A christiam family has decided to sue their sons elementary school for allowing gender confused children to change their gender identity. The elementary school argues that anyone who's againts their transgender policy is bigotted and transphobic.One of the cases included a 6 year old boy coming to school in a dress. The parents chose to remove their sons from the school due to concerns of their children being exposed to thes things at a young age. So sad to see where we are going in our society
Parents sue school for allowing kids to change gender idenity
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Good for the parents, 'transitioning' at 6 is ridiculous. They are absolutely correct to remove their child from that brainwashing.
if kids are ready to cut off there genitals then it should be allowed to fuck them
Based Aaron.
good post OP.
It's good to see the younger generation talking so much sense.
I wonder if the parents will suffer any backlash for their actions. I wouldn't be surprised if some SJW tried to ruin their lives for this.
Stop shilling your shit here, nigger.
in canada they take your kids if you don't accept their new gender they learned about at school from their sjw teacher.
gender transitioning at such a young age is disturbing to me, and anyone well in the head. im glad people are taking a stand for once
nothing is going to change until the teachers and judges that push this shit are removed.
watch, unless it's a based judge the parents are the ones going to get in trouple and the teacher will keep pushing this shit down children's throats.
Until people do more than just cry on the internet about it, it isn't going to stop.
I hope I'm wrong though, I hope the parents win.
I'll give him another bump
Being part of a church insulates you from that kind of backlash.
Your social circle is likely to be all christian and if you somehow lose your job someone at church will just give you a new job as an act of church solidarity or whatever
Based pedo
Good for those parents.
I would be interested to see how this situation would be handled here in Canada, or more specifically in Ontario (so far its the only province that would take a child away). This situation is a little different though. These parents are pulling their sons out because somebody else's son started transitioning at 6. From what I understand the crazy lefty Ontario government could take the child away from parents that refuse to let their child transition, but in this situation neither of their sons show any desire to transition. Would the Ontario government still try to take these children anyway using some bullshit excuse of their home being transphobic/bigotted? Its hard to say how this would be handled.
Sending kids to school is child abuse. Home school or don't have kids.
Absolutely BASED
is blair considered a passable trap? what is passable?
Good riddance! Fuck the parents, use a condom!
Kid is based. I agree with him.
What is disturbing is that he mentions he is taking risperdal. Why? He seems more sane than many liberals!
Shame your parents didn't choose option #2.
Yes she's passable I had a e-crush on her before I knew
its fucking insane how quickly burgers are normalizing tranny shit
in five years you will be fucking dogs and celebrate it as historic milestone
Man, I need a new goyfriend
fucking this.
It pisses me off how people treat trannies as though they actually were the gender they think they are.
Imagine your father thinking the toaster is talking to him and instead of treating his disease the doctors would tell him how he's right and shit
Fucking liberals and their twisted sense of "morality"
Its not the people. Its kike media.
Also, post flag if you're gonna talk shit, boy.
>the gender they think they are
Emphasis on "think." A man doesn't really know how being a women feels, and vice versa. These mentally ill people just "imagine" being the opposite sex, but I'm sure that psychologists could easily tell if they were male or female in a double-blind experiment. In other words, "transgender women" still act like men in very fundamental ways.
>Its not the people. Its kike media
The American people are sheep and will believe / do anything they're told. In only a few short decades we've fully accepted gay marriage, gays adopting children, sexism against men, racism against whites, transgenderism, children 'transitioning' to the opposite sex, and other degeneracy. I shudder to think what we normalize next: pedophilia? necrophilia? bestiality?
I've accepted none of that. Nobody I've talked to thinks any of that is normal.
>I've talked
You don't talk to many liberals evidently.
Unironically this. Public education is just asking to have your kids neutered and brainwashed. Home school them properly, just stick to the essentials like math, science, and English. They can learn their history and such through required reading of historical literature. Put them in a sport as well, and they are free to go. Funnily enough, via cutting out on the extra bullshit schools do your kids will have more time to develop themselves socially.
