Can't deny it much longer...
>yfw Marx was totally right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Adam Smith, effectively the inventor of capitalism, wrote in Wealth of Nations that capitalism cannot work without a strong governmental regulation constantly course-correcting the market away from the tendency towards monopoly.
That, surprise surprise, a system that is built off of competition fails when competition is stifled. But the very system that works off the back of competition would always strive for a clear victor, at which point the system breaks down.
"free" markets need better definition. Just as with individual freedoms, they stop when they butt up against harming the freedoms of others so they aren't infinite. You're free to say whatever you want, you're *not* free to yell fire in a crowded theatre causing a stampede that kills people. You're not "free" to be a mass murderer, if that is seen as a limitation on freedom I might suggest you're a psychopath.
a monopoly isn't necesary bad tho
He was right about the problem. He was wrong about the solution. The real solution is a synthesis of capitalist and socialist principles.
Marx is one of those dudes who should have had his head displayed publicly on a spike
Marx actually agreed with Sup Forums on most issues.
Peope on Sup Forums don't realize what marxism is, throwing around meme terms like "cultural marxism" and thinking college academics are marxists when this couldn't be further from the truth.
Here is a good redpill regarding the mainstream criticisms of marxism
Have you seen how fucked up our broadband infrastructure is?
>muh exploitation
>muh evil bourgeoisie
>muh brave and innocent workers
This kind of empty moral judgments are exactly the problem with the whole socialist/communist ideology.
Literally "see that guy? He's bad, he's the source of your problems, let's get him!".
>muh evil bourgeoisie
Marx never said the bourgeoisie were malevolent or evil.
>be leftist
>can't meme
>have to recycle already existing memes in the cheapest way possible without even understanding the point of the original image
>destroy the original punchline to the point where the image doesn't even make sense
Leftist "humor", everybody.
Autism: the post.
>left realizes it can't meme
>steals memes
Or should I say "siezes" memes?
How's sucking the Muslim cock going for you?
Maybe you should consider a wall and state sponsored atheism.
>implying most right wing memes aren't stolen
No one is right about everything, but he was right in his support of the 2nd amendment.
Capitalism is just fine.
It's YOUR leftist policies that caused this. If you didn't tax the hell out of businesses, raise minimum wage and force businesses to do things they shouldn't have had to do then there would be more smaller businesses selling cheaper goods. There's a reason only corporations exist and it's because small businesses can't survive the high wages and taxes placed on them.
That isn't Marxists doing those things, that's liberals. Marxists don't believe in a market at all.
Sure thing, shills.
It's funny how socialists like to complain that being anti-immigration is "divisive".
Marx was the most divisive and evil motherfucker in recent history;
>"rich bad, poor good. Poor kill rich, hyuck hyuck hyuck"
That's basically his entire philosophy in a nutshell.
>he thinks capitalism and corporatism are the same
Yup all those child/slave workers in ____ sure aren't exploited............
Insert one;
Modern/ancient Middle East
North Korea
I guess communist socialism has proven itself every time as a great choice. As long as your not in the gulag.
Child labour isn't exclusive to Communism.
Also, the Middle East isn't socialist and neither is Venezuela. If a country has most of it's economy privatized, is that socialism?
>Marx actually agreed with Sup Forums on most issues.
Are you sure you're not just cherrypicking? Do you agree with him on glabalism and the destruction of culture, religion and race?
What about the economic side of it (labor theory of value), which has been shown to be utter bullshit every single time?
Explain how the anarcho-communist utopia without borders wouldn't just end in half of Africa overrunning Europe and Asia?
And don't come with the argument on how the Soviet Union had closed borders, we're talking about Marx here.
>Explain how the anarcho-communist utopia without borders wouldn't just end in half of Africa overrunning Europe and Asia?
We have a live example happening right in your country, no need for speculations
>people actually shill that you are free when you are a slave of the government
Are you arguing against communism? Because communism is stateless and classless which is pretty free desu.
No fuck you leftist. The leftist/liberal distinction is just your attempt to blame all the failures of socialism on someone else, AGAIN. If the establishment isn't leftist then what is it? It sure as fuck isn't right wing. I don't hear CNN and the Democratic Party talking about how great it would be to have a flat tax. No it's all, tax the evil rich people to help third world migrants. That's all we've heared out of the establishment all day everyday for decades. It's LEFTIST. Venezuela is your fault. North Korea is your fault. Lying piece of shit leftist.
Dear God, the left cannot meme.
attempts at communism count just as much as the nazbol ideal inside your head.
and yes, venezuela is an attempt at communism.
Enjoy paying 1million dollars for college that leads to no job!
