I'm surrounded by indians in engineering university in europe, I'm white. What do?

I'm surrounded by indians in engineering university in europe, I'm white. What do?

accept the fact indians are better at math and move on with your life

But they are worse at everything. They take 5 mins to solve 2 min problem, cause racket and shout.

Build a loo and they will disappear for fear of the LOO witch.


dont cry like a pathetic loser just because we are better than you in intellect. whites act like niggers when they cry about jews and indians and other people with higher IQ than them. pathetic

fuck you paco. go get your head cut off by the cartel faggot

Don't step in the shit on the floor.


Thank you, I'll try to look out for the indian mines



Why did your gov allowed the entrance of streetshitters in your country?

Actually do better and get a job.

India has an average IQ of 82 faggot.

80% of the poos in my program were gone second year due to cheating. That's all filthy poos know how to do is cheat.

They're insects without a moral compass so cheating is fine until they get caught. Same with the chinks.

in lithuania? i knew they reproduced like insects, but this is pretty scary


>whites outscore blacks
whites are superior!!!!
>chinese and indians outscore whites and earn more
cheaters!! REEEE


I found myself in a graduate engineering school in Southern California. It had the nickname "Saigon U". They cheated like you wouldn't believe, telling each other answers in various South East Asian languages during exams. They weren't even trying very hard to hide the cheating. The school let them because they brought in government money. The funny thing was, most of them were not literate in English.

My solution was to go to another school.

Show bobs and vagene
Bitch lasagna

The only thing they are better at is cheating on exams and cheating whites out of university slots. Every Indian in my class is constantly being caught cheating on exams but they fight with the professor and nothing is done. Deport.

You guys need to start monitoring this yellow niggers on the exams.


oben bens

What did kek mean by dis


Someone explain to me all this brown on brown hate.

This is actually dead on correct.

I've seen South East Asians, Indians, African, South American and Iranian students.

They all cheat like there's no end to it. Some will even say up front it's the degree that matters and it doesn't matter how they get it.

I caught an Iranian cheating and the stupid bastard threatened to break my arm - right there in the final exam.

I saw a Chinese woman given the privilege of joining a research group, steal the data, publish it as her own, and then smear the good name of the research advisor who did her the favor of allowing her on his project.

They don't get this western idea of not cheating and academic integrity. That's why Western Civilization rose, and these folks were still shitting in the streets.

Accept the Indians as the superior race and move on with your life

Poos are actually cool dudes 9/10 times

They pay a lot to get into European universities

Average IQ of 82 faggot. Even American blacks are ahead of you.

I'm not reeeeeeing. Most of them get caught and deported. It's great.

The teachers get more racist every year seeing these mindless insects smile and nod with their big stupid bug eyes at the "don't cheat never cheat" lectures, then go home and cheat.

>because they're not white it's bad
Just because you don't want them to exist doesn't mean they'll just disappear. It's good they are coming and being educated to be engineers rather than sit there on their asses collecting welfare

>In Computer Engineering
>Everyone is white except on asian guy

>t. Portuguese premier

These have carbon to mitigate odors, without being nearly an anti-social as a full-face mask.

I have all sorts of hate don't you worry nigger boi.

Exactly! The Society of Physics students complained that the Chinese were massively cheating on the GRE test, and they had proof.

The APS shut them down for saying it.

The Chinese brought money to many universities, no one cared that they cheat, steal ideas, and publish shit.

you're still worse

Same thing in US schools . Indians loaded in engineering. Schools must benefit from them paying out of state rate , about 3 times the rate of a state resident.

Boomers sold out you guys too?

>just because they are not white and come by the millions to white countries

just go back

wait until the poverty is at a similar rate in india as canada's, and first cousin marriage is as well. the iq gap will be gone or in our favor. brahmin iq is 115-120 btw

Coming and taking engineering education slots away from Americans paid for by Americans? No thanks. Out out out out

Put a loo in the middle of your classroom , i heard it works as a detergent against indians

pajeet my son, that 82IQ is showing, how do you put on the same plane the criminals and the average people.

My program has an English-only speaking rule. If you speak anything other than English in class you are kicked out.

They always crack down on the poo insect cheating second semester after they've gotten two semesters worth of money from them. Then they just expel and deport them when they are inevitably caught cheating.

The first year class is almost 50% poos and by fourth year there's about 2 or 3 in the entire program. Funny how that works.

you're the same as niggers to the white man you filthy shit skinned animal. the white census is you're worse than niggers. trump is openly calling to deport you but niggers get to stay. that's how bad you are.

asians don't understands concepts like honor or honesty

Shut the fuck up pajeet.

You're a league above pajeet in terms of intellect, enjoy baiting/triggering him.

white people hate you 3rd world trash.

pajeet work in technology while beaners live 20 in an apartment picking fruit until they die. you must be a shitskin

lmao, no they aren't. For whatever reason poos and chinks have begun to come to university even here and they suck even by Romanian standards (which are, mind you, pretty low).
Half the chinks got kicked out of the very first exam this year because they tried to cheat. And none of the poos made it into the top 30% of the class.

Not better at math by a long shot. I used to tutor math and all my clients were Indian kids. The only difference is that the parent push them into stem. They are average or below average in math generally. Just look at the state of their country

The chink has come to the aid of the other streetshitter?
I wish i could stay but i have to go do grocery shopping, maybe this thread is still up in about two hours.

>Now today we're going to learn to do X.
>*Blank empty insect stare*
>If you can't properly do X you won't be a very good doctor
>*Head nodding with big stupid empty smile*
>If you cheat to accomplish X you will be hurting yourself and your patients
>*Another blank stare*
>So don't cheat because it will endanger innocent people and also your career
>*Immediately starts scouring with fellow insects in the poo colony to cheat*

Stop caring what people look like and start judging them on their character.

except that pajeets live in a giant sewer aka india

>this year
I meant last year, as freshmen. University school year only begins in october. Let's see how many of these asians are still around then.

