Why does society have stigmas against gay guys, but no stigmas against gay girls

Why does society have stigmas against gay guys, but no stigmas against gay girls

Speak for yourself queer

Because sticking your dick in the shitter is gross

Because girls don't spread ass cancer.

Because nobody likes fags

Girls are hot

Shut the fuck up Mcfaggot

I would unironically gas lesbians way before fags

Because 2 girls aren't going to contribute to the AIDS epidemic by scissoring.

They have the lowest chance of cathing any sort of std of all orientation. Also no body damage like anus prolapse and so on.
Also it make's your dick hard.

fix the man, woman will follow

Because women are effectively children and we know not to take anything they do seriously

Two romantic partners that are both traditionally in a receiving/submissive role do not necessarily have to change their roles to have sex.

In a scenario where the two sexual partners are both traditionally dominating, one partner must necessarily change their role to become submissive.

One of these scenarios is seen as a degradation of a partner and while the other is not.

Because its hot

Because homosexuals can't be extracted for resources by women, because they know gay men are physically repulsed by their body and genitalia.

There's a reason the most successful men in history were fags or closeted homos, and it's because they spent 0% of their life chasing pussy, and 100% of their life chasing dreams.

>I like girls
>Oh look more of the things I like (girls)
>on the bed
gee I dont know OP

We prefer to think of lipstick lesbians and pretend bull dykes don't exist. There isn't a favourable type of fag.


Because lesbians don't spread diseases as much as faggots and also because lesbianism is just attention whoring in the most cases
Nobody treats females seriously anyway

checked for truth

also fake russia has a point



because girls are whores anyway

Because men are are retarded and think with their dicks that lesbos are ok because omg 2 girls kissing so hot, which in reality they produce degeneracy like lesbo families and ruin society.

This. Attractive lesbians are tolerated because they make for good entertainment.

because two girls making out is HOT

>There isn't a favourable type of fag.
You forgot traps.


Because gay girls don't exist. The only reason why your 19 y/o daughter is munching carpet is because she hates you.


There is a stigma, it just isn't a pronounced. People will stare and give dirty looks to a lesbian couple here in buttfuck, Indiana. Lesbians should all be gassed because the ones that I have met all have some degree of hate for men.

Because women are nice to eye and innocent

Because no one cares what women think, men like girls, lesbians are hot, that's why we like them. Fuck fags tho

Because Chad likes threesomes. World of sex is dictated by Chads.

I wouldnt say that. Nobody would judge you if they saw you making out with pic related or close to it.

Not that it would be gay anyways

Take the manliest bull dyke on the planet and pair her up with a hot rich dude that's into her, she'll become a happy housewife.

Take the most whimsical cock gobbling sissy on earth, pair him up with most perfect woman alive who's into him, they'll share a house as he goes out to the highway rest areas every weekend and gets boarhogged by stangers.

>Because women are nice to eye and innocent

Outside of lesbian porn there is no such thing. After 35 years as a doctor every "Lesbian" I met was in reality a 300 pound spinster with a room mate. "Lesbian" is just cooler than "spinster".

Because lesbians don't really exist.

>guys why girl girl on porn is not as bad as boy boy.

Carpet munchers make me hurl just as much as fucking faggots, the only difference is that I would fuck the two dykes raw while I wouldn't touch the pillow bitter with a hazmat suit on

Because unlike faggots, lesbians can be cute

I don't know don't question it faggot let it be.

>No body damage


>Why does society have stigmas against gay guys, but no stigmas against gay girls

We live in a matriarchy. Women can do no wrong.

>Only watching porn with dick in it

>In a scenario where the two sexual partners are both traditionally dominating, one partner must necessarily change their role to become submissive
Nah, these relationships work. And the sex is never the issue unless youre faggots, the problem is the day-to-day shit when both partners try to force the other to do shit their way over the most mundane shit. The trick is that both sides just need something in the relationship to dom on. Get a big dog or pick up sluts together or something else that takes up a lot of attention. But the relationship needs a lot of communication at its foundation to determine in which scenarios one partner has control over the situation - A controls the garden B chooses the furnature, etc.


