the jewish hypocrisy has no limits
The jewish hypocrisy has no limits
Gee, who could imagine.
>Jan 27, 2014
Let me tell you a secret mate. Although Jewish groups and individuals may have played a big part in pushing multiculturalism and globalization, they are not immune to their own political propaganda. In fact, miscegenation amongst Jews has skyrocketed such that in fifty years, the Jewish population will effectively be halved.
>he's dating a non Jew
>he's using Wyatt Mann cartoons
>he's using spurdo memes
Is he unironically /ourkike/?
>falling for le Aryan meme
this guy clearly watches too many pewdiepie videos.
Seems to be
>an obese walrus in an American flag t-shirt
This is why I trust right wing jews
That's fucking hilarious
okay fresh prince you show those aryan meanies
Because of their dogmatic definition of being considered a Jew.
Don't trust any Jews you fool. By all means tolerate those that seem for the time being to be acting in your interest, but never turn your back on them else they slip the knife in.
He must be one of the regular Israeli posters around here trying to convince us the jews aren't all bad.
stealing goy genes just like i told yall
I should rephrase. I trust them up to the point of knowing what they are up to and that they will put themselves first as a nation and not carrying out pseudo eugenics programs
Well of course.
You only hate the ones you love.
It's no cohencidence that the strongest GAS DA JOOS memers IRL are people like (((weev))) and Mike (((Enoch))).
are you 12?
there are no /ourkikes/
there are no good jews
you fucking child. he's licking your ass so you feel good you faggot. and you are a kike yourself. faggot.
go back to school or reddit you fucking dweeb
lol those guys are total controlled op plants
both huge fags and jews
Found the Muslim
This is you
Here's a tip.
Israeli Jews have always been conservative. They literally shipped arms to apartheid South Africa.
It's secular American Jews and European Jews (basically half of all Jews) that are liberals. The conservative ones all moved to Israel or want to go there. The leftist ethnic Jews don't give a shit about Israel.
truth can bend when we tell it to bend
>u r fat
both are jews first, anything else second. they need to go
I don't think weev is a controlled op, I don't even know of any content he puts out I only know that he's le ebin nazi hacker
whether mike enoch is a plant I feel is irrelevant. He doesn't attempt to 'steer the movement' like RICHARD FUCKING SPENCER does.
Don't get me wrong either, dick spencer is cool, dick spencer has helped us alot, BUT dick spencer is NOT the leader of the alt-right, and he tries very hard to be that. If yo listen to him, he tries to make it sound like it's a forgone conclusion that he's the leader.
whether mike e is controlled op or not, I think he should stay. I just think some real leaders should step it up organically, which would render mike e a stepping stone, which I'm fine with.
Just like what Gavin Mcinnes was until hes been trying to shut down people moving further right after stopping by at his gas station
>This much of a try hard edgelord
Jaid is quintessential,/our guy/
Pol is a board of peace
Lol you realize right wing Jews are neocons right? They're responsible for both Iraq and Syria. With Jews, you get either invade or invite.
can you really blame him? who would want to be with a Jewish woman?
>Over used kike deflection tactic
You can imagine all the Israeli men saying "lol fucking porkies, maybe be better women"
It doesn't matter if they're closed conservative they are still our enemy.
jesus christ, what have we done
he looks bretty aryan tho desu
>In fact, miscegenation amongst Jews has skyrocketed such that in fifty years, the Jewish population will effectively be halved.
At that point, we will only have to get rid of 6 million more to extirpate them from this world.
I told my little sister if she wants to date someone, I told her date a Jew.
his son is a 4channer for sure, he posted this about soros funded opposition.
Will (((they))) force her to convert? Pic related
Thanks, I read a couple stories on this and never found out who the three guys were.
Jewish histrionics.
Like he won't make her convert and the Israeli rabbis won't jump at the chance to give her a kosher stamp.
Also have you seen Ms. Netanyahu? Bibi's boy needs to freshen-up the ol' inbred gene pool, and that's what he's doing.
>they are not immune to their own political propaganda.
they are eating their own cooking
they are crazy Left-wing conspiracy theorists. keep trying to accuse our prime minister about being corrupt because he smokes cigars.
Perhaps the meme just leaked out of Sup Forums, as I've seen Sup Forums memes on other sites where the users don't seem to know where these memes originated. Still funny that Bibi's son posted a modified A. Wyatt Mann cartoon.
First Ivanka, now this. How do we stop our Aryan qts from getting JEWED?
He is one of us. He got in trouble for send out attached meme .
I'm sorry Nazis but you’re going to have to lighten up if we are going to prevent the Marxists from enslaving us.
Well, Israelis that I have talked to here are alright.
