The Daily Stormer was just banned by Austria is down

What now?

Other urls found in this thread:

NameCoin, .bit domain

Tell them, anyone

still up for me you dumb memeflag poster.

Reminder that The Daily Stormer admitted to astroturfing Sup Forums last year in the hopes of converting sympathizers to their petty agenda.

Anyone who visited Sup Forums prior to 2015 will notice the stark change in discussion. This alt-right crap has been largely manufactured by this shit website (TDS)


DNS ban have not updated yet for your location, i have seen this happen many times. You will lose connection in 24 hours.


Hershel, please.

>easyDNS has refused to host the site
When will they already stop trying North American registrars? It looks really dumb at this point

It's online again.

They tried Chinese, russian and albanian, did not work.

how will jews set up sites to race bait people to keep them distracted against uniting against the one race that is the problem since the Jews are hated by everyone. fucking when, lads?

Its down for me and several other people. Probably DNS have not updated yet for your location.

Wonder who's behind this post

They admitted it huh
Gonna need some sauce you fucking schmendrick

Why doesn't he try Greece or something? Aren't most of them antisemites anyways?

Use the tor one but you need to use the tor browser don't use those fucking links where you can get on through the surface net they will steal your info.

if you concede to your enemy then you're a loser. compromise is for the weak and gutless. even if dailystormer had nothing to do with Sup Forums originally after the establishment unveiled they can unperson you then it must be fought everywhere possible.

if you don't agree then you should die like the spineless coward you are.

Scram you fucking kike

They need to try .bit, it's apparently the last resort

You first buy bitcoin, then you buy namecoin, and then you activate your domain with it. It's quite ingenious and, technically, abuse-resistant

fuck off kike


fuck those idiots but fuck astria too.

>being proud you banned a website because of scary ideas

Fuck off Chaim, Sup Forums is not going to fall for your antifa shilling

>TFW you mined bitcoins and got free namecoins on the side

Oi vey! Ban the goyim!

Oh yea, that'll DEFINITELY stop the Next Hitler!
Good job jews, you totally prevented your destruction there, phew that was a close one!
Why don't the rats realise the damage is already done? There's no turning back now.

This. Remember when the only things Sup Forums found disgusting were missionary sex and furries?
That's the Sup Forums I liked, but then the Stormweenies and Web brigades took over.

This is why free speech was a mistake.

Andrew is persecuted! He lost six million subscribers! It is a HoloCo$t!

m8 austria imprisoned a guy for NINETEEN years because he kept putting pro hitler site back up after being ordered to stop. they also forced an old lady to sell her house to the government because hitler was born there. also this is one of their crosswalk lights.

who cares? europe is dead.

and usa is somehow better?

Jews can steal anything without repercussions. Alex has the documents!


They do that because they have very devoted Hitlerians.

It's up for me.

Kek OK tough guy

>This is why free speech was a mistake.
Unironically this. TDS and the stormfags have made large portions of previously fun parts of the web unusable through their faggotry. The only conspiracy theory I entertain these days is that these cunts are a false flag of some sort.
Stormfags need to go back. Or else we should just end this grand internet experiment altogether.


Stop hosting in Western Europe you retarded faggots.



I've seen this said about Stormfront, too. You're obviously trying to divide the board.

>This alt-right crap
It's called the truth. The pro-white stuff is a natural reaction to the anti-white agenda being pushed so hard, absolutely everywhere. Get used to it, because it's never going away until the demographic and Jew problems are solved.

>flood nation with smelly Muslims who only seek to replace you
>ban site that promotes pride in european people


If I was an alien and a Jew told me that he fooled hundreds of millions of people to abandon and forsake they're neighbors, history, race, future of they're children, and instead to dedicate they're lives to giving everything of true value to a hoard of mentally retarded, greedy, violent, perverted brown shit stains... I wouldn't believe you

But here we are

Just encrypt the website. Completely rename everything. and have it on a non-suspicious domain name.

Sounds cool, but is there anything special you need to do to access a .bit domain?

wanna know how i know your skin is brown?

Oh? So when was the last time TDS spoke about a great artist, thinker, or poet, without its tongue firmly placed in its cheek?

No one is going to do anything, especially not risk their lives, for a biological categorisation. That's what every single one of these sites - and everyone who goes on them or defends them - misses.

Remember what Yuri said about the best weapon being a higher power, in the form of a faith?

>divide the board
>he thinks everybody is on board with his nazi, stormweenie crap

This place has had shit tons of Nazi stuff WAY before 2015.

The "alt-right" meme was created here, retard.

works for me

Good bahahahaha