not doubling down? How could that end well for him or any decent human being on earth?
If he does address it, and I don't think he will, he'll probably explain that it has a different usage in Sweden, and that he's spent over a decade online gaming where the word is very common. Not really an apology, but an explanation.
He's wrong to use the nword. Black people are only ever good. Look!
He's actually accumulating more subscribers, literally refresh his subscriber counter and he's gaining 2-3 every refresh.
He's gained like 5 million subs lol
Fight me CNN
idk - maybe I"m looking at this shit wrong but it says he got 12k yesterday and 4200 so far today.
ok - I'm looking at it wrong lol. 7500 yesterday and 3800 so far today.
He will take some vacation and come back after the dust has settled, pretending nothing happened.
I mean he really can't do anything else. When you use nigger as an insult it just means you've stayed too much time on places like Sup Forums to the point it shaped your casual speech.
It's 10 second story that no one will give a fuck about it a month.
This, they wuz just savin dem shoes n shiet dey good boiz
jim tin is literally cancer
i can't wait for him to die from a massive coronary failure while riding a dragon dildo
>has already made millions and can easily afford to do his own shit
>youtube is demonetizing pretty much everyone atm, including channels that aren't even offensive at all
What can they possibly threaten him with?
>he said in the stream that he wont make an apology video(or "apologies futher" or something like that). "It doesn't help". He has been "trough it before".
Also this. I can't think of a single example where apologizing to sjws has made anything better.
pewdiepie saying nigger was the most important day of your cracka ass life, white boi!
That's digital FINNFACE.
Pewdiepie did nothing wrong.
fight me now
I bet its easier when you have made 15 millions
am redpilled hapa
My plan is to build up my youtube channel and go full 1488 on all the kiddos watching my vids
I realized this is a great idea after seeing what pewdiepie can do subtly to help the younger people come to our reactionary and fanatic ideologies.
>He's going to cuck isn't he?
I don't know. If he's going to "apologize," he should do it by bringing a black friend onto his show and having him say "nigger" almost constantly for twenty minutes, then watch the left melt down trying to decide whether or not they should call it "racist."
Has he really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
You're not even white. Sad!
yeah I can get away with saying whatever I want because I'm brown/half flip
Why does socialblade still say he's affiliated with Maker? You think out of the shitstorm that came from WSJ, that someone would have changed it.
He won't, he knows already they don't care even if he cowers
aids nigger faggot
>Yeah man, the goyim need to back down. They will never defeat the descendants of Kang David!
T. ygorgy shekelburg.
That fat fuck Sterling used to post way more racist stuff than Pewdiepie on his old Morphine Nation website.
>50 million kids are slowly getting redpilled and fostering a healthy rage for the fake news networks that attack pewdiepie
>have you ever made a million, I'd bet it's not so easy to just forget about it.
If you have common sense, have critical thinking, and a decent IQ, you can live comfortably with that money through savings and investments.