State of the world/reality

Are humans being intentionally programmed through the media?

Is there an elite of powerful/rich indigiduals consolidating a one world government?

Are humans slaves but don't know it?

What is the general consensus you've reached here

>Are humans being intentionally programmed through the media?
There's no intention, or plan or plot. It's just the slow chaotic progression of the zeitgeist.
>Is there an elite of powerful/rich indigiduals
>consolidating a one world government?
>Are humans slaves but don't know it?
Depends on your view of how causality and free will functions. But there's no secret cabal of lizard people mind controlling humankind if that's what you mean.
>What is the general consensus you've reached here
True red pill is that the world is chaos and no one is in control. But Sup Forums can't accept this because it's too frightening to contemplate.

>"Are humans being intentionally programmed through the media?"
Just how new are you, son?

>"Is there an elite of powerful/rich indigiduals consolidating a one world government?"
I'm not sure about 'indigiduals', but yes- there is a group of elite & rich men who secretly (not really.. it's common knowledge) control governments and rule the world... Again- how new are you??!

>"Are humans slaves but don't know it?"
Yes- its fucking obvious! A lot of people actually DO know it... You are definitely new!!

>"What is the general consensus you've reached here"
>We are slaves
>We are controlled through the media
>The rich and powerful elitists rule the world
>You're new here.
>OP is a faggot.
>Probably from Reddit
>Probably under 18 (see the rules youngfag)

I suggest you lurk a little more, OP. You might actually learn some new things before shit posting.

if only you knew how bad things really a-*breaks into tears*

You must be in a decent position in the White House to know the factual truth of all this.

>actually 99% chance you're just closed minded

Yeah the argument is literally "I haven't seen it so it doesn't occur" you learn to not make these arguments in philosophy 101 and this guys talking as if he's enlightened with the truth hovering above the rest of us

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
>But the world is so degenerate! This must be the work of an organized conspiracy! I don't like society so there must be a reason for that!
Actual retardation. If you work at a high enough level in large, organized institutions for any period of time you should be able to grasp how nigh impossible most conspiracies and secret plots really are. Conspirafags don't even understand Grimes' proof. Pic related.

There is nothing more pathetic than poltards who claim to be "redpilled" but pay for and watch cable TV. Any such person is a pathetic, brainwashed loser.

inb4: But muh sports! Muh team!

Only dumb animals watch TV.

I never asserted that it's a definite reality, I'm simply stating there's no way to know. You're the one claiming to have insight that no one has access to. If anything you'd have more of a leg to stand on arguing there is an all encompassing conspiracy by pointing out the (((coincidences))). But you'd rather act as if you have a moral high ground and some understanding people here aren't capable of.

Nah dude, you need to memorize a hefty index of sport-ball statistics to get ahead in life.

Pretty much, Sup Forums loves to rant how much thay are going to rise up against da joos but the moment they encounter shit that proves their all just a bunch of weeb posting untermensch its all "oy vey" this and "oy vey" that. If half of these faggots managed to stop "oy vey"-ing maybe they would amount to shit. Thats the blackpill, realizing this place is proof that they cant win, if they had been useful, Western society would have already been saved, and if Sup Forums was any threat, it would be removed. This is a containment board, and it performs its job description 100%. The again shit may pop off, but thats being very naive and optimistic.

>True red pill is that the world is chaos and no one is in control.
Governments were established all around the world to control and exploit the poor and middle class for the benefit of the oligarchs. They meet every years at Bilderberg, CFR, TC meetings to coordinate their human control policies.

>Governments were established all around the world to control and exploit the poor and middle class for the benefit of the oligarchs.
Hurr durr the existence of governments and nation states is proof of a conspiracy of the elite. Hur dur mankinds natural state is anarchy. D E L U S I O N A L
Faggy nerd social club for connected people. You think all those people, including paleo-conservative US senators sit down and agree on The Plan? Give. Me. A. Break. I doubt you could get them to agree on what to have for dinner.
Just another think tank sucking up money and egg heads. The states purpose / mission is reasonable.
Trilateral is just another such money sucking think tank, largely popular with open trade zone proponents. If you genuinely believe that low trade barriers is non-zero sum - which is a totally sane position to hold - then their mission is fine, though overly neoliberal for my tastes.

>Are humans slaves but don't know it?


We are Slaves for the Archons.

They are the Lords, Rulers, Masters and Authorities over the realm of darkness.

