6 yrs old. I was in kindergarten that morning with no idea that it was happening. My mom picked me up from school early and brought me and my brother to blockbuster as a way to keep us from seeing the (((tv))) at home. While I was there I rented some Pokemon tapes and then we went home. Somehow I still ended up seeing it later that day before I got into my Pokemon watching. It was unavoidable. I saw the big explosion and was just kinda like meh. I literally don't remember caring, but I could see my mom was crying. The significance of what I was seeing just did not register. When my dad got home he was also looking pretty serious. I ran out the front door to tell him that Aladdin had just bombed Coney Island. He immediately burst into laughter. He probably knew by then that his children were going to grow up during the worst period in American history, but that line still made him laugh even in a moment like that. God, I miss being a dumb little 90s kid. Fucking (((neocons))).
Other urls found in this thread:
>9 years old
>in elementary school
>suddenly the tv is on
>see bloodily faces and people running out of a burning building
>suddenly the towers collapse
>can't watch anything on tv while at grandparents house
>I keep wonder what the fuck is going on?
How many elementary school kids were shown 9/11 as a kid?
How many adults have been shown this?
jesus christ HOW FUCKING LONG ARE YOU BURGERCUNTS going to cry about this shit? it's almost TWO FUCKING DECADES and you still jerk each other off every single fucking year
>where were you?
>how did it impact you?
>is this the worst thing that has happened in human history?
>where were you?
>how did it impact you?
>is this the worst thing that has happened in human history?
Thanks for asking user. I was in first grade when the towers fell and my mom came to pick me up, much like OP's mom she to shielded me from the media coverage with a degree of success and while i knew that the towers had fallen it wasn't until the next day that the full scale of the attack registered for me. Honestly I would have to say that 9/11 is the worst thing that's happened in my lifetime, and will probably go down as the singular event which ruined the potential for this century. We will never recover the freedom's lost post 9/11 and if it weren't for Trump we'd have absolutely no hope of getting out of the middle east, it's likely that Afghanistan will become Korea 2.0 as far as occupation is concerned though.
So many kids here
and retarded fags
I'm just sippin my coffee
oldfag storytime?
it was a finside job
and it was well-deserved
fuck burgers
We cling onto it, because it is an event that changed the entire world. It affected more than just Americans.
Their burger pride was hurt that day, it's fun to mock them with that desu.
>Daily reminder that it was an inside job, so your retarded 'prusidunt' could attack Iraq, however you are to retarded to admit this
I know I'm from Canada, but we were all sent home that day. I remember coming in from recess, the staff room doors were open with the teachers yelling oh my god, and shit like that. At first, I thought it was a movie with some serious special effects, I didn't think much of it at first because I was only a child then. So much much has happened as well as the massive paradigm shift since that sacrificial event, it is honestly unreal to me.
>in Spanish class
>teacher has tv on
>we see the repeat of what happen
>we see second plane hit tower...
>use our conspiracy skills to realize 9/11 also is 9 -1 - 1
We figured it out
9/11 is like the holocaust
You can never forget
It happened while I was at work being a foreman at a large north eastern lumber mill...I remember getting word from the boss to go around and ask the workers on my end of the floor if they wanted to take a break...most said no.
Yeah except 9/11 actually happened
happy 911 Sup Forums
may you have a conspiracy new order!
normaly on german tv they note that 911 was x years ago but this year nobody talks about it
guess they dont dont want the people to remember what muslims are capable of
especially before the election
never forgetti
11 years old then. I remember that we had electricity outages at that time in the city because the economy was that shitty after 90-s. I turned on radio before I went to school that day. I listened to the news and heard short message about ruined scyscrapers in New York. I did not imagine that damage was so huge to the city.
>there are kids born after 9/11 having sex right now
>they will be able to vote in 2 years
> skyscrapers
Also like New York with Twin Towers, so many times seen them in movies, never forget!
lmao, sorry for us twenty-somethings talking about the day that our country and society started down the path of going to shit.
