Look into your heart Sup Forums

Look into your heart Sup Forums

You know it to be true

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true sweetie, but you can solve the issue of estrangement from your species-essence without wanting to destroy your nation at the same time

every single time it is this weird armchair psychologist argument. are you guys all jewish psychologists or something?

you mean disgust for cultural degeneration caused by marxism

When he lifts up the mask there should just be a mirror underneath

communism is so destitute they even steal old memes

Damn that's deep

someone post the happy merchant with mask on i dont have it

nations are a spook lad

cant speak for the others, i'm a STEMfag tho

if there's one thing that's to blame for cultural degeneration, it's capitalism and consumerism



(((liberal capitalism)))

Sorry Schlomo, not this time.

Nah, its liberals whove disenfranchised me and alienated me and dehumanized me. Liberals are the ones who assume I'm "entitled" and a "rapist" for being a straight male who seeks romantic relationships with the opposite sex.

has anyone ever called you entitled or a rapist in real life

if yes, how many times? once? twice?

>Taking opinion from a high estrogen non-cis male

this one really got my nargles to smargle

in all fields

Was getting this bumped part of your plan?

We feel alienated because we refuse to be good goys and embrace every inhuman and degenerate marxist thing jews push via capitalism.

They can do this because of their control of media, they protect this power using the "muh 6 gorillion" arguement.

Capitalism as a system is not at fault, the ones misusing it are. Much like the evils of christianity are not the fault of the religion itself, but rather those who misused it.

>nations are a spook lad

oh no honey...

it's you who's been spooked my dude, although the nation right now is an instrument of exploitation and alienation, it remains a valuable tool for advocating the interests of the universal class

What would your job be under communism? I would be a card carrying member, will you be as well or perhaps you will choose to work in the factories I wonder

>How many times has this happened
Multiple. I went to a very a liberal college that had "protests" (liberal pout fests) every other week.

Anyways, how does this make you feel anarkiddie?

i'm not a communist

i'd probably still work as a programmer though

i'm not sure what your point is


How does it make you feel? Pretty simple question.


Ancom would result in unlimited gibs for niggers you couldn't stop even if entire communities wanted to


Bernie had the election stolen. Fuck you. I would be making 20 dollars an hour right now and wouldn't struggle if Hillary didn't buy her way to the top. Fucking greedy pigs

Or what about this? Describe your mood after seeing this image in 2 or 3 sentences?

Hard mode: Can't say that non-ancom communism isn't real communism.

doesn't make me feel anything desu

what's the joke

>nations are a spook
More like niggers are spooks

that one's pretty fucking funny

>what's the joke
You. How this make you feel, black boi?

Thanks for proving my/our point. Liberal (((capitalists))) are the ones responsible for "disenfranchisement" and "dehumanizing" us, and your snark is a perfect example.

i laugh every time i see it

this was fun but can we get back to the topic at hand

lefty memes are terrible

>this was fun but can we get back to the topic at hand
After you

the image is talking about classical liberals, not democrats and their ilk

Sigh.. give me a fucking break.

Humanity is just some made up bullshit and no system is going to give you a fucking hand job like you want.

>45% straight
Wow what entitled rapists :^)

>muh semantics
Not an argument. Typical postmodernist coward.


No one cared who i was until i put the mask.


the joke is classical liberals(mostly obnoxious youtubers) see the alt-right as allies, when in fact the alt-right is acting out against capitalism itself

if it was hillary type liberals the joke wouldn't make any sense

If you don't feed the animals they will go back to their DUmpster.


>leftists think this is funny
Eat my fucking shit. I've seen what you leftists are like: virgin shaming, mocking, insulting your fellow race members, spitting, stabbing each other in the back, assaulting you if you don't agree with something they agree with. The right wing gave me a place, Sup Forums gave me a place and I'm willing to die for each and every one of the people here who stand with me, something leftist rats will never understand.

The concept brotherhood. Heil Hitler.


I see you are still not getting the joke. What can I do to assist you?

not an argument

>inhumanity of capitalism

What a load of horseshit. Sorry, humanity and nature is inherently 'inhumane'. Take or get taken away, kill or be killed.