I don't mean just like in politic vision and other opinions, but their whole world view and behaviour.

Like The Simpsons and every Sitcom out there being about how you can't he creative or different witout failing or losing friends, humans being dumb and selfish, living to party and quietly accept the state of the world. Etc.

Do you believe there's a Secret Space Program that has develoled free energy devices and advanced medicine?

Cus if there is and it is not being shared with the rest of us, along with the knowledge of ETs, then that would be slavery. Keeling humans in poor conditions in order to be controllable.

Illuminate me

>Do you believe there's a Secret Space Program that has devolved free energy devices and advanced medicine?
What? No I don't, and if you believe this you should probably kill yourself.

I knew some of the things I'm asking about but I wanted to see if you agreed on these and if you could provide aome evidence

I mean, there's no one piece of evidence that you can show someone to convince them, other than the state of the world but they brush it off like it was an accident or "the best that we could do"

What about Boheemian Groove?

Skull and Bones?

There are trillions of dollara that go into black projects

Tesla was close to achieving it and supposedly the FBI confiscated his research after he died

>Boheemian Groove?
Sounds pretty gay. I don't like them. Do I think they control the world? No. Do I think they're influential? Sure, but apparently so is Sup Forums to a certain degree.
>Skull and Bones?
When frats aren't enough, go full secret society. Again, gay but not mind control. Not lizard people. Just rich people with way more free time than is healthy for them.

Pretty easy to see where all that money ended up in the 70's and 80's - bullshit defense projects. Planes, surveillance satellite systems, SIGNIT (fiber taps etc). No reason to think this changed over to muh free energy.

Humans are being intentionally programmed through the media. Probably clandestinely through CIA or other government projects, because it's well-documented that it's happened before, but also less surreptitiously by normalizing what the people running the media want normalized.

There is no well-organized cabal. There is, however, an elite group of people, mostly Jewish, who control major financial institutions, foreign policy, and media. Their goals are similar, so they often collaborate to achieve these ends. The sad truth is that there is no Illuminati, no shadowy group of Satanists. Just a bunch of Jews who often work together to fuck up civilizations.

MK Ultra did exist

It is a fact a handful of companies now control most media

There's no need to have any of this connected to Lizard people

Secret Societies go back to early historyx like the Pythagoras school

Also, the Vatican already tried to enskave the world, it is not like it's something new. Perhaps some of the elites do dream with having peace their way by implementing a global government under their control

The trade agreement that didnt work... TPP, some of it was about having courts in which companies could sue Governments and the decision would override their authority.

the archons are the unseelie court/jinn?

>t.evolution denier
>we're all exactly the same
>just like there are no super-athletes, there are no super-psychopaths
>even if super-psychopaths had evolved, they'd probably just be lazy lieabouts
thanks for the insight. i've always wondered what a 10th grader thought about world power structures.

The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe, and they want to know all this. Some are good, some are bad, some are a mix. But the good ones don’t ever want to organize; the bad ones tend to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don’t want to dominate other people, they want to empower them, so they don’t tend to get together, until things are really late in the game. Then they come together and evil’s always defeated, because good is so much stronger.
We’re on this planet and Einstein’s physics show and Max Planck’s physics’ show that there are at least 12 dimensions. And now that’s what all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out saying, ‘it’s a false hologram—it is artificial.’ The computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it’s artificially projected, and gravity’s bleeding-in to this universe. That’s what they call ‘dark matter’.
So we’re like a thought or a dream that’s a wisp in some computer program in some god’s mind, whatever, they’re proving it all; it’s all coming out.
There’s this sub-transmission zone below the 3rd dimension that just turned over the most horrible things—it’s what it resonates to. And it’s trying to get up into the 3rd dimension—that’s just a basic level consciousness—to launch into the next levels. And our species is already way up at the 5th/6th dimension, consciousining (sic) our best people. But there’s this big war trying to basically destroy humanity, because humanity has free will. And there’s a decision to which level we want to go to. We have free will, so evil’s allowed to come and contend, and not just good. The elites themselves believe they’re racing, using human technology, to try to take our best minds and build some type of breakaway civilization where they’re going to merge with machines, transcend, and break away from the failed species that is man.

Think of the Archons like the Agents of the Matrix.

And the Architect is the Demiurge.

Neo is an Aeon, an Emanation of the One.

He is known as the Great Architect of the Universe. IE: Supreme Craftsman

The Gloomy Ruler who Lords over the Realm of Shadow and Fog.