>kid in elementary
>try to use this as an excuse not go to school today
>parents say "no ones going to school today"
>kinda scared, but jazzed to play vidya
My youngest kid turns 15 today.
Birthday parties have never really been a big thing.
On vacantion with my family. I remember my father watching it on news, I joined him but he didn't let me watch for long, it was late at night where we were, so he sent me to sleep.
It really stuck into my mind, those airplanes hitting and all that chaos.
>lmao, sorry for us twenty-somethings talking about the day that our country and society started down the path of going to shit.
Nah, it was already in full motion turning to shit before it happened.
Went to the top of the WTC about 6 months before 9/11. Not going to post all my pics because I'm at work and don't have access to all them at the moment but here are a few I usually post on Sup Forums every 9/11. Still fucking hits me hard
This is looking west from the tower
But it was the day we 20 somethings started to see it for what it was
Nice pic. Sorry for the feels, bro.
Here's one looking North...and looks like these are the only two pics I have at the moment. Hope they help bring better perspective or something
>be 7
>mom collects me from school
>get home from school around half 3 UK time
>planes had hit while I was away
>mom was sat down in front of the TV watching BBC news
>I asked her something but she told me to shh
>didn't really understand what was going on but knew it was big
>be me
>remember nothing
and now I'm a us marine. ooh rah.
yea let's just conveniently edit out the part where the penthouse collapses inwards from the top down
>Be 9 years old
>Come home from school, nothing special.
>Play in my room or whatever
>Mom glued to the TV screen.
>"The twins were attacked"
>Go over to watch the TV, see a live feed from the U.S. looping the second plane attack.
>Showcasing people jumping off the buildings.
>I returned to my room only to run back to the TV when my mom reacted to the first tower falling.
During that time, terrorist attacks were pretty much the norm here in Israel so, at first it didn't blow me away. At first I didn't grasp the scale of it.
Only later I realized it when I picked up the shock in the news anchor's voice and my mom's reaction.
I think the day after my elementary school had the first couple of hours on the schedule cleared to have a talk with the kids about the event.
How was your time in the military?
>Be in kindergarten class
>TV is on, sees the towers getting attacked
>Doesn't understand what's going on
>Hopes a plane crashes into one of the buildings because it would be cool
Ayyy same Age.
I remember getting my shoelaces tied to goto school then visit a friend's house & looking up to see it on the TV (the only 1 time I visited it & it was on fucking 9/11 lol)
Mossad spies celebrated less than 10 minutes after the first tower was struck. At that point most people thought it was simply an accident.
I'm terrified of heights because of this, also for an international style building they were rather aesthetic
>Get over 2 decades ago, GOYIM!!
6 years old, 1st grade. My mother dismissed me from school because she had heard a rumor that schools would be attacked. We and another friend/his older brothers and their mom all went to my house and we watched TV. I remember at one point me and the friend(a hispanic) started hysterically laughing at the coverage of people waving out of the burning building because a fly kept walking across the screen and we though that was hilarious. His mother came and slapped him.
Then we went to his house and played a metal gear game, forget which, with the older brothers. When a guy in army fatigues was killed, the older brother said "those are the guys that blew up the tower today".
Quick rundown?
Not too bad, I was serving as a communications operator. So, I felt I was helping the cause without the trauma of witnessing war first hand.
are you told what you'd do our did you have a choice
neo-nazi wet dream
actually found a thing of photos from it after searching through my email. These are from scanned photographs so I have to edit them down in paint since that's all I have on my work computer.
Anyway, this is looking down from the area before you go on the roof. Kind of a nice little glass bottomed area. So if you're scared of heights you would not have liked this. Also, I marked building 7 in this pic. It was fucking huge.
