Pros and cons about EU as single unified country.
EU Superpower
shameless self bump
pros: anglokikes and ruskies btfo
cons: kalegeri plan, most people become a brown slave class or get gulaged
pros: trying to mimic the USA
cons: trying to mimic the USA
Shittiest idea ever, now fuck off
Please change Finland to darker color as well.
pros: easier to learn arabic
cons: terrible name, change it to European Caliphate
It would never work because we all have our own cultural identity and more importantly, language. Many european countries hate each other. Americans are patriotic because they all speak the same language and have no culture.
Pros: Cheaper booze for me
Cons: Everything regulated by some assholes in another country who don't know or even care about how it affects us. Oh wait, it already happens.
It's the only thing that makes sense. The USA has one currency, one language, one army and one government. Europe has a shitload of currencies, languages, armies and governments.
Why would some European territory get to make its own rules even if they go against the tenets of Europeanism?
what if we just btfo all sandniggers and shitskins and leave EU whitey
Pros: ?
Cons: White genocide.
>Cons: After two world wars you just handed Europe to the Germans... Not even cool Germans. Self loathing ones that seek to destroy the white race.
It would be awesome.
Finland for EU superstate!
Pro: Economic stability and geographical variety, since every former capital city would still be a large rich city and tourist destination.
Con: The capital city would obviously be Berlin looking at the EU now, and Berlin will be where all the money goes, and it will bend over backwards to kill and replace its own citizens.
Pro: Less war
Con: Most importantly, it directly spits in the face of why Europe ever became powerful. England, France, Germany, Italy, etc, have long-standing tensions going back hundreds if not thousands of years. This gave the nations motivation to improve themselves, their economies, their militarise, their colonization, their living standards, specifically to get an edge over one another. It was all in competition of one another, and it was the reason Europe colonized and civilized the world. The EU is an inherently bad idea that negates that, and we've been seeing Europe lose relevance for decades because of it. We're seeing history repeat itself in North East Asia. China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan. These countries also have cultural and political tensions, and they are all competing with one another to get to the top. Surprise surprise, this area now has some of the largest economies in the world (except Taiwan, which is split between whether it wants to become independent or not, kinda like Scotland).
This is why natural selection worked, and why capitalism worked (and maybe still does but we don't really know). Competition motivates people to better themselves. The United States of Europe would spit in the face of what made Europe such a powerhouse.
They care more about brown Invaders than native Europeans
nobody gives a shit about your little continential government project literally conceived at a bilderberg meeting.
EU will fall apart, if not due to unsatisfied whites, then due to Arabs.
you have completely mixed up your pros and cons. also theres no point in competition between tiny impotent nation states, france england germany italy, etc were all great and powerful empires. the new competition will be with other superstates
>The new competition will be with other superstates
China and Russia existed back then, too, and we put up a good fight with them as well. South Korea has a higher GDP than Russia now, due to exactly what I'm talking about (along with some help from the US (also colonized and civilized directly because of Europe's competition))
>single unified country
impossible, language barrier.
>technocratic oligarchic union with unique army
Fuck man, Rome 2.0 sounds like shit.
we put up a good fight because they were on the same level, strong, large, empires, thats not where europe is right now.
>Thats not where europe is right now
The reason for that is two world wars and people trying to unite it into a socialist superstate. What I'm suggesting is nipping the problem at the bud.
Brexit is just the beginning of the end of EU, on long distance i gurantee that the UK will be doing better than the EU.
For the EU to survive, they MUST make radical changes which will serve the NATIVE Europeans and not sandniggers. EU must abolish the retarded communist rethoric, they can't just censor everybody who disagrees with them. Nationalists are waking up, even in the most cucked countries like Germany and Sweden, just hope it won't be too late for them.
What scares me is that EU buerocrats are well aware of this, they can't be this stupid to not see what are the immigrants doing in Europe. I think that they are just money driven scum who don't feel as European (German,French, Dutch etc..), their religion is money and don't care if they destroy their own people.
The EU won't be a superpower because the elites don't want to be a superpower, USA & China + Russia are enough, it's easier for them to control divided Europe then united.
Their end goal is probably to destroy europe so it won't cause them problems in the future, and they don't need a war to destroy it.
Western Europe is already destroyed, and i hope it will recover in the next 10-15 years because it's not an easy process to change the mindset of milions of people.
However, the immigrants will do their job, the new younger generations will live amongst them, they will hate them no matter how cucked their parents are, it's different when they will expirience it on their own skin.
Western Europe will either fall "peacefully" or will rise to fight to take back their countries, there isn't other way, the sand niggers will stay the same as they are now, they won't adapt.
CONS: I get to sell my house to a fat German retiree so I can go work in Germany to feed my bastard kids while he organizes nazi orgies in my ancestral home.
