National Geographic Determined What Americans Will Look Like in 2050, and It's Beautiful

National Geographic Determined What Americans Will Look Like in 2050, and It's Beautiful

creepy as fuck

>le 100% mongrel face

>what germans look like in 2030

>unwashed masses
swarthy shitskin aesthetic

America not even once

How can a rational individual think this is a good thing? Do people honestly think this is "progressive"? A nation full of mongrels who look more or less the same? I thought diversity was a good thing according to the left. All it seems to be is a vehicle to attain a nation where everyone looks the same and thinks the same. That's not diversity, that's the stuff nightmares are made of.

>wtf I love National Geographic now

Now it all makes sense. Every single damn time.

Uhmmm sweetie nice try with your racist bigoted ways but just imagine how more progressive and smarter we would be if we are all mixed. No racism, no crimes, no poverty, no religion, no capitalism a society that will focus on science, healthcare, equal rights, prosperity unity, education, art, same wage gap, global warming awarness, taking the money of rich and distributing it to everyone equally etc... We would have it so much better than now in this white privileged bigoted racist and sexist world where the 1% exploit the other 99%...

are you baiting

Make everyone a brown, homogeneous worker ant. Then, enable them to buy their personality, their characteristics, their habits, make money fill up the brown. Money becomes the central way for you to express yourself and uplift from the blob of brown. That's (((their))) benevolent vision

>a society focused on things they're at a natural IQ disadvantage to advance
Keep selling that, I'm sure it'll take
Of course it's bait

>all dark haired
>all dark colored eyes
>everyone same tan colored skin
Wow, sure is very diverse in here. Remind me again how this is the next big thing!?

they all look ugly as fuck.

>some sort of fagy UN Euro flag
9/10. Almost there but you forgot to mention cis-gender trikin flowers shit.

Fat chance. When woman want a man they want a white man. Gooks, niggers, kikes go after what man looks the whitest. We see this both in the US and in South America. The whiter you are, the higher your social status. Secondly woman go after his paycheck. As long as the white man is the ideal man and the better earner, there will be a white race.

>in 2050 America will create a real life oblivion character creator in order to eliminate traditional birthing methods to control population growth

just parroting what commies and liberals like to say on the internet and irl
>what is brazil

>in 2050

You know the cognitive dissonance you guys display on a daily basis is absolutely staggering. You constantly accuse the left of playing identity politics, but it is you who can't stop talking about race. Everything is race with you, every day, 24 hours a day, there isn't a moment in time that you guys aren't foaming at the mouth over race. Just stop already. It's becoming embarrassing.

I completely agree with you.

Weak bait. Fuck off.


Lol i wonder if you liberals will be so smug as you are being flayed alive in the coming purges..

I think not.

White genocide is a conspiracy theo-

no crime?


This picture has a barf colored hue to it.

Unfucking likely

By 2050 you'll have no blacks in the US or you'll have nothing alive

>so many light eyes


t.Frenchman, 20% of my country is shitskins


beautiful is subjective

doesnt take into account the eventual commodification of racial identity itself through technological and scientific advancements, including consumer genetic engineering

terrible bait.

this is why i don't want kids. so i can spare them the fate to be a cog in the zog mongrel machine

Cool no kikes

3 of my grandparents had blue eyes, it took only one of them with brown eyes for me to have brown eyes. Why are they expecting these mongrels to have blue eyes?

Thing is white genes are pretty dominant. My mother is half white and half Mexican, and my dad is a deep brown Short native looking motherfucker. Yet I am a pale white, with many white features, though I definantly have some of his features. Point being, I don't thin it's possible breed out the white.

I cancelled my subscription after this issue.

so we're evolving to have green snake eyes

>no racism
Racism will always exist in one form or another.
>no crimes
Impossible to achieve.
>no poverty
There will always be 1 drunken fuck who will blow all his money on booze.
>no religion
New ones will spring up in their absence.
>no capitalism..taking the money off the rich and distributing it equally
>implying communism wasn't a complete disaster

My fucking leafdar is going off

If people could look like that then we would already see them. Most of these look like computer generated mixes of races, not real.

>not a single one is wearing a cowboy hat

Dumb enough to work, not smart enough to realize the fuckery, skullduggery and bullshittery that is going on behind the scenes.

A race of flaming IDIOTS. Beautiful, and yet oh so terrifying Mister Jew.


All that Americans write about Sweden is just projections

Doesn't race mixing kill nonwhite races too?

You can't contain the male sex drive. Race mixing is inevitable. The only solution is to take technology back before international travel and internet.

>le 0% face

So basically we'll be like a cross between Brazil and Israel with mainly Caucasian and Asian leaning people, being smarter and well off, will be more inclined to get together, forming a new kind of "race" separate from a generally more mud-ish race.


The irony is that the more white you put into darker ethnicities the whiter they become. Look at pale or light skinned black people, they had one or two white ancestors mate with their black family members and they were completely changed. The more whites mix, the more their skin color would become dominant.

Though I will say the cover it inaccurate on one point, Chinese people are going to be the face of the earth, they are largely ethnically pure and still breed quite a bit.

No it's not it's disgusting
I'm fucking ready to become Mormon and live in Utahshire

We are like this because all the left talks about is race and oppression



In the far-flung future, everyone will look like Mike Pence.

Germany non white in one generation.

This sad meme is so old I actually remember this being predicted for 2010. A mongrel is still a mongrel.


shit, we gotta turn this boat around.


>and It's Beautiful
i sincerely like that they need to tell you how to feel about it

there is a reason B8 has a sell by date. this shit is stale.

Because the most powerful people on earth have the explicit goal to wipe ours into nonexistence and they brag about it ?
If Europe was homogeneous like Japan, Sup Forums would't exist, dumbass.

This is a leftist meme. For this to happen miscegenation rates would have to be catastrophic. White people are especially reluctant to date or marry outside of their race.

I will look like this in 2050.

That's the goal, isn't it? An underclass not good at any one thing other than just being perfectly equal and sub-par?