>poorfag outcast teenager
>sailor moon finally comes back on public access for the first time since grade school
>get all excited and catch episodes never seen leading in a plot arc
>9/11 happens far away from me and is repeatedly aired on all channels
>millennial 90's kid who is not even there and doesn't even give a fuck
>bitch to an acquaintance about how they interrupted my show when asked about 9/11
>says I'm horrible but I don't give a fuck
>economy goes to the shitter as I come of age
>couple of years pass
>everything I was lead to believe from the TV turned out to be a lie since incompetent parents didn't raise me
>generally think it is a bad event but hate team spirit activities and drones/yuppies
>over a decade passes
>learn eventually that we did 9/11 to ourselves between deep state black eagle trust, mossad, saudi arabia, all over seen by international financiers, etc.
>everyone I know is still a sucker for team feels and afraid to think any otherwise
>see this thread
>enter thread
>beginning typing
>memory ends here
>be 10
>watching TV comfy on sofa
>suddently the transmission is interrupted by a message
>Breaking News: AMERICA IS KILL
>enjoying the show
A year before you begin service (at around age 17) you get your first letters telling you to start going through some tests (psych evaluation and stuff) to try and determine the best choice for you. Most good positions have a unique application process that you can begin if you're deemed qualified.
But even after all of that, it is ultimately not up to you. Very few people get to go to positions they actually want, most people are simply put into positions that need personal without real concern to the individual soldier's needs.
Well at least you avoided the hazing
I was 5, didn't see it happen because I was asleep as it was 5-6am during the events in California. I don't remember the rest of what happened that day.
>just turned 11
>behavior issues
>home schooled
>watching regis and kelly that morning after the morning news shows
>start talking on-air about the first plane
>think its one of their jokes
>eventually figure out it is real
>think its not that bad
>realize it really is that bad
>it was exciting but i don't remember feeling mad or sad
>even my 11 self realized the world changed that day
>the world was not the same on september 12 and in some ways it hasn't been the same since
>be 10 year old user
>Dad works in Lower Manhattan
>visited the WTC the year before
>fly on an airplane weeks before
>kids get pulled out of school
>wtf is going on
>friend tells me helicopters attacked the WTC
>mom picks me up, tells me there was a plane crash in NY, haven’t heard from Dad yet
>radio gets me up to speed
>drive to her office, watch all the footage on TV realizing a ton of people are dead
>Dad finally calls us hours later from someone’s cellphone
>came home at 7pm covered in dust (he got caught in the dust cloud)
>had to throw his clothes away and get undressed outside so the house wouldn’t be contaminated
>mom had to hose him down
>the events never even sunk in
>get exposed to jihadism for the first time
>mfw it was the biggest happening of my lifetime and my first redpill
Depends on what you consider hazing.
All soldiers go through boot-camp, no matter the position. And everywhere you go in the military there's the whole "Pazam" thing (hierarchy based on the time you you've been serving and the time you have left, the more time you served the higher you're status).
Ofc, combat units have a much harder time, but I don't think there is a position in the army that completely avoids it.
>be mossad spy working for mossad front Urban Moving Systems in New Jersey
>it's 9/11
>drive your UMS moving van to perfect vantage point at Doric Tower Apartments in NJ that has full view of towers
>witness the beauty of the first plane hitting
>"Israel now has hope that the world will now understand us." (FBI report section 3 page 65)
>high-five and hug your buddies, take a few snapshots
>puerto rican housewife sees you from the apartment complex with her binoculars
>decide to gtfo
>bitch writes down your license plate number
>5 hrs later cops pull you and your crew over
>slip up and say "we are not your problem, palestinians are the problem" without even being told the reason for your arrest
>get taken to the FBI
You should have kept some of the dust and sold it on ebay
My friend went to the top two weeks before the attack.
