You are given the magical chance to save anime. How do you do it?
Also someone just post keit-ai already so we can move on.
You are given the magical chance to save anime. How do you do it?
Also someone just post keit-ai already so we can move on.
3rd nuke
Battle Shonuen with Openly Gay Protag
Not gonna lie, the west would need to have some major impact over the japs for them to make something worthwhile. They're so into their comfort zone now that they don't even try to experiment anymore.
Anime adaptations of famous Western Literature
A weekly wrestling show with the Kinnikuman characters, with feuds, championship battles and all the wrestling staples.
An anime about adults taking responsability, learning to cope with reality and encouraging neets to work, wrapped in a psychological story disguised as a harem show
Get KyoAni and XEBEC together to make the ultimate ecchi show. Get Production IG and Bones together to make some original sci shows. Slap Madhouse and Toei upside the head to stop making crappy remakes and do something original. Get Junichi Sato to make new Mahou Shoujo series and to revive Slayers.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
tried and failed with Jojo
BattleHarem based in a highschool with a useless MC. All 30 chicks in his class are Tsundere.
Starship Troopers anime was pretty solid, I think that a Dune adaptation would be cool.
Use your heads. Two nukes CAUSED anime. Another one would just make things worse.
if you wanna save anime stop watching shows just because of the hot girl
she's just a cartoon and you can get your rocks off to better things more tailored to your own liking
there's been an influx of shit shows which are only good because of the well-endowed girl doing suggestive things
studios aren't even trying to make good things because they know most otaku fags will watch it anyways if there is a no-depth girl doing fun things
if this is what most people want then let it happen, fine by me. but if you want to "save" anime then this is the only path
KyoAni adapt Girl Friends.
Madhouse adapt Franken Fran.
Trigger banned from doing anything other than short comedy skits.
>you can get your rocks off to better things more tailored to your own liking
Not really.
I don't know why this isn't more common.
There are a lot of LN and VN that get an adaption, butt books very rarely, and by that I mean that it's probably heavily inspired or a spiritual sequel, not real adaption,.
An anime written together by Tomino, Okada, and Okouchi.
This is dumb. XEBEC has almost never made a good ecchi, and almost never made a bad sci-fi show. Madhouse has done like one remake this decade. And Toei has pretty much no relation t saving the industry, they run off of the children's market, which is a completely different thing.
Because the company that published a given Western novel decades ago isn't likely to have any desire to help fund an anime adaptation.
Sounds like a typical noir drama.
Hostile takeover of Aniplex, fire all the producers, close it down
anime adaption of GoT
pls no
They sort of made that back in 2006, it was called Welcome to The NHK. A show like that would never get made now since it goes against the prime directive of flattering otaku and inflating their egos that their lifestyle and choices are the greatest on the planet
Make an anime about Japanese Military in WW2
They are the main antagonist faction
Adapt cheesy 80s b-movie and exploitation shit. We need more killer frisbees and blowing up blowup dolls with rocket launchers.
I think I may have unironically wished for this back before it got adapted.
This is literally the last thing anime needs.
But the executives and otakus will eat it up. Who doesn't love big breasted blonde girls fucking shit up?
Aniplex usually provides their creators with a fairly large amount of autonomy. By getting rid of them, you're just making it so that a lot of creative endeavors would go without proper funding.
Shoot up KyoAni
I do nothing? I mean, I don't see anything wrong, so I probably shouldn't try to "save" it without knowing what's going on, or I'll just fuck it up.
No, it was the subsequnt occupation and the reconstruction of Japanese socity into something actually functional that caused anime. The nukes only caused that by preventing any further (much more destructive) firebombing, or the war of anniliation that an invasion would have been (a 'prepared' force of five million soldiers of varying quality and more than thirty of civilian milita. Out of a population of seventy million).
>Dune adaptation would be cool.
Yeah, but how would you get funding for the part that would wind up totaling a full cour of exposition?
Let directors come up with their own projects and they're provided infinite funding for their ideas. Voila, an endless stream of auteur works, thanks magic.
It's getting better and better lately. Finally recovering from moe blob hell. SAO's legacy is the only good thing about the show, ushering in a bunch of game themed/centered shows, and since most people who watch anime also play games it's a good fit. Comedy has finally evolved past the point where
is the peak of comedy. I had literally never laughed at an anime until about a year or two ago despite watching much more when I was young.
Wasn't that how New Hollywood fell?
Keit-Ai adaptation by Trigger.
Sabotage the LN market and stop anime adaptations of LNs.