Marx was right!
>Communism is tribalism
thats just a market signal to end brick and mortar colleges
its a good idea since I just taught you more than all of your worthless teachers in your life that have failed you
>the inventor of capitalism
Wouldn't he be considered the "inventor" of communism as well? Since he proposed the objective value concept, which was used and expanded by Marx and later refuted by the Austrians.
Liberals aren't even left wing though. By your logic, are State Capitalists and Neocons the same since they're both right wing? I don't want the rich taxed to help third world migrants, I want them to be taxed in order to feed the starving, give money to the people who need it.
I've already explained why Venezuela isn't socialist and what happens in North Korea isn't a sole product of Socialism, you can get what is wrong with North Korea in most Capitalist nations.
No that's literally what communism is though. There's supposed to be no class divide and no state.
It's a signal that you are fucked and have no future since all your jobs are going to china or taken over by mexicans.
Marx predicted all this, but you didn't listen...
Enjoy your suffering now.
Venezuela isnt free market, neither is most of ME, iraq was fullblown socialism under saddam. Most of them collapse when they run out of oil money
I didn't say it was free market, I said markets exist and much of the economy is privatized. Venezuela soley failed because of the oil. Not because of some supposed socialism.
>we can't have monopolies guys
>creates the biggest monopoly of force and money in the history of the planet
t. American Intellectuals
Apparently he cant be all that right because real communism has never been tried. If he was absolutely correct youd think real communism would have been tried by now
Also bait thread
>people just gib you dat
Its the socialist policies that made it fail, despite all the oil
>someone actually took the time to make this
Venezuela isn't socialist though. Oil prices crashed and Arabs increased production so people stopped buying oil from Venezuela which they depended on so the economy collapsed.
go back to cripplech, leftypol
Read marx if you gonna argue for it atleast.
The idea is everyone gets everything they wish for, its a scifi utopia, the technological advancement of capitalism will lead to automatation and everyone will get free stuff beceause technology lets us. Think of citizen salary.
How would this be organized?
Who would enforce that no one creates a super iphone 1337 that people want to buy?
The idea behind stateless communism is so retarded it doesnt even work in theory
Marx made many presuppositions.
His number one biggest mistake was assuming that any capital gain is at the expense of others(basically the proletariat).
Marx was proven wrong when the revolution never happened, the people never "seized the means of production" and Communism was never formed on the ashes of Capitalist society.
Instead Marxist-Leninists got tired of waiting after realizing it wasn't going to happen naturally, they then proceeded to create one of the most brutal dictatorships in history.
This was the case for the Maoists and every other Communist regime.
There has never been a grassroots communist regime. It would never work anyway because Marx was fundamentally wrong on nearly everything.
>Maury (((Povich))) and Karl (((Marx))) combination meme
Jews within jews, like a jewish inception.
No, but it has socialist elements.
Venezuela has more oil than arab nations, still fails. Only socialist policies would make a whole nation collapse bc of oil.
Did texas collapse? Did norway?
Because they create value somehow and/or dont waste it on policies like free healthcare or free bread.
If a country is sinful, is it Islamic? We don't judge countries through the lens of what an ideology claims itself to be. We see self-proclaimed communists committing genocide and wrecking the economy over and over again, and at some point we stop listening to anyone who associates themselves with it.
>I don't want the rich taxed to help third world migrants, I want them to be taxed in order to feed the starving, give money to the people who need it.
If the system of taxing the rich works as a solution to poverty, then why exclude non-citizens? Just raise taxes even higher and then you can help the entire third world. Use your own leftist logic.
>are State Capitalists and Neocons the same since they're both right wing?
Sure, I would admit neoconservatives are right wing economically. Their mistake, as I see them, is that they expect non-whites and anti-Western cultures to be equally capable of maintaining a libertarian social order. Hence the immigration and interventionism. So it's right wing in a particularly naive and stupid form. In any case, neocons aren't the establishment. The anti-Christian media isn't run by Republicans. Neocons don't associate Western Civilization with being white, but I think that's stupidity more than anything else, at least at a grassroots level. The establishment, on the other hand, really despises Western Civilization in a way that is fundamentally leftist. It's a contempt for success.
Middle class whites are basically the greedy evil rich exploitative enemy of communism on a global scale. You personally might stop at America's one percent. Most leftists wouldn't stop there. They would attack the world's one percent.
>Because communism is stateless and classless which is pretty free desu.
Imma leave this thread and eat dinner. But the reason why greece fell so hard was because of its big gov and everyone working at public work places.
