Reminder that men need women, women don't need men

Reminder that men need women, women don't need men.

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The only good thing about getting older is watching the stronk womyn getting the drying ovaries syndrome.

right here bb
open bob
into relation
okay raep you friday

>women don't need men

>can breed with one man at a time
>out of commision for 9 months
>expires at age 30

>can sire as many kids as he wishes
>gets a boner instantly
>fertile until death

52 ahahahahahaha

Shall we remove alimony then?


>you liek rapping
>i loek rapping

Until artificial wombs and sexbots are invented.


>over the wall roasties complaining about problems settling down after riding the cock carousel

I wish I was a woman, I really do, what an easy life.

>women don't need men.

Posts title of article that states that "women are struggling to find other halves."

>solvent women

>find other halves that can measure up

I found their problem

Who in the hell wants a sassy vaginal Jew?

I love how the gay right is getting pissy because women are getting redpilled.


When discussing this sort of topic, I always find this to be an enjoyable read

I think it means cash wealthy. i.e they have liquid assets

>this thread again

i'd fuck all of them
especially laura if she kept those heels on

Saved, a perfect image of me

then why are they so worried about where all the good men have gone?

also why do I need a woman if I cook my own food, do my own dishes, do my own laundry, and keep my own house?

>the state of virgins

none of these roasties would marry eddy

It's all so tiresome.

Nice jpeg there, were you trying to obscure the identity of these women or are you just incompetent?

Yeah seriously how is that a plus

absolute pleb tier taste

every thread on Sup Forums is "this thread again"
until some major habbening habbens

> Roasties in their 40s and 50s

There's your problem right there. They're past their sell-by date.

>those ages

5 years ago I would've been nice to these women and listened to their requests and genuinely tried to help them.

oh well

I can't find a good woman. Are my standards too fucking high or something? I just want a girl who'll have 2-3 kids and be a good housewife. I thought that was the baseline requirement for being a woman, but they're getting pretty difficult to find.

LOL. "Women don't need men..."

What a laugh. "Honey, can you...

Get that off the top shelf...
There seems to be something wrong with
The car
The toilet
The dog
The baby
The washing machine
And on and on.

Sure, women don't need men. LOL.

Fuck man I was a huge white knight cuck in my early 20s. It took me years after high school to realize how shit worked. The moment when I finally had my eyes opened by how this girl was treating me, it was the closest I came to wanting to sudoku, I was humiliated. Feels bad man.

>Wish I was a woman
How old are you user? I went through that phase when I was like 21. I'm so happy God did not grant me that wish. Being a woman sucks, you'll find out eventually if you get many of them to open up for you (literally and metaphorically) :DDD

I know the feeling, but at least you eventually woke up. Many will just stumble through life and never figure it out. Chin up brother

We are dead center of the "weak men make hard times" meme.

It's going to get much worse before it gets better. This generation of women are lost causes. You'll never get them to relinquish their powers now.

The only way out is for the hard times to come and create the strong men that the women will be comfortable submitting to.

Great reminder, thank you.

Sup Forums in general is a repost hell.

So many problems for women can be solved if they just accept that men and women aren't the same. Stop projecting what you find desirable in men onto men; men do not desire dominate personality traits in women, nor do they value your career or wealth. A bossy, childless, over-the-hill career woman just signals penis envy and bad news to men wanting a wife and mother to his children.

You are too fucking old.

Keep dreaming fatty. No normie is going to use that shit.

That's because you want to be a tranny

in our generation. give it time to normalize.

Did artificial insemination change the sex dynamic? No. You're thinking about this from your weirdo autistic position. Most men aren't losers like you that can't get a woman. 5 - 10% will use this, mostly homosexuals and couples that can't conceive.

>Halves that can measure up

Desperate but still delusional...

>There seems to be something wrong with
>The dog
ok I making dinner tonight honey

Pls explain bro, lift me out of this NoFuggotitis illness I have. Heal your brothers soul. :^(

>Most men aren't losers like you that can't get a woman

user pls stop projecting. The sex bot thing will get more and more popular the more men who don't end up with women, which is getting pretty large these days. I'm not saying it will become the majority, I'm saying it's going to get big enough to cause a moral panic. 30 years ago most guys didn't watch porn, nowadays you'd be hard pressed to find a guy who doesn't watch porn.

>women don't need men

And yet they're, "struggling to find" men. Sure seems like they're trying to fill some sort of a need. Dumbass.

Funny thing is that these are all dried up hags, while men keep their virility for decades

Implying man wouldn't buy a 2B waifu

Only because its usage will be restricted to only the privileged and wealthy. MGTOWs are naive if they think that single men will have access to an artificial womb.

Neck yourself reifag

Maybe there will be a bunch of stay at home dads now?

Yeah, and women wont use latex cocks either.

>I'm saying it's going to get big enough to cause a moral panic
On what basis are you making this assertion? On nothing. Pure feelings. You want it to cause a moral panic, you can get back the raosties (in your head). Surrogate mothers and artificial insemination were supposed to do what you're claiming. Jack shit happened. Nobody except faggots and infertile people use the tech. You're underestimating 200,000 years of evolution.

>Single women on the other side of 40 having standards.

Oi what a giggle m8.

Any "good men TM" most likely have families or are finishing up their careers and can't be bothered to court women undeserving of courting.


As a man, you face a free-for-all against this world, an infinite fight. All of this world is here to currupt you, to destroy you and to steal your soul.