>tfw you will never go to the top of the WTC
dat shadow thou
burgers are fucking subhuman-tier. who gives a flying fuck if 3000-4000 of them die. Plus they did it anyway.
yes it was on the path to shit before 9/11 but for all of us in the western world and especially those of us in our mid twenties now it really was the tipping point where life in the west turned for the worst and democracy totally became a hollowed out shitshow
Here's the deal eurocuck,
Our country, on its own, could EASILY invade and destroy your pathetic excuse for a continent in less than a decade. JUST BECAUSE WE WANT TO. You have invited the cancerous swine that is Islam into your society and it has weakened you beyond measure. All we'd have to do is knock on your door and the whole rotten European continent will implode. But we don't. We could, but we don't. We have honor. We respect what's left of your proud history. So when something tragic happens here, try to show respect for your superiors huh? We don't make fun of you losers for the countless wars you've incurred upon yourselves.
Go take some more immigrants. We'll be here closing our borders "not getting over it". Kek.
We can't get over it until it is exposed as the hoax and fraud that it is. We just can't.
Because steel framed buildings don't just fucking turn into dust.
It was a scary day. World changed. 90s optimistism died. Now we got this bullshit gloom and doom world. Bush was cool tho. Poor guy...
Patriot fags remeber:
The confusion I'm feelin'
Ain't no tongue can tell
The words fill my head
And fall to the floor
That if God's on our side
He'll stop the next war
yeah, it was pretty cool. Here's my ticket stub. Shit was $11, which I remember seemed like a lot at the time. Easily worth it. Was incredible up there.
>be 2nd year college
>Wake up 5:30 am to prepare for 7am American History 101 (general ed class).
>turn on tube.
>one of the Tower has smoke bellowing out. News anchors saying "appears as though a plane struck the tower"
>remember thinking "some idiot in a private jet or Cesna can't into avionics."... didn't understand or have point of reference for how massive the buildings were since never saw them in person or really read about their specs.
>remember thinking, they'll be some comfy news coverage, they'll honor the 10-15 dead people and then move on.
>watch live as jet-liner hits other tower...immediately think coordinated attack...
>leave house and ride in car towards University... switch on Howard Stern as per usual... they're covering the events live.
>on freeway hear that the first tower collapsed and is gone... inconceivable.
>Arrive at unit and park. Pretty normal in terms of amount of cars.
>arrive at class... History prof has Tv on and early arrivals all watching intently. 2nd tower gone at this point...Find out Pentagon was hit!!
>Prof comments about interventionist policies stoking anger/resentment causing this...
>Prof says the University canceling classes...
>Get up and drive home and watch the coverage with mom.
Comfy time, desu
We're feeling here with you user. Bless you
i will never get over it because the (((official story))) is just so completely and utterly full of shit. Its honestly an embarassment that something hasnt been done about it yet.
fuck you
>FBI are being assholes, repeatedly do lie detector tests and threaten you
>your boss at UMS leaves the country for Israel on 9/12, leaving behind his entire business without telling any customers or employees
>meshuggah reporter at fox news does story about Isreali spying and 9/11
>it'll be anoddah shoah!
>Jewish lobby saves the day though
>details in pic related
>in third grade
>teachers are acting funny
>the office keeps calling our classroom on the intercom to tell our teacher a kid's parents are here to pick them up
>I'm thinking "wtf why is everyone leaving early today"
>teacher gives us recess for the rest of the day
>parents keep picking up kids
>the ones who didn't get picked up are trying to figure out what is going on
>teachers won't tell us
>my friend said there was supposed to be a bad tornado on the way
>fucking liar, it was a beautiful sunny day
>only a handful of kids left by the end of the school day, myself included
>before dismissal, our teacher starts crying and tells us to give our parents a big hug when we get home
>get on bus, go home
>watch the news with my family
>dad is pissed at muslims
>went to bed scared a plane was going to hit our house
>had a bad dream of smiling arabs with turbans flying planes into everything
I was 7/8 years old. My mom is a primary school teacher, so me and my brother were staying in her classroom after school was done for the day. Suddenly I remember her and her colleagues looking distressed and shocked talking with each other about some disaster. My mom immediately turned on the TV in the classroom and I got to witness the full horror of a plane crashing into an huge building. Probably one of the first times I realized how fucked up the world could be. It also made me scared to fly for many years (obviously other plane crashes happened too over the years) but eventually I became rational about it, especially after I flew to NY a few years ago.