PROS: The children will eat this month.
>Cons: destruction of every non-Germanic culture and blood within just a century. Historical theft from those destroyers of the past of the dead. 4th Reich made legal. Economic stagnation of everything outside of the blue banana.
the gypsy is right.
How's that getting fucked to death by Albanians whole thing going?
See, nobody can take you seriously with that meme flag.
basically you right. But let's say US would no longer be able to defend europe and EU falls that means smaller countries will be on mercy by bigger nations or even removed from map. So europe should have some kind of alternative.
Con no cheap vodka
>EU : Eurabian Union
Albanians are decreasing as the days go by, their population is only smaller and smaller i don't worry about them at all.
Why should i worry about niggers who are least than 18% but claim that they are 30%?
The only reason people on Sup Forums are against an EU superpower is because they're contrarian idiots.
An EU superpower would be amazing. Think of our MILITARY strength. Think of our ECONOMIC strength. We'd beat China, we'd beat America, we'd beat everyone.
True, the current leaders in Brussels are twats. We need people who are going to stop immigration. If we get that under control, though, then I think a united EU would be the most powerful superpower on Earth.
it's good to know that in 15 years you somehow went up from 64% especially with you and your albo nigger migrating away
Whoops, forgot to get rid of my trolling flag.
Pro: more efficient governance
Con: the current EU government is actively trying to kill European cultures
The EU destroyed a shitton of goodwill by refusing to guard its external borders and letting in a literal flood of muslims and niggers, all for the approval of gimp leftists and the refugees welcome crowd.
Brexit was a direct result of Merkel's open borders brain fart and the ongoing travesty of Italy's Navy operating as a no questions asked open borders ferry system
Question for you user, what rights would i have to give up in order to see this "great idea" (sarcasm) fulfilled.
Because, if the answer is anything, ANYTHING other then "nothing at all." you can, and will fuck right off.
We never were 64%, it was a BS lie from the west to force us to sign the Ramkoven deal which recuires albanians to be above 20% to grant them special needs.
Your terrorists in Aracinovo was jsut about to be nuked but were saved from NATO and were taken out from there with buses lol
If only you didn't had NATO behind your back, boi you would have been all dead now
That's exactly what i'm thinking. As eu stands now we can't be worthy rivals to other powers and without european union or any other alternative countries would get fucked over constantly.
Unified EU should be created but without white genocide and sandniggers.
Europe's alternative is the EU but with some radical changes. The EU must be reformed and must have politicians who will care for the native europeans to not go extinct, politicans who wouldn't turn blind eye to the crimes that immigrants commit.
Europeans must stay together, the EU mustn't fall because they as separete singular countries have no power as they used to have in the past.
without the EU we would literally be sent back to the stone age, people done realize the irish arent like other European countries, we’re more or less helpless on our own, we’re not suited or, lets be honest, capable of interacting with other nations, if we tried to make free trade deals like the British are doing, they’d only laugh at us and take advantage. we have to remember that there is no irish economy, only the irish share of the EU economy, without the EU our govenment would be inept and helpless, we would suffer mass homelessness, low wages, our health service would be crippled & our education system strtched to the brink. The EU ensures all of these disasters can NEVER happen. The only reason we should entertain an irexit debate is so we can identify the leavers and make sure they are expelled from their jobs and society at large as the racist bigots they are.
This is a good shitpost, I like it a lot
But as we can see EU not doing very well and many prognosing of EU fall taking into consideration that many countries wants to leave EU. If more of major countres leave no one can prevent EU from falling.
you want to know what that attitude is? Slavery, like a pig on the titty.
spread it around on, boradsheet, journal etc.
Saged, bye Bilderfuckers
>as single unified country.
niggfer you have EU territory that's under foreign occupation ie Cyprus, muh EU is beyond a paper tiger,it's a trade deal gone globalist
only bigoted racists are against the EU, the EU is the best thing to happen to us our voice is heard and acknowledged in europe we have an important role in the decisions being made in Brussels and our concerns are listened to. We need to ignore the voices saying the EU is a monolith of corruption and bureaucracy and that the illusion of democracy is presented via MEP’s who have to vote in Blocs and that the EU is ruled by unelected Commissioners. Brexit was racist an ignorant majority stole democracy away from the people we CANNOT allow that to happen here, the EU has our best interests at heart we are all equal partners in Europe, Germany and France listen closely to the Irish people and their needs reform is coming soon we just need to be patient.
You're right about all of that, but if the EU actually did control its borders, then it could be the most powerful superpower on the planet.
I'm staying right here faggot. Crap your little panties about it.
I'd only want it if the people wanted it though - if there was democratic demand for it. I think that most people in Europe do want economic integration, they just don't want the migration. So that should happen, I reckon.