Own the struggle, be molded by it. Carve yourself into existance, conquer the world and transform it according to your will, and you will own it, and you will lose it, and this is man's fate.

Besides, is sucks to bleed for no apparent reason.

The day women offered up this hag as a political candidate was the final straw for many men. Five years ago, we were all "kinda" thinking there was something seriously wrong with women but then it all came out into the open with the election. We started to realize just how many women would sell men out in an instant. Third wave feminism reached its hysterical peak with Hillary.

The only reason Trump won was because of married women who had been brought to heel by their husbands.

These days Red Pill Knowledge is an everyday term and even the kid down the block knows about MGTOW.

They don't want a man,
This is what they are looking for
>pic related

Here is your answer ladys

Nope. Like all products that start for the government/rich/etc (aka: space technology), it eventually trickles down to consumers because in the end, (((they))) want to get our shekels through taxes and finance interest.

They'll allow the artificial womb at first, tax the shit out of it and then the Asians will offer up counterfeits on

>wants 50+ year old rich single man
Best they can get is an old fuck who re-married 4-5 times

its almost like men don't want menopausal women who cant bear children

It's funny how women always wanted to marry up.
Meaning their husbands (according to the wives) married down.

Now the women are successful and somehow the idea of marrying down is not occurring to them.

Don't want to marry a stupid-but-sweet stay-at-home dad?
Tough titties, it's that or cats.

I wonder how long until men start to become golddiggers. Just work out a bit and stay fit, then go marry a 45+ rich business-woman and become boytoy.

Nice of them to put their BMIs there.

Why do women get pissed when you sexually reject them?
>What, you never had a girl grind on you user?
>are you too good for a gf?

>Where have all the good men gone?

I just wanna punch every woman who keeps asking that stupid fucking question in the fucking throat.

>trickle down economics

>Reminder women need men, men don't need women.
Ftfy, fag

It could be worse

>be me
>fall for the jewish lies
>marry a woman with a kid
>ruined my life
>cucked myself
>still married because I didn't get red pilled until a year ago
>have been drinking myself to death for 8 years

this ride is almost over thank god, I only have myself to blame. My two best friends tried to shove red pills down by throat but I didn't listen

>be 2155
>dreaming of good old days when pure whites existed
>design genetic sequence based on old bloodlines with upgraded mental and physical traits
>basically superbaby of Ancient Greek + Nordic + Germanic DNA
>order online from offbrand generic service
>wait 9 months
>knock on door
>open and see nigger baby in basket

I dunno but I reckon it's the same reason pretty girls get upset when their ugly friend get's more attention than them, they come up to realising they're nothing more than a hole so the rage kicks in but shortly after the cognitive dissonance does so they don't have to think about it

Because women are only concerned with social status and all they have to acquire said status is sex so if you reject them you're essentially telling them they are a complete and utter failure condemned to a life at the bottom of the social ladder.

Also they're treated like God's gift to the world from the time they hit puberty by an army of orbiting betas and never get used to the idea of rejection -- opposite for men.

I think it means they already took half of their first husbands money

OP you missed the part where the women say they fuck like rabbits and do not expect commitment.

Why marry the cow?

Women handle rejection by blaming the other person. They are children and incapable of taking responsibility.

Toppest kek, all good men are in prison because of false rape accusations

Really? I usually nitpick myself to death when I'm rejected. Or simply not relationship worthy. I've experienced what you claim with men

This is the fate of the roasties. The beta providers they all planned to settle down with are wise to the plan and reject marriage with them, prefering pump and dump gold diggers and desperate 30 year olds instead. Soon sex bots will replace women altogether. How can roasties even compete?

Why must you all reply to bait so often?
Why can you not sage & slide?

>Help me, I rode the cock carousel for 20 years and now I need some poor fool to make me feel validated
Gets me every time.

I genuinely look forward to the spike of 30-something-year-old women committing suicide in the next 5-10 years
>t. 25 year old guy left out in the cold

Whenever I see the word "sassy" I head for the hills

sounds like having one of them around will ruin the finish on my furniture. No thanks roasties

*clean houses
*their dicks
assuming all the guys don't share one dick

Ah fuck me. user is right.

What is more likely though is the perfection of VR reality. Then you can have white kids again with your digital waifu.

>Posts title of article that states that "women are struggling to find other halves."
Oh, literal arachno capitalist!

Drama queens
Will treat any man not making 200k a year like dirt

This sounds about right.

Opposite day again women need us and when this marxist fantasy crashes down again they come crawling back,women and shitskins living in a world made by white men and when whitey finally has had enough its over for both

Look for post-wall female suicide rates to spike sharply in the next decade.

That will be a direct result of MGTOW and Red Pill Knowledge.

Could you imagine an entire life of being handed everything and told you can do no wrong.....and then go to being ignored by all of society. You'd an hero too.

I will personally celebrate once female suicides surpass that of men. It's been a long time coming. We've lost some very bright, earnest and articulate men to treacherous women.

People said the same thing about online dating websites in the 90s.

You're right. Allow me to rephrase.

Entitled people handle rejection by blaming the other party.
Insecure people blame themselves after-the-fact.
It's possible to be both.

Men are just as bad.
This is overcome through practice.

Because men tend to (on average) be more risk-taking, there is a (general) trend of men encountering failure more often and thus being better at handling it.

>30 years ago most guys didn't watch porn
heh heh that's adorable. It was on paper.
t. 61yo

>The only way out is for the hard times to come and create the strong men that the women will be comfortable submitting to.

Correct. No woman wants to submit to a faggotty man child.