Anti-LGBT Meme War

Start now!

true if grande

I've got nothing right now.
Maybe later.



Homosexuality is a mental illness.

What drives homosexuals to indulge in child porn so much? Is it because gay-shit is most likely just a fetish from their over consumption of erotica, and they need to use kids to get their next fix?

They were fucked up kids, so they want to make more fucked up kids.


I lol'd

Americans becoming Russians

never thought I would see the day

Any more facts about negative effects of gay parenting?

Nice numbers, but I don't get what you mean.

It's literally because all gays are victims of child molestation. Its very much a incurable mental disorder like trannies


A few days ago some Sup Forumstard asked in a /gif/ sissy/tranny thread how many were sexually abused as children. The thread quickly collapsed from actual pornography posting into a hugbox of admitting mental illness and the abuse being the source of all their issues.

homo's are pedo's, is what Russians have been saying for a few decades.

Oh ok, well I mean this has kinda come to light to us a few years ago. At least widespread anyway.

Gas the Poofs

It is still up!

im against sodomites but im chatting with a cute tgirl who already said she wants to get fucked. being against homos doesnt mean i cant enjoy some tight lil boipussi

homosexual untermensch

>it too me this long to figure out to use command+c instead of copy link

>come on fbichan
>talk about potential primovag
being this stupid

>he was caught...

kek, based Joe

>I'm against race mixing but I can still have mixed race kids!
You want to have sex with a man, you're gay.




delete this shit




Fuck, why would you post this??

Quit being such a homophobe your intolerance is triggering me.
>Literally shaking as i'm typing this.

Oh boy, here we go again with some more twats that can't just mind their own buisness.
First of all, i want some source on every meme that claims some statistics to be true, from a source that has some credibility to it
Second, i want to know how a dude sucking off another dude 12 miles from your house makes you uncomfortable.
Then, if you think that trannies are disgusting and want to kill'em all, why don't you support the SRS and wait as they kill themselves?

Vaginas come in all shapes and sizes too.

Love the race hate over on /s from /polacks.

get back into the oven



What a sad sad world we live in. Drop the bombs.

What a beautiful vagina.

there is literally nothing wrong with being gay

>Homosexuality is a mental illness.

I know right,btw its all LGBT is illness

I consider LGBT as a World Problem

>there is literally nothing wrong with being gay


There is quite a bit wrong with it actually.

>fucking another person in the ass and enjoying it is not wrong

homo or not, it isn't natural

There is plenty wrong with being gay.