I think because to actually hang out here they have to be capable of handling and giving banter because of their flag, unlike Swedes and Canadians who should just be blanket banned. They have shitty posts, are never funny, many such cases.
Soros is trying to overthrow Israel's right wing government. why Soros is so powerful everywhere?
another 6 gorillions
when did scarlet jewhansen get fat?
He sure is being shilled hard these past days
One of us, One of us.
>UN Flag.
why do you carry a UN Flag? are you a Rockefeller supporter?
My wifes son's girlfriend
coal burning sandnigger enthusiast
perforate the whore
Off to buy some Manischewitz from Smart & Final I go then.
>who would want to be with a Jewish woman?
you mean, any women? i watched the video and all that shit happens in every single modern country. its why mgtow started.
Legal to donate to political causes. His investments ride the waves of political changes that he had caused. Although Obama also tried to overthrow Israel's right-wing government, so Soros isn't the only person who meddles in other country's affairs.
>no woman no cry
why are there jews who hate the concept of israel? Global domination?
Best goy award goes to you.
Go back on jewtube and listen to ben shapiro talk for hours about things you want to hear only to turn around and tell you israel is based.
You're right.
Most likely NWO Satanists...
This is the same kid who posted a Soros/Illuminati/Reptillian meme on kikebook, he is clearly a based Jew
meh i have no idea about this shit.
just surprises me though, that a group of people will be against their homeland
Love conquers all.
they don't see Israel as their homeland. that is the point. during the holocaust, Jew George Soros managed to help SS forces to confiscate Jewish property.
Literally Devil.
surprising that he can even do what he does now.
i think these people have a bigger picture in mind than just israel, if you get what i mean
Watch George Lincoln Rockwell. Or listen to Nazi propaganda. Not all Jews are bad. Nazis gave "Honorary Aryan" status to those they felt were particularly useful or honorable (like Hitler's chauffeur, who was later discovered to be part Jewish, but he, along with his brothers, were given Honorary Aryan status in recognition of the chauffeur having been an early Nazi who even went to Landsberg Prison with Hitler). There were also the Mischlinge, men of mixed Jewish and Aryan heritage who could be recognized as Aryans if they did not live as Jews. Finally, George Lincoln Rockwell said that not all Jews are bad -- all Communistic Traitors are bad -- it's just that 80 (or 90)% of Jews are Communistic Traitors.
It's like niggers. Most of them aren't Thomas Sowell. But Thomas Sowell exists.
If they're all off in Israel, fucking off by themselves, how are they the enemy?
>this assumes they stop getting massive foreign aid
White bitches can't resist the BJC
isn't Israel supposed to rise after the chosen race have done their thing.
I don't know much about the religion though
about that forign aid. you don't have too but your leaders maybe seeing that Israel is a democracy in the middle east that is surrounded by muslim zombie countries.
dont lie.
the reason religious jews dont see israel as the homeland is because god ordered them to be a wandering people until the messiah returned and gave them land. jews are supposed to be wanderers until the messiah comes back.
"jewish" israelis are not true jews (according to religious jews). israelis want the land so they can dominate the world but still have a fallback place to run to when the goy get sick of their antics.
wtf i love israel now
Hey man it looks like you're really in some hot water this time, how's your dad?
Don't you need permission now to watch porn?
Doesn't say that anywhere in the Jew bible.
That was the case before 1948.
yes there are still anti-zionist religious orthodox jews.
but now there are 'lite' religious Israeli jews that believe that the messiah will come after the third temple will be established.
Ivanka only dyes her hair blonde
yes it does. thats exactly why religious jews are against israel. because it goes exactly against their religious text. secular "jews" want israel because they know that the goy will get sick of their antics sooner or later and need a fallback plan. they are the evil ones.
So, any porn with the prime minister's son's girlfriend?
then why did jews have a state there for hundreds of years before the romans btfo
current day Israeli jews wether religious or not. seek to live in peace. either with or without kebabs.
I don't really know what the global elite Jews like Soros are seeking, but I seek security and less kebabs.
>'lite' religious Israeli jews
yeah not really that religious then.
they had a state at one point but they are not allowed to have a state until the messiah returns and gives them a state. which is what their religious text says. the only people who are zionists are secular "jews" who know they need a land to run away to when the goyim get sick of them.
Well I guess they are right after all if one of the most important Jews is spreading Spurdo memes and throwing away his Jewish genes.
Soros is not welcome in Israel. I think that he was declared as enemy of the state.
They had no choice.
It is plainly obvious that Jews are subversive and dangerous. No sane person could deny this fact.
But at the same time accepting that Jews need to be discriminated against or killed, means that Jews will do everything in their power to stop race realism.
Hypocrisy becomes their greatest ally.
ah yes, nothing less than an aryan for the chosen