Your dogmatic and ignorant view of looking at people's minds/thinking and explaining everything under "muh capitalism" just shows your feeble and imcomprehensive mind, unable to understand human thought/nature on a high level and only understanding the lowest form of material desire.

>d-do as we say, not as we do!
Typical postmodernist coward.

don't hate leftypol, they're mothers and fathers

most of them are doing the right thing for the wrong reasons

humans lived in a proto-communist society for 2 million years though

i sincerely have no idea what you're on about

explain the joke

>liberal capitalists

Need one where the mask is a swastika and the face is a swastika desu

Just like radical islamic terrorists, liberals have a hard time believing anyone can be sincere in their hatred.

>Commie countries are faggot utopias with no racism and "homophobia"
This is what western Bernie Bros™ believe

Friendly reminder that anyone who opposes Christianity, science, individuality or capitalism is a shill.

>humans lived in a proto-communist society for 2 million years though

You do know a species starving for that long would die out, right?

Proto communism is a hunter gatherer society that is built on biological hierarchy is 'proto communism'?

Well, your idea of communism is a hierarchial society most likely ruled by an alpha male who fucks all the women is 'proto-communism' is pretty interesting.

The marxist vision of hunter gatherers is not rooted in reality and is a sack of shit.

It's not rooted in biology and no such 'proto-communism' exists in pretty much any other mammal species out there. Whether it be a primate or not.

>humans lived in a proto-communist society for 2 million years though
>2 million years
They actually lived in a proto monarchist system for about 200,000 years. Also homo sapiens have not been around for 2 million years.

What kikery is this? "You're just AFRAID. All things are FEAR."

Next you'll say it's all penis envy or daddy not letting us play enough video games.


hunter gatherer societies were for the most part non-hierarchical

food was shared, men and women were shared, children were brought up more by the tribe than by the parents

>Explain the joke
It's you, my man

>Human experience is not a valid measure of objective justice, thus it should never be considered more than a distraction.
You pathetic little piece of shit. What justifies your ideology if not human suffering? And yet you stand here and say it should be ignored. Communism is a contradiction. Kill yourself.

i'm not a communist though

>Lifted mask doesnt read Gas the Kikes, Race war now
I am disappoint

It's analytic philosophy and objective morality. My argument is still valid.

Again, this is just your (marxist) assumption of what they were. But just because Marx wrote that it was like that, does not make it true.

As with all marxist "science" - it's based on fairytales and assumptions and not reality.

Here's something "very egalitarian" - psmag.com/environment/17-to-1-reproductive-success.

Sorry, but nature is not egalitarian. It's always the strong who prey on the weak. The few who rule over the many. The few that survive while the rest starve.

>hunter gatherer societies were for the most part non-hierarchical
They were more hierarchal than it is now, just because it was more of a system based on sexual and athletic prominence does not make the society a co-op. They still had the alpha male and tribal leader, in fact this hierarchal system is what eventually lead to the rise of early monarchism as tribes began conquering other tribes.

Also, humanity has not been around for 2 million years fyi

>make 20 dollars an hour
>assuming you actually keep your job
>prices go up regardless

Yeah complex society has only been around the last 8,000 or so years

Nah, you're a left anarchist. Which is just as bad as gommunism.
>See the tens of thousands of people executed by the CNT

>tries to correct the other user about what hunter-gatherer societies were like
>links to an article that says right in the title that it's about "after the advent of agriculture"
Lel. Nothing after the advent of agriculture is "natural" anymore, my nigra. Not communism, not capitalism, nothing.

You're right, except it's not inherent inhumanity in capitalism, it's the corrupt judicial system and SJW narrative that will cost you your job if people find out you voted for Trump. In the UK they protect Muslims over their own citizens, nothing to do with being capitalist or not.


>Blaming the car not the (((driver)))

Why does Sup Forums wear the mask?

Yeah that was my mistake.


It's really simple. The men who killed/dominated/subjugated all the other males and fucked all the females in the group were the ones who reproduced. The other ones did not.

Here's another redpill.


