Why are jews so obsessed with multiculturalism? I actually see jews race mixing all the time

Why are jews so obsessed with multiculturalism? I actually see jews race mixing all the time

to rule them all

Jews see themselves as an oppressed minority most of the time and white when it's convenient

Imagine Chicago.
A third black. A third white. A third Hispanic. None of these groups has enough people power to overtake the other, none can organize for mass change. And they're all ruled over by (((Rahm))).

This is why.

Google Eurasian-Negroids.

Isn't that the youtube ASMR kike on the top right?

>I actually see jews race mixing all the time

not in israel you don't

Her family truly is a circus show

I want to sniff and lick her hairy little asshole

its because the JQ is for retards

You guys see race in that picture, all I see are human beings.

Why are you guys such monsters? Did you choose what race you were born?

The jews have racemixed into every group with the exception of injuns and abos

>he's never seen a Jewish chief

Both parents looks happy but the kids look sad AF

They can't resist an uncircumcised bbc.

You just answered your own question. What pol attributes to some grand plan to wipe out and control other races can be simply explained by their trying to push their own levels of degeneracy onto everyone else until we hit some point of equilibrium.

Wtf is going on with their arms all the way on the right?

You just don't understand their superior intellect.

True I was focusing on pre middle ages

Because Jews are insane.

I used to be enamored with agatha. Despite being a good aryan man i was tempted by the jewish harpy. But after seeing this i learned to hate her

Chang is fucking all the sisters, skinny lil Jamal getting cucked!


it's deeply embedded in their culture.

Remember, only the mother has to be Jewish, for the child to be considered 100% Jewish at birth. It's literally a religion/culture made by cuckolding fetishists.

They do have some "race purity" guys in Israel, but pretty much all non-Israeli Jews frothe at the mouth when they see an opportunity to race-mix.