French Politics

Is French the gayest language in the world?

I literally never heard a Frenchman not sound like he is choking on a big bag of black dicks.

Is their language the reason that French man are all weak, pathetic manlets? Can you really blame French women for wanting black men?


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>first post is a bump
OP is a faguette

Nah the French are cool. Their language, culture, and food are amazing, and they opposed the Jew plot in Iraq.


>le based kekistan flag
Fuck off nigger

You are mad because one of our guys fucked one of your gf?
Maybe he married her and made her two kids.
Why do you hate us so much flagfag?


Go fuck your town rapist faggot

Most black men in france speak french too so your logic does not hold up.

Why are you trying to create infighting? Why are people falling for it? Christ, what has this place become?

(Haven't been here since December 2016)

Le lol

Learn history fucking kekistani cocksuck.
France has conquered europe, man vs man, not like sluggish backstabbing nations. They went full head on and crushed everyone

Kek, this is fake.
Here's the real one.

They conquered fragmented Germany, wow amazing. Frenchcucks are weak and pathetic subhumans.




yes normandy , guyenne , bourgogne, savoie, britany had always been french of course. You should be very good at history :)

>talking about faggotry

Fagot calls faggots faggots.



You need to have some experience on the subject to be able to give out a competent ruling on someone

>uses a meme flag because he's afraid of banter

That's actually british women doing that but nice try.

Talk shit about french all you want but we can still satisfy our women and aren't into cuckolding porn like anglos.

Same reason French girls love Australian's fertilising their ovaries.

French, spanish and italian maybe?