Post everything you've got
Don't they have surgery for that?
That sounds like a totally real story.
I feel sorry for her. What is wrong with me, pol?
>buttsex is now considered normal
Is there anything degenerate Jews won't push?
dumping more
from The Manipulated Male
fuck thats a lot of makeup for going into a pool
You're an empathic person. Not a good thing if you want to browse this board.
Nothing at all. It's built very deeply in men to want to protect and care for women. In fact, men tend to white women showing weakness and helplessness cute. Just imagine a girly girl throwing a baseball and running after it. It might even make her look intimidating if she threw with her whole body and ran like a man would. It's so ridiculous when a feminist tries to claim our society hates women, when the truth couldn't be further from it. If you didn't feel sympathy for her, you'd probably be one of those soggy knees that we hear so much about.
i always presumed this was a hardworking mom bringing pizza home for her kids and she was just so exhausted from working that it slipped
fuck man it's not nearly that sad it's just some girl coming back from a night of partying fuck me
>meanwhile teen vogue magazine prints articles on why anal sex is good and tips on how to do it enjoyably
really makes................
>inb4 autistic Italian screeching "NOOOOOOO"
Ah ha ha! Women need to wear fucking diapers now! What a time to be alive!
That's not how anal sex works ffs. Do turds stretch your rectum?
Why are people so stupid.
This photo should've won a Pulitzer prize.
thepizza looks pretty bad anyway
what's that got to do with feminism... that's sad... the pizza is on the floor man.
do you fuck yourself with a turd?
>bringing pizza home for her kids
who the hell brings a pizza onto a subway car? that's the most ghetto thing you can do. obviously this whore has been blacked
The only visible men in the crowd are taking a normal picture of Clinton without putting their ugly mugs in it as well. Women were a mistake.
i feel bad for that pizza
Whelp, this made me upset.
The paper is still under that pizza. It's probably ok to eat.
If you don't feel sorry for somebody who drops their pizza you make Jeffery Dahmer look like Mr. Rogers
This is a larp
Are all women inherently vain and narcissistic?
Holy shit i threw up in my mouth
Honestly that pizza is fine. It's still on the wax paper.
Women just sit by the pool and maybe put their feet in, they don't actually swim around.
fucking cringe, holy shit.
Only good comment so far.
yeah, your right that pizza does look pretty shitty.
There's an entire industry that targets female narcissism.
If there is a single photo worth remembering on the entirety of Sup Forums, it is this. The sheer vanity and self-absorbed feminine lunacy portrayed in this photo is palpable. It is a relic to future generations, showing the true nature of women.
First of all the Gods no matter which one you believe in okay are not inflat infact their more power than you. and Wat kind of person would go out in public atmosphere to defy a god is outrageously insane to do so and should ultimately by sentenced to either death or in prison for life, no matter what the cause is.
According to the wikipedia article on anal sex, incontinence is indeed one of the dangers with it. Apparently anal sex weakens sprinchter muscles, possibly leading to prolapse or incontinence.
Are Korean feminist the craziest?
The turdologist
>want to impress your boss
>work overnight
>get home
>sleep for 2 hours
>buy some pizza for the office as another little "NOTCIE ME SENPAI"
>accidentally fall asleep to the little rocking motion of the train on your commute back to work
I'm not saying this is the scenario in that picture but I sincerely hate people who just assume the worst of situations and post them on their favorite social media accounts and frame it up like they want, all for likes and retweeters and whatever else.
They see the worst in everything to feel better about their sad shitty lives.
Wow a girl with Pizza!
Great. I'll use the same rationale while my clothes and my hard earned possessions are tossed in the asphalt when I do the exact same thing she did.
You got a lot to learn, my dude.
Thank egalitarianism for the rise of thug culture and actual misogynistic musings that promote women to be beat and to be treated like a man instead of valuable beings that must be tended and cared for.
just wow.
nooooooo of course not user why would you think that!
Prepare to feel worse.
>implying her children would be white
One of my personal favorites
>we need women in combat roles
There's 2 pieces missing and she's wearing gold lamé shoes you nerd
>tfw your dick is too big for anal sex
that's fine, I don't want my gf to shit herself in our bed.
are you ok burgerbro?
fuck this is so true. can't recount how many times i was swimming in the pool as a child and bumped into idiotic couples just kissing and taking up space unnecessarily
>le 56% face
fucking based
he dodged a fucking bullet
God bless that guy and his resting father.
are you fucking kidding me? this has to be fake.
LMAO ahahahaha FUNNY!
any girl i fuck i done and not fucking any more for days so she better fuck on my dick or ill fuck someone else
that's a 10/10 in femiland
It's funny because i don't usually save feminist shit, and even with that, my phone is packed of feminist crap
ohh I remember this "The Bridezilla Saga".
Google that shit there is even more.
The fuck you talking about, retard?
Some computerfag explain this for us dumbasses
Do you take BBC shits?
Poor girl.
Luckily the pizza is safe. I hope she was able to lift it up and put it back in the box again.
It's a degenerate world out there user.
Oh man, i have something for you
I think this chick is just retarded. My little sister would go shooting with me and my dad at the range when she was 12. Her favorite gun was our M1 Garand because of the noise it makes when the magazine is empty...
Aww. That's actually very cute.
These are just students joking around.
the debasing is all the interest in buttsecks