>fisting the uterus

Mein gott

senpai I straight up don't like lesbians. I've asked several people to think of a lesbian that wasn't complete shit, one person got 1, and not even certain if she was lesbian or bi. But I'd hang out all day with gay dudes, transgenders, furries, and all sorts of shenanigans before putting up with some lesbians shit.

They don't spread disease

Hot kinky Jo is the best reason to import a Russian wife

She learned this from homos who've been doing shit like this for years now. Also, that's an extreme porn star, not your average lesbian.

Because lesbians don't exist except in porn, and porn is fiction. Faggots however do exist, but they are relatively rare and most of them probably never come out of the closet.

>lesbians don't exist
Are you guys really that offended at the idea that there are some women that will never want your dick? Come on guys, there are some 'political lesbians' out there, but they still exist..

>That pic
>Not having a hot guy in the background and trying to get his attention by lezing out
>Implying lesbians real

>Are you guys really that offended at the idea that there are some women that will never want your dick?
It's ok, most of Lesbians I've seen IRL are abominations

More like human nature.

Don't kno

Because instead of one girl, theres two of them, inagine yourself inbtween two chicks

Women are always advantaged, you've still got a lot to learn.

true, but
being a lesbo, well... still means you're beyond saving.

unironically this.
Sodomy is subhuman tier.

Also male faggots are more degenerate/indulge in pedophilia more than lesbians

Bisexual women are ridiculous. Who knows why when they reach their 30's they all end up getting impregnated by a chad.

Most child molestors aren't attracted to adults of either gender though, so that's a bit disingenuous.

muh fuggin dick

Those are run-of-the-mill pedos. Gay pedos are just super degenerates and they want to fuck little boys and men. And a disproportionate amount of gays are pedo. It goes with the territory, it's all sexual deviance.

Lessies= two chicks is great for our male gaze, cloud rape bot to, make babies, soft forms, purely sex organ focused.

Male fags= feces, aids, anal fissures, no chance of offspring. Only tumblr twats ship faggots.

All sex that isnt done with intent to reproduce is degenerate.

Protip: sex is for reproduction, not experimentation

>And a disproportionate amount of gays are pedo
Not really, but I know I'd be wasting my time arguing that here.

1-2% of the population is responsible for 1/3 of child molestation. Explain how they aren't disproportionately child molesters. You might as well try to argue that blacks don't disproportionately commit violent crime even though the stats speak for themselves.

You can't just say "No" without reason.

51% of child molestors are gay.
1-2% of the nation is gay
Meaning the statistical probability of a fag also being a pedo is astronomically high.

lesbians are made fun of, thought to be disgusting, and aren't prized by guys the way gay guys are by women (i.e. faghags, straight girls that want a gay bff)
no straight man loves actual lesbians like that, and other straight girls ostracize her for being gay and ""ugly"". being lesbean is suffering.

idk what your talking about, i hate dykes even more than fags. there annoying and obnoxious. atleast a fag dosnt bring it up every 3 minutes a dyke always trys to act like a man and its pathetic

Lesbianism is a phase that many grow out of. Gay is an illness.

The key thing you're missing is that the vast majority of child molestors are not attracted to adults of either gender. You can't just look at a man who molests a boy and lump him with homosexuals who are attracted to adult men.

Lust for sex is like a daredevils desire for a thrill.

>He starts out with a small homemade ramp
>After a while the small jump no longer satisfies
> He increases its size to get a thrill hes been desensitized to
>next thing you know hes jumping the grand canyon just so he can experience that old thrill

Degenerate sex is the same way. First its only vaginal straight sex. You masturbate a million times and require something new to peak your interest, you then watch or do anal. Then its gay or bestiality, then its shit and piss, then its puke, then its pedophilia and bdsm etc...
Some are so degenerate, the only way for them to get a thrill from sex is to rape violently.

All sex aside from straight vaginal sex with intent to reproduce is degenerate and disgusting.

