>too many people in the world
>zilch worries, the free market will fix it
we're going down
>too many people in the world
>zilch worries, the free market will fix it
we're going down
wtf, I have a copy of this somewhere in my house...I don't know if I ever finished it because it was so obvious at the time of reading. But it was originally written in like..the 60s or something?
the problem won't go away by itself, the question is what will happen and how bad will it be
I think there's not a biological push for children beyond orgasm and social reinforcement. Women have more status as mothers than as spinsters.
The free market would probably fix it. Productive people are having less and less kids, and the black hole of foreign unearned aid that is Africa have more and more and more, and only half of them starve to death.
>white baby
If we left it to the free market all the africunts would be dead. They're only alive because Bill Gates and the UN and all these assholes are keeping them alive and letting them breed 14 children.
here's a scientific explanation of how things are going to get solved
You might want to differentiate between who is having children and who is not, cuck.
Stop feeding the third world.
Stop importing workers from the third world.
Literally just stopping immigration would solve everything.
You're all fucking bluepilled idiots
>b-but muh abortion is bad
They are 6 billion low-IQ niggers in 2100.
>overpopulation is bad, goy
>more niggers is good, goy
>taking anything Paul Ehrlich says seriously
>If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000"
Did he ever pay Julian Simon for that bet he lost?
this.. there's too many stupid niggers in the world - Pewdiepie
they should just use a condom, they wouldn't need an abortion
>>If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000
He's not that far off really, just too optimistic with the timeline. The US will be there first. It will go full south africa a decade after the demographic majority shift, which is now.
Keep in mind when white people have children they are contributing to overpopulation. When dark skinned people have children they are contributing to vibrant diversity.
This book cover is typically of the guilt propaganda against whites. Says the world is overpopulating, puts a pictures a white baby, when its not whites that are overpopulating.
The man is literally retarded.
>In ten years [i.e., 1980] all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.
>white baby
Ignore Africa and India goy!
What will happen.
How bad.
i just hope i don't live long enough to see the horrible shit that is coming
unless some literal deus ex machina solution comes, but it won't
>too many people in the world
>you should stop having kids
>but only whites should stop breeding
>africans and others; you just keep going
>castrate all africans & arabs
problem solved