I live in a liberal state in a liberal county. My neighbor has a black lives matter sign in their yard. Besides gays, even they think the trans stuff is batshit
That's probably what the left wants.
catholic school > home school > nigger day care
Just live somewhere white. There were like 6 black kids in my whole HS. 3 were retarded.
I would go apeshit allahu akbar style if they took my kid away because of some insane thing like that.
I mean at one time they need violent backlash and fear must change side.
Why so much hate itt, the school is Church of England primary school.
I thought /pol is christian board.
It's impossible not to be disgusted by it. Liberals are still braindamaged and will defend it anyways. Especially when around other liberals.
Burgers? Uh Europe is leading the pack in this department buddy. People here in non-pozzed USA would flip shit over this.
I hear about how America is becoming increasingly divided. Although one side seems sane and constitutional, while the other side seems insane.
>read post
>decide to give video a shot
>immediately see a nigger with braces
Just what the fuck is your problem, OP?
OP is Aaron Genus
He's been shilling his videos on here since Sup Forums found one of his videos awhile back
>fucking dogs in five years
Canada is way ahead of you user
>had a crush on a tranny
I don't even know what to say
Trannies unironically argue that "transitioning" kids at a young age is the best thing for the kids. The younger they start the "transition process" the more they can "pass" as the other sex.
literally "get em when they're young".
Great points.
And until sane women start speaking out collectively that it is an insult to women to "think" you are one, and this entire xgenger thing is bullshit, especially when it comes to those under 18, it's only going to continue to gain momentum and become 100% mainstream.
And how about these men who become "lesbians" and get to use the women's room? Sick!
Not sure what your point is, but it's sick either way, men in women's rooms, women in men's rooms.
Men to call bs on a she "thinking" it's a he as just as much.
History class in public school here is the same damn thing year after year.
>independence and early government
Sounds alright so far?
Bluepills begin
>civil rights for niggers
>Martin Luther Kang junior
>school year ends
>rinse and repeat
>0.2% of the population
why is pol always autisticly screeching over trannies?
t.muzzie cock gobler.
remove the make up, look at the hips, realize you've been tricked. now punch yourself in the face and go fap at 80's porn for 2 weeks. nina hartley, ginger lynn, amber lynn for samples, ron jeremy on how to fuck 30 women and eat a pussy at the same time. start training, listen to conan le barbarian two times a day and stop being a faggot
Fun fact: Risperdal/Risperdone causes low testosterone levels and is known for causing gynecomastia. Anyone on that shit should drop it immediately before they become permanently feminized.
do you let weeds overtake your garden even if its just one weed? "but muh lives" fine. dude I dont want to see anyone getting murdered who isint a pedophile or politician, often one in the same, but the Tranny mindset is one that can be explored by a functional adult. Not a child. Not a child who's age is under two digits. Fuck right off.
That's why nambla is pushing this whole transgendered movement. They want to fuck your children and by the looks of things they will win. I just can't believe Christian's are allowing this to happen. It's crazy.
The Jews are exposing just how stupid most white people are.
well don't let them have hrt till like teens and do blockers and shit
Using Blaire White's pic is misleading af. Blaire has repeatedly attacked the lefty fad of transitioning children.
Why are people okay with a child nigger advertising his channel here?
You need to stop assuming that the general public, liberal or conservative is for this. This is only getting pushed by elected officials who want their fucked up agenda to go through.
Seriously everyone. Speak to normal people in the street and not online and you will find no one agrees with this crap. It's getting through because it's rarely being talked about outside Sup Forums and the other mentally ill websites out there
Good Jew the Jews
You should check in on that. They're doing it at a younger and younger age all the time.
Progressives are actually sadistic sociopaths who get off on fucking over other people.
I'm sending my kids to either private school or catholic school, fuck nigger day care, it's only gotten worse in the years I've left that shitheap
Agreed. Just teach your kids to read and do arithmetic. After that, you can get your education from books.
Talk to boomers and college kids. This propaganda works on them.
They tug at the heart strings, and it works.
They've been fed a Jewified Christianity where they think they're supposed to tolerate sin.
Or get a wife and stop being a sodomite.