>90s optimistism died
I don't think it was 9/11 that killed it
You're not a 90s kid
T. 1994
Pretty interesting actually. I could buy into that.. then 911 becomes the jet fuel dumped onto the dumpster fire.
My 9/11 is cooler
I was on a roof building in New York City
>stupid kid living in NYC
>saw what was happening but didn't care since I just wanted to play video games because no school
>didn't hit me until years later that it was the end of post-cold war optimism and ruined the entire fucking world in a day
>tfw i can never go back
>tfw 9/11 probably subconsciously fucked me up for the rest of my life
Happy 9/11 everyone!
>12 yrs old
> watching then unshilled cnn on Polish cable
>Well very good. At least something intereresting is happening
> Heard about one plane down
>what a bullshit, clearly shot down, my thoughts right after that
>USA releases propaganda video of "heroic passengers preventing the terrorists from crashing into WhiteHouse"
>my first thoughts confirmed
Wasn't the end of the post-Cold War optimism. That happened almost right away when think tanks started to produce their 'Who's our new enemy?' research in the universities.
Then there was economic war in Russia and the Balkan Wars.
9/11 was something else entirely: a simultaneous coup, and declaration of war on the population and the entire world.
CGI man. Them towers never existed.
No you couldn't, retard. You've lost every war ever. The three-day wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are going on into two decades. You can't beat third-world nations with 70-year-old rifles and fighters.
get a load of this sleepy goy
Saw the whole thing on TV while in trade school to be an aircraft mechanic. Instructor had heard about the first plane hitting and brought out the TV to use this as a teaching experience; showing what could go wrong.
When the second plane hit it still wasn't obvious at first it was an attack, but when the third plane hit the Pentagon there was no doubt. Of course the reporter on the ground couldn't confirm it was a plane.
Anyway, we all knew then that we had chosen the wrong career path.
>Be me senior year of HS
>only mention of 9/11 is a saying to remember not judge all of one people by the act of the few
>mfw they dont mention the lives lost, the impact it had or what they did to us
>mfw this is all kids younger than me will ever be taught or know
>mfw this is the future
>15 years old
>In class
>Asshole friends come in
>Some dicks blew up a building in NYC
>Me: Yeah like back in 1993.
>Them: No dude today
>Me: Bullshit
>Get on chair
>Turn on TV in class while Teacher tells me to get down
>Second plane hits
>She shuts up
>School so quiet for rest of day
Fuckin' wierd to hear teenagers be silent.
But this is irrelevant in terms of the real history. It is a separate, and largely insignificant, event that you are reading as the event itself. Very similar to the historian's fallacy, but an inversion where history disappears until the individual decides to recognise it.
And they're all on this website right now
So this is the projected asbestos fallout from the 9/11 attacks. Asbestos is known to cause a deadly form of lung cancer known as mesothelioma which can have a latency period from 20-50 years.
How fucked are you?
I, unironically, consider the 9/11 incident the date in which everything went to shit.
>britbong aged 16
>just got off the school coach and walking home
>its like 4pm? 4.30pm?
>get to my house and the phone is ringing
>I'm the only one there and was about to fire up the pc and play some age of empires. We didn't even have Internet. Just used it for games and wordprocessing.
>answer phone and it's my friend from school I sat next to on the coach.
>"turn on your TV America has been bombed"
>immediately think it's a nuclear bomb
>run to TV turn it on
>we watched nothing but the news that night
>rest of high school and college spent watching the war on terror wreck Tony Blair and get bush another term
no basicly just americans crying about it and make everone feel bad, and ruining everything for everyone