I hate lesbians because if they're good looking, they're a tragic waste and single white girls are hard to find these days. And I hate the ugly ones because they hate me and also, they make me want to puke when I see their degenerate assess.

when watching straight porn, both men and women are looking at the women getting fucked (except leaf)

there's no such thing as a true dyke or true straight woman. they don't feel innate disgust when getting physically intimate with each other like straight men do.

you realise most young women get in changing rooms together? try on bras together? ever see all those pics practically everywhere of rowdy party girls kissing? a large percentage of women have kissed other women, especially when drunk.

though this doesn't translate to sex as much for women. if two guys kiss, it's way more likely that they'd be down for a blowjob or more (due to the nature of male homosexuality), but when two women kiss, they're not about to start eating each other out. they'll just put it down as "hehe i was drunk"

if you got drunk, would you start making out with some guy? of course not, since it would disgust you.

same thing with dykes, nearly every time they're really only """lesbian""" because they're either ugly or traumatized. there used to be quite a lot of """lesbians""" in the 80's and 90's, college age women. then they took a dick at some point and realised they're just bisexual.

radfems know this, too, and they fucking hate it. they'll do anything to put their agenda first. ever wonder why LGBTAQPWCX starts with L?

forgot to mention that half the time the only reason they kiss each other is to get the attention of men. it's late here fuck off

gay girls are typically the ones no one wants

yeah and 90% of all child molesters are men.
the common thread here isnt that they're gay, it's that they're men.
being gay probably breaks down the social barriers because of free love and all that shit preached in lgbt but the inclination is still there, whether they repress it or not.

Because you can set a lesbo straight with the power of cock, but you can't set a faggot straight since cock is what made him gay in the first place.

If you think gay is a stigma, try being bi. Im stigmatized from every side.

Sadly, that's changed. In fact, I'd say 85% of all new lesbians are hot. Wake up. The Jews have done well in their quest to destroy whites.

From experience, everything you just said is 100% true.
How come two non-lesbian females can kiss/be intimate without having the same kind of disgust as pic related?

Is there science behind this?

because lesbians aren't actually real.

I hope your scorched in sulfur from every side


People hate fags because fags don't spend all their time and resources trying to please women.

Most bisexual people end up with the opposite gender in the end.

Thats also true. There really is no such thing as a lesbian. Pretty much everything we do is done in relativity to men and their attention.
Lesbians know it turns men on. Thats why in "lesbian" porn 7/10 times there is a man laying there while they fuck him or make him watch.
Lesbians dont exist. But gay fags do. Sex isnt sex without penetration from a biological fleshy PENIS!

hahahahaha Im a hit everywhere i go, I just have to be one or the other.

my little secrethahahahahFEEDTHEHATE!!!!

No, people hate fags because fags lie, are disgusting, annoying, full of evil and generally anti-God.

Men are supposed to be men and women are a bunch of disgusting freaks anyway so nobody cares

Gays don't have to climb the societal totem pole because the reward for climbing isn't something they want. People view them with disgust and mistrust because they now can't easily discern their motives.

Lesbians can still be a reward in the climbing of the totem through certain institutions like preplanned marriages, the need of resources that a man can provide a woman to survive, or just peer pressure forcing the woman into choosing a husband much in the same way that gays used to take wives.

This. Every lesbian I have met has either had some traumatic experience with men, didn't get any dick in high school, and or went through a horrible break up with a man and is eating the pussy with vindictiveness. There may be lesbians out there from the get go but it feels like most just do it out of choice. Man created lesbians.

Bi is fake
Ur gay, mate

funny....me and mine ended up with the same, it you want kids, opposite, fun is for freaks not famiies

There is no bisexual. Either you suck dick, or you do not suck dick.

this webm is a good example of what i was trying to get at. do you think these women are lesbians? of course not.

in fact, as soon as they notice the men looking, they get even more rowdy. it's just in their nature, especially if there's no religious police roaming around beating the public degeneracy out of people.

getting any dicking in high school is being completely degenerate