>ushering in a bunch of game themed/centered shows
How in any possible universe is this a good thing.
>infinite funding
And from where shall this infinite funding flow, and how will you avoid winding up with nothing but bizarre fetish porn?
You have now replaced the 1/10 of the market composed of LN adaptations with some bad ecchi manga adaptations instead. You had a chance to save the industry and you wasted it chasing an irrelevant boogieman.
Compared to moeblob? There might be a case to me made.
OP said magic.
>SAO's legacy is the only good thing about the show, ushering in a bunch of game themed/centered shows, and since most people who watch anime also play games it's a good fit.
You've lost your mind. Video game writing is the absolute nadir of storytelling, if there's one thing in the world anime can't learn from, it's games.
I would fix anime by banning both light novels and light novel adaptations.
I don't really know film, I figured television killed it or something.
Well it's a magic chance so I can do whatever I want, yeah? And fetish porn will get made but so will everything else, that's the fun of it. Basically letting the artist create art for its own sake as opposed to commercial ends, while maintaining financial compensation.
I'm not saying it has to be written like a movie. I just like stuff like boob ribbon goddess and explosion loli. Themes user. Shit's easy to understand and recognizable at a glance, and it's fun. It'll get tired pretty soon but for now I enjoy it.
Bad LNs to bad manga is still a pretty significant improvement
Jesus Christ no. You have taste worse than an ANN reviewer.
And I'm guessing you're some retard who prefers "manly" shit because you find """moeblob""" pathetic. People who are into video game shit are far more pathetic due to the fact that it's made for self-inserting.
That was the fall of the studio system. New Hollywood fell because you had auteur directors spending exorbitant amounts of money on pet projects that ultimately bombed, along with the introduction of the modern blockbuster.
Anime is already saved, maybe you guys have shit taste.
Jumpstart the toy market overseas, do everything to encourage more people to buy gunpla, action figures, transformation trinkets. Anything to say "SEE JAPAN! GAIJIN EAT YOUR PLASTIC SHIT UP!"
Not really.
Eh, the possibility exists to tell a good story in the vidya gaem setting - it usually doesn't happen, but the idea of dramatic tension and complex characters isn't precluded by the core of the story.
The way I see it, SAO did three things well. First of all, it offered a lot of fleeting glimpses of what could have been, if it wasn't cancerous as shit. Second, it launched a thousand imitators and formed the genre. Last, it did really well and illustrated that the best way to make a successful story in the genre was to make it terrible.
So, the possibility exists. Moeblob, however, is to dependent on the superficial and trivial to coexist with strong storytelling.
Support directors who produce original works and convince the industry that us Westerners have superior taste than their idol-worshiping cucked countrymen.
>he thinks some cartoon stories about guys fighting with swords aren't naturally trivial
Nothing about even a good adventure or action series is any more substantial than a good SoL.
Animators with a grasp of anatomy and natural movement.
Greater reliance on storyboarding and good direction as a means of communicating a story.
Bigger budgets and longer timeframes.
Longer-term investment.
Decent and competitive options for streaming or legal purchase of video files with an emphasis on video and audio quality.
More CGDCT shows and fewer "trapped in a vidya gaem" shows
Less reliance on otaku fetishes
We need an anime about manly fighter pilots doing manly things.
Ya but if we fuck up we can always go for a 4th one or possibly 5th
But then there wouldn't be any anime left.
Worst case, China nukes us for "retaliation for Japan"
>more cute girls doing cute things
>less reliance on otaku fetishes
Isn't that somewhat contradictory?
Also all around better animators instead of just realism would be nice as well.
Wow I was watching a Best of the Worst episode featuring that movie today. I dig the idea or maybe an anime of a movie critics club of cute girls bashing on fictional B-movies.
>keep nuking Japan
>more and more anime keeps being made
>eventually the growing cloud of anime starts forcing the incoming nukes out of their trajectories
>nukes hit other Asian and Pacific nations
>radiation causes anime in all those countries as well
>russia deploys anti-anime forces to affected countries to prevent anime from invading and overthrowing Putin
>forces all anime into reeducation camps
>all anime from then on is just rehashes of First Squad
Does that sound like saving anime to you?
>Bigger budgets and longer timeframes.
>Longer-term investment.
Yeah, this. As long as you've got the outcome of one season directly effecting the next one, you can't really aim for anything other than quick twelve-episode payoffs, which sort of discourages things like worldbuilding and character development. It also encourages cookie cutter stories - currently, trapped in a vidya game, battle academy, and CanKancer.