Then stay away from them. They are a bad influence. They are wasting their parent's hard earned money. And it's not just my fellow poos, you'll find many cumskins and sand niggers like that too. Btw.....Literally, how old are you?

He's going to start calling you a beaner or a zipperhead, watch.

Breath through your mouth.

What does Malaguena salerosa mean, paco-san?

open boob

Ask them why they dont use toilets and when are they going to war with the insects.

>killing doggos
Fuck those soulless gooks

>chink aiding pajeet
this is the intelligence of an angry brown """"""""person"""""""". anybody with skin darker than a paperbag should die
like any brown country isn't a sewer? any country that's not white is garbage. pajeet still work in technology while beaners are just street criminals. anything that's non-white isn't human. 1 drop rule applies so mixed subhumans aren't an exception.

Malaga is a region in Spain and Salerosa has to do with salt, i have no idea what it means all together.
There is a song about it i think.


Yup. Avenged sevenfold did a cover of it recently. Thanx m8!!

put your head down and finish school, but make plans to get a graduate degree in management. you will not be able to compete against poos who will accept a lower salary than you, but they will not be able to compete with you for management positions

Fuck yhose soulless yellow niggers.
Got to go my mom is waiting for me to drive her to the market

you're really one angry brown """"person"""". am i a nigger, chink, or pajeet? you're really showing why brown people should die. i can't wait for the civil war when we get to purge anybody that's not white. all your cousins and family will die.

Those who go to foreign land for study are mostly sjw/rich brats and whores. There is no need to go to another country for studies unless you are into rocket science or bio engineering that require patented equipment.
But I know why my friends went out to have live session of linkin park and other shitty music. I don't even know what they are called where a band sing in a stage.

If you were so good your universities, your overall culture, would be world class and you wouldn't need to come to Europe or our diaspora nations for any reason.

But I thought mexico loves dogs.

Isn't it ironic that they consider it a tragedy Indian girls can't shit in private, but here our Left are trying to force women to use the same bathroom as men and calling it progress.

>pic related, archetypal white man dissolving
The anti-white memes never stop around here.
It's somehow worse than that peddled by the MSM as well.
>blatant lithuania proxy
I see you, Tel Aviv.

We actually don't hate Mexicans, Trump is talking about illegal immigration, not hating on Mexicans. If you asked any European would they swap all their nation's immigrant Indians for Mexicans the answer would be a resounding, overwhelming "Yes!"

They are transfer students, local girls avoid them so they don't really reproduce here

>We actually don't hate Mexicans
you aren't "we" you're obviously a spic on a proxy. europeans don't even like the spaniards. you're nothing but a mestizo trash and when the economy crashes i'm going to take a lot of pleasure in wasting any spic i see during the race war.

>spending thousands on worthless degree
Good goy

What kind of losers go to eastern europe to attend university? It's already universally establishes that Eastern Europe has not a single top tier uni.

They are going to Eastern Europe, so they are most likely people who couldn't make it into their own universities. It's literally the trash tier people that go to Eastern Europe, similar to how germans that can't get into med school go to Eastern Europe to study medicine.

>europeans ...
You don't live in Europe yet are willing to talk for us

Mexicans are 40% white

Dude, I'm in the same situation. It's not hard

-Most people from India in engineering don't have a job because they have talent - they have a job because they are willing to work for dirt cheap...even when brought over from India to whatever country they get put it.
-Most actually do suck at their job, or churn out a half-assed final effort, with minimal talent.
-Most have like, a hundred weird-as-fuck holidays based on their ass-backwards religion.

Just be the standout expert and always reliable, and you'll never have to worry about finding a job. They always need at least one White on the team, and that White is paid more than 3 of those curry eaters combined.

> having to work with pajeets or niggers
What are the chances you are utterly retarded if you have to work with them?

"Salerosa" means with salero. "Salero" is a figurative term to refer a graceful demeanour, as something with salt is better than something insipid.

If am an utter retards, I am a very well paid retard.

Read 'em and weep, faggot.

europe is for europeans. there's no trading anybody. there's only going to be white people in white countries and brown people like you dying. there's no such thing as a good non-white and that's why i know you're a spic

It' s not much considering wages in IT are ridiculously high in the US. I know pajeets that make more, so what's your excuse?

>Indians aren't autist-

The ones who shouldn't be there will be culled out eventually, just hang in there and do your bussiness.

You're a fucking faggot, you'd rather have Indians who are LESS european
Fuck off back to america you fucking "white" mutt

Of course some Indians make more, but, I don't even code. I just fucking test (QA).

I know far more Indians that do code and make half what I do - and had to move all the way from their loo-less and wild tiger infested shithole just to earn less than I do clicking buttons all day to make sure they work.

Coding is overrated anyway, it's not what you go to university for.
But why aren't you in a position where you oversee the guy who oversees the pajeets?

>you'd rather have
i said there's no trading you dirty shitskin. there's only european and non-european means these things don't count.

when you mix shit and milk then you don't drink it because it's only 40% shit. this is why i know you're brown.

>i-i said!!!111
So you were just crying for attention so you can bitch about people who do realise that some immigrants are better than others
fuck off

you're not jewish so kys. tell your indian buddies to do the same. fucking sub-human garbage.

>mexicans are better than anything else
you're a spic. shut the fuck up and kill yourself so there's one less of you in this world.

Wow, you gonna keep calling everyone a spic?
It's got you so many replies so far!