They wasted to much money simply, which governments shouldnt do
jesus christ, how many more innocent people do you bloodthirsty psychopaths need to murder before you get it through your thick skulls?
Communism doesn't work. It never did. It never will. Now kindly fuck off back to the drawing board, and don't come around until you've figured out a plan that doesn't involve killing tens of millions of your own citizens.
This literally says there would be a classless, stateless society.
The enemy of communism are the capitalist bourgeois who own the means of production, not the middle class.
They shouldn't own the means of production, but it's okay for you to steal the means of production?
>Leftists say it would be classless, therefore it would be classless
You're forgetting that leftists lie.
Marx was wrong because he assumed the Lockean definition of property, assumed liberal anthropology, and assumed labor theory of value. Basically, he was wrong because he was a liberal.
Jews invented capitalism. Adam Smith only was hired to provide theoretical justification for the actions of those who already had power.
It's fine, though. As long as we can achieve nuclear holocaust everything is fine.
WTF I'm communist now
it's already september and leftshits STILL can't figure out how to meme.
surely they can run entire countries and economies...but first they need to figure out how to:
>make simple internet humor
>grow food
>clean their rooms
>live without obsession with capitalist-designed, capitalist-developed, capitalist-manufactured, capitalist-distributed products (apple, facebook, nikes etc etc etc etc etc)
then try managing the lives of millions of other people. until then we'll just keep saging obvious shill bait
>Marx actually agreed with Sup Forums on most issues
Name some
if you only ever manage to be exploited, it's just that you're worth shit, you fucking nigger
Have you finally swallowed the golden, royal pill?
> We live in a world fully governed by deterministic laws on all scales meaningful to us.
> No person is able to decide if he was born rich, or intelligent, or beautiful.
> No person is able to achieve anything without talent in this world, and nothing beyond what is given to him, everything is basically a gift from heaven.
This knowledge has been so common sense for most of humanity that it wasn't even up for debate. You had to accept the role that fate gave you, and make the best out of it.
However, there will always be commoners who are unwilling to accept it yet lack the intellect to even tell the difference between a metaphor and a parable.
When commoners try to run countries, everything turns to dust. They have not been meant to rule a country in the first place, just like worker bees are not meant to be queen bees.
Nowadays, what is most striking about the modern world? Ideologies constructed by commoners defy nature, the architecture defies reason, the music defies taste. Tradition is replaced by assimilation, beauty is replaced by equality. Life is stripped from meaning and what is left is less than nihilism.
The void is ready to be exploited by whoever lusts for all you have.
You know what needs to be done. You know the countries who do it, you know the people who do it. Your ancestors burned their homes and took their life’s – will you act with more reason this time?
Picture related - Sophie Charlotte von Hannover, first queen of Prussia. 17th century.
But they are lifting it here ....
Retarded communists everyone
i can hear spider man
You can't enforce your egalitarian wet-dream without a state-like entity.
>Trying to fill the shallow part of a swimming pool with water from the deep end
>Tries and tries for almost a century
>Still claims it's not mental illness and is the only answer
Are all Communists this fucking retarded?
Well, wealthy people tend to mercilessly fuck poor people over. It's a fact.
And, you know, when wealthy people seize controll they make poor people even poorer. That's also a fact.
And then they start to transform the goverment into the tool ment to serve their interests.
And now there you are, paying everincreasing amount of taxes, being working-poor, and in fear that next day they will invent something to rob you even more.
>Ever right
His political ideology is a total fucking failure and led to murder, starvation, corruption, and the cultural annahilation of the western civilization.
Sage, and fuck off you kike fucking faggot.
>stateless and classless
>try to leave state get shot
>don't do what polit bureau says get shot
Bruh, that is not free.
Marx has been completely wrong about everything and will continue to be. The workers will never seize the means of production. The means will just become so cheap that all but the dumbest workers acquire them. You do have your own website, right? It's a marketing tool that you could not buy for any amount of money in Marx's time and now it's basically free.
Pretty much the only viable option at this point. Marx was right about the long term problems with capitalism but Communism is just Jewish Autism.
Pretty much the only viable option at this point. Marx was right about the long term problems with capitalism but Communism is just Jewish Autism. A regulated market that serves the nation state is the middle ground we need.
More likely that you would just have monopolies throwing their muscle around to prevent competition
>flat tax
>right wing
Capitalism is centrist. The right wing doesn't begin until you pass paleoconservatives. Fuck capitalism/socialism.
Egalitarianism is scientifically impossible and why marxism will never be taken seriously.
Shitty editing is shitty.
Ancoms are the biggest jokes
>implying using memes that come from Sup Forums to use on Sup Forums is stealing.
>inventor of capitalism