…individuals with the low activity MAO-A gene, when faced with social exclusion or ostracism showed higher levels of aggression than individuals with the high activity MAO-A gene. Low activity MAO-A could significantly predict aggressive behaviour in a high provocation situation, but was less associated with aggression in a low provocation situation. Individuals with the low activity variant of the MAO-A gene were just as likely as participants with the high activity variant to retaliate when the loss was small. However, they were more likely to retaliate and with greater force when the loss was large.

he frequency distribution of variants of the MAO-A gene differs between ethnic groups. 59% of Black men, 54% of Chinese men, 56% of Maori men, and 34% of Caucasian men carry the 3R allele. 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carry the 2R allele.

Everything comes down to -isms and phobias for the kikes. They are so bad at understanding the reasoning of anyone who does not have a mind fucked by inbreeding and neuroses.

>Capitalism as a system is not at fault, the ones misusing it are
THIS. What we live under is not capitalism, it just parades around as capitalism. Literally every argument that anarchofags have in opposition to capitalism is invalidated by that fact.
>i'd probably still work as a programmer though
>thinks he would have a choice in how his labor is utilized by his masters
>How does it make you feel?
>appeals to emotion because incapable of rational argument.
Way to demonstrate the classical libcuck subhuman mentality.
>I would be making 20 dollars an hour right now
Even if that were true, your cost of living would have increased by a greater proportion in order to pay everyone $20/hour to pick produce and ship it across the country, rendering you effectively poorer than you are now. Happens literally every single time wages go up.
>their tax dollars will pay the garbage man who gets to clean that up
It's because they have only a tenuous grasp on what irony is. Sarcastic and sardonic humor is lost on them, largely because of their incapacity to self-reflect and have complex thought
> the alt-right is acting out against capitalism
No, it isn't. The "alt-right" are traditionalists standing against elements of society who seek to subvert everything we've spent the last 300 years fighting for.
>The right wing gave me a place, Sup Forums gave me a place and I'm willing to die for each and every one of the people here who stand with me
God bless you, user.

The alt right is anti capitalist though. It supports mixed economics.

By the way - when im talking about hunter gatherers being violent - i'm not condemming them.

Violence and war is an inherent part of human existance. It wont go away and it's here to stay.

Judge please go

>muh peaceful savages

Here's what Columbus wrote about them - .. Many of the men I have seen have scars on their bodies, and when I made signs to them to find out how this happened, they indicated that people from other nearby islands come to San Salvador to capture them; they defend themselves the best they can. I believe that people from the mainland come here to take them as slaves.

This isint even talking about how many of them practicised cannibalism and other such things.

not sure what native american societies have to do with pre-historic humanity

even pre-columbus hispaniola had several chiefdoms controlling vast amounts of territory

Because many of them didin't know agriculture and were effectivelly 'hunter gatherers'?

Replace "inherent inhumanity of capitalism" with "behavioural sink of overpopulated society"

The arawaks practiced subsistence farming though

>common ownership
>not trying to steal your toothbrush
>your toothbrush
I'm not an expert on either anarchism nor communism, but something doesn't seem right here.

I mean, how much evidence do you need?

I know where you are coming from, you believe that violence originates from property and wanting to protect it - basically capitalism.

The problem is that violence rests not in capitalism but in human nature.

>Why does Sup Forums wear the mask?
You figure it out, you're a big guy


>hunter gatherers on the bottom
>agricultural societies on the top

The economy doesn't have a role in degeneracy, degeneracy has a role in the economy.

Canada is a socialist economy that is of the upmost cuck and degeneracy due to it's lack of identity. Same with America and capitalism, it's the culture, not the economics that's the issue.

>Canada is a socialist economy
Is this what Sup Forums actually believes?

partially true, which is why we need fascism

>nonstate societies at the top
>state societies at the bottom

Regarding why state societies are peaceful - this is probably a good reason why.


We know that male aggresive behaviour is largely hereditary.

Europeans have been killing violent criminals for a very long time - which is probably one of the reasons why we are so (relatively) peaceful today.

it is true
that's why I'm a nazi

good lad