That said, I'm not sure the current studios have the working capital for that risk - which isn't a problem here.
>Greater reliance on storyboarding and good direction as a means of communicating a story.
Out of curiosity, what is the current status quo?
I'm not sure how CGDCT isn't an otaku fetish.
Siskel & Ebert or MST3K Moe edition?
I remove from Earth 90% of its fanbase, specifically the moe-obsessed type, it'll improve immediately.
Maybe we shouldn't nuke Nippon and just dunk it into radioactive waste? No one will ever touch it, the radiation would kill them.
>cute girls
But why? Why not an interesting cast?
>anime reeducation
There is literally nothing wrong with moe. It is in fact one of the best things about anime in comparison to animated shows from the rest of the world.
Get rid of moe and you might as well go watch cartoon network, because you've just ruined one of the things anime actually excels at.
What if they drink alcohol while watching the movies will that work?
Because a bunch of guys dicking around with each other while discussing a movie isn't interesting.
Not cute or pure.
>Because a bunch of guys dicking around with each other while discussing a movie isn't interesting.
But what makes the content more intresting with cute girls?
If you couldn't make the story entertaining with a male or mixed-gender cast, you're still relying on cute girls to sell it, and you haven't really fixed anything.
To be fair I'd be up for a Tamako Film Club starring Mochi and his buddies.
We could probably also get Tokyo Metro 2026
I was saying it from a certain perspective. Of course, I think such a thing is interesting. Thing is, I don't know if there are any anime where the entire cast are girls who are dicks to each other like guys are.
Not that guy, but cuteness is entertaining, and something the nips do extremely well.
Why not play into your strengths? Cute girls being cute and sometimes behaving somewhat incongruously while discussing movies sounds like a great idea.
Make an anime that uses the EXACT SAME PREMISE as SAO, with just 2 cours, that functions as an actual mmorpg, and is still nice and edgy.
Why, you ask? So that all these studios will stop dancing around the issue with their constant attempts to vaguely do 'SAO but better'.
Then we can all move on and find another original premise to ruin instead.
And what if that becomes a success?
That'll just encourage even more imitations!
>And what if that becomes a success?
>That'll just encourage even more imitations!
I suspect that what really encouraging these imitations is the knowledge that there's a great story still hidden away in the exact premise of SAO, but everyone is too chicken-shit to straight-up copy the premise.
We vaguely insult the audience (specifically, the part of it that buys BDs) offhandedly and frequently. That way, we can have an objectively good show that still bombs. Ideal, it has mainstream popularity but still ends in the red.
I think you have a point there, people see that SAO was a succes but feel that they can do better
So like Masterpiece Theater?
almost found a way
Japan needs to take 500,000 serian rapefugees and 2 years later, japs would make a really good s3 of attack on titans
Agree on most of this but the CGDCT point. Otaku already eat it up now, and in the coming years it will be seen as nothing more than a huge fad in the 00s and new tens. Kind of like how mecha was for a while.
I don't know about "saving" The industry, but sparking interest in a couple of different genres would be nice.
>for Japan
The old demon king was finally defeated long ago. Most people assuming that he was destroyed or banished from the world, never to be seen again. The truth of the matter is that he merely retired after his last crushing defeat, deciding to leave the world conquest thing to his personally manufactured successor.
To this end he's compiled all of the knowledge he's accrued from his experience and countless defeats into a sort of genre savvy villain's guide, which he's passed onto his successor as part of her training regimen which also includes the study of heroic tales and legends.
As part of her training, his apprentice must use everything she's learned and infiltrate a party of heroes, discover and master the secrets of their asspull powers, and eventually either destroy them from within or turn them to her cause. Her master has come out of retirement as demon king just to ensure these heroes will appear, and her final test is to defeat him.
Sup Forums making indie anime when?
We'll bring back the nostalgia just like indie devs do.
NO self-inserting
NO wish fulfillment
NO Gary Stu talents or abilities
I'd love to see an adaptation of Discworld or some Clarke novels like 2001 or Childhood's End.
That's pretty boring, user. Try again. This kills the industry.
>and convince the industry that us Westerners have superior taste
>NCIS: Tokyo-3
>CSI: Crystal Tokyo
>Law and Order Magic Victims Unit
Yeah, no.
>Law and Order Magic Victims Unit
Just imagine this scenario. Imagine it.
Sell animes to China.
>tfw you'll never get a good Enders Game anime adaptation
Life is suffering.