Based Russia thread

Russia is the real moral paragon of the world. It's truly the role model for every Christian nation. We went to great lengths to get where we are, back to the roots, decency and tradition. Degeneracy is publicly exposed by our leaders, and that is a sure sign that Russian society is experiencing an amazing revival. Under Putin, the nation is getting better day by day. It's amazing how cucked all other nations are in comparison to the Russians, and we're only moving forward, towards virtue and morality.

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It's also openly homophobic in both culture and law.

Do I have to migrate legally?

Russia isn't Christian.

Most "Christians" in Russia just have icons on the dash of their car for good luck. That is the extent of their religion.


What an effortless bait

I'm assuming you're using this to say Russia is in favour of homosexuality, but I can't read Russian, and I have no idea what genders those Red Riding Hood hobgoblins even are.

>moral paragon
pick one, ruskie

fuck off pale vodka nigger

If thats true than good for you, I hape we can be friends

>Russia is the real moral paragon of the world
>provide the world with prostitues
>highest rate of hiv and abortion for female

Le savior of le white race


>white christian ukraine

what can Putin do about HIV rates?
seriously, outline broadly what you would do, you fucking monkey

Just what I needed, a good laugh. Thanks OP.

Russia has always been in favor of lesbianism.

Russia has flip flopped on male homosexuality.

We will need them going into the future to keep a check on Chinese imperialism.

>inb4 muh HIV rates
>Inb4 muh abortion rates
>Inb4 muh alcoholism
Not an argument
While it is true that a large portion of Russian are degenerate were not talking about the plebs here

What we applaud is the based antiglobalist foreign policy and the Russian GOvpV attempts to enact a moral, pro-nation policy
They banned homosexual porpaganda to kids
They banned Soros NGOS
They don't have social Marxism in their unis
Theydont have s leadership that actively tried to genocide its own people and entire degeneration like westcuck give
They aren't feminist

While Russia has big interior problems, they're political attempts are truly praiseworthy

Also just recently Senste user said that Russians are the only ones that are resisting the Globalists-who are led by US pedophiles-while china is wilding out to them

Jesus Christ. What would it take for you to love your country? Whinging puddle of grain alcohol piss.

Putin isn't anti globalist. He is just neo sovietists and wants Russia to be in position of US, leading the world.
They didn't ban Soros NGO they banned all NGO-s they couldn't care less abour Soros be wary what you read
and they do have leadership that replaces them with Muslims.

>Senste user

Bad goy

Russia is what happens when a super power devolves into an advanced kleptocracy. Rather than try to improve themselves they have devoted themselves to bringing the rest of the world down to their level.
And they are succeeding. Hats off. Soon all the world will be as big a shithole as glorious Russian Federation.
Fucking Kremlin fags.

Russia is the last stand against the Jewry. The Jews fear and hate Russia. Putin, a based anti-Zionist leader, made sure the Jews have NO foot in Russia. The Jewish influence in Russia is so small and the pressure against them is so huge that the Jews avoid Russia AT ALL COST.

>russia is trying to undermine our (((liberal democracy)))!

Wrong faggot. Soros funded the color revolutions and they know it. He was their primary political adversary and main reason for the anti ngo push



Maybe you should change things instead of complaining about them? No country is perfect, but only Russia has the potential to become perfect.

not a single Jew in Russian government and pro-Putin media!

>only Russia
Finland, Western Slavic nations, Baltic nations all have better potential for their locals and Whites

Fuck off, retard. Loving your country doesn't equal turning a blind eye on all its disadvantages.

Soros needs to fund some more revolutions, a second October revolution is long coming. Fuck the fascists, long live Communism!

It is. Old Commies just didn't do a thorough job cleaning that scum. All priests should have ended in the Gulags. Next time we all hope!

Tell that to Pussy Riot.

>Russiaboos unironically believe that Jews hate Russia
>Russiaboos unironically believe that the Jews have no power in Russia

>t. Femen

>It's Russia whomis subverting

Sure thing merikike, projection is immortal

Pic related is what paradise looks like for your (((leadership))))

Any good modern Russian writers tho?

Jews hate Russia

Disputing the obvious is moronic
One look at the american msm and their leadership, one look at whose writing this EBIL Russia articles (hint -stein -berg -on) and the answer is clear

also ALL of the """"Russian"""", opposition in Russia are Jewish
When you generate so much hate from Mike's you're doing something right

Senate insider, sry
Search for him on 4plebs
Spilled some beans recently
Interesting stuff

I don't get this strange attitude anons on Sup Forums have towards Russia. Its either "what a fucking degenerate shithole" or "perfect irreproachable bastion of Christianity". Can't one have an opinion somewhere in-between?

Not a single Jew?

Soros was behind the fall of communism you actual retard. You just see the word revolution and you jack off without context. This is why you fuckers always

Lose big league

Isn't it bad because of all the sanctions there?

>Jews hate Russia
True. That's why they support Putin so much

This is a very vague statement.
You don't know hearts and souls of every person to determine the depth of their faith.
And there are many very devoted Christians that don't have any icons in their cars or homes.
So you have no clue about the extend of the Christian religion in Russia.
Somehow Putin is not closing Orthodox churches, so that must tell you something.

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