Is Sup Forums satire?
Is Sup Forums satire?
That girl definately gives footjobs
For me it is. And I pity anyone whom it's not.
Satire is only possible when it critiques the truth! Go figure!
Sadly not.
I want to say yes
nope, full of racist underages that unironically think hitler did nothing wrong.
That's how it starts.
it was at one point in time. meme magic made it real. there are definitely some elements of satire, but for the most part, these are the true beliefs.
Does it look like we're joking ? daily reminder Sup Forums is a white supremacist anti-gay movement
perfect feet
We can hope those aren't going to waste
no they really are funking retarded useful idiots
And retarded redditors like yourself.
most posters are too young to understand what satire is
It is, until it isn't.
It's a mix of truth, trolling, and some straight up bullshit.
But of course! Everything you read here is satire, friend.
Don't you feel sleepy? Take a nap, it seems like a good time to sleep.
Real life is satire, now. We just reflect that.
More like it isn't until it is. And by that I mean you're serious about it u tip someone confronts you. And then you say "it's obviously s-satire bro"
We are the crouching tiger, and the hidden dragon.
that is paradoxical question
dont expect a serious conversation if you post that kind of pic user
Until* someone
Best post.
No. But the opinions are sometimes exaggerated (because it's pretty funny)
Also these
Sauce pls
Funny or true? Does anyone else find statistically supported humour weird?
>For me it *are
>anyone *whomst it not.
You a embaresemant to are flag
If you think its satire you are a mindless normie drone that is incapable of forming an opinion differing from what you were spoonfed by your kike masters in the mass media
Of course - everything I personally post here is satirical and should be taken as such
Yes, anyone who takes it seriously is a retard.
Its exaggerated.
Which is necessary for a good satire.
Sup Forums is a board of peace