Is this the face of the average American city?
Is this the face of the average American city?
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>Is this the face of the average American city?
Low tier bait
Looks comfy.
you know its true fag
This is right down the street from me!
>posts some 2 block rest stop town (god bless capitalism)
>asks if it's average
Looks comfy af desu senpai.
No, this is the face of the average modern city.
is what globalization looks like?
Is this California? Those gas prices seem pretty gay.
I lived in a rest stop town like this while doing an internship. It was pretty nice. You're in between all the small towns, nature areas, and larger towns. It was a place you could really be invisible.
that looks comfy you faggot
This shit would not be possible if the roads were privatized. But instead we're subsidizing it through road socialism.
That's an off ramp. Not a city.
If you weren't so carless, you'd understand.
>using gay as an insult in current year.
It's in Pennsylvania in 2009, faggot.
>Highway intersection rest stop
Most Highways bypass towns and no, not at all.
Yes, basically
being invisible is an unhealthy goal
The free market will take care of it.
Looks like Breezewood, PA.
Try not to be a woman, cocksucker.
not a free market if the roads are socialized
Those gas prices what the fuck.
american bear.jpg
No places like this are just rest areas off the highways and interstate
Need to underground those power lines. Other than that looks like an ok, though slightly older hwy rest region.
You try driving state to state without these stops, sucks. Fucking Eurofags will never understand because their countries are the size of a small US town.
City? No. It's the shit that exists along the interstate highways close to a million small towns that were all about a days travel from one another when people expanded westward.
lol europoors have never seen so many thriving businesses in one place. The GNP of that picture alone is greater than half of the countries in europe. There's like 50 different shops and restaurants but in your typical europoor town you have to choose between eating at ye olde local tavern on going hungry and they only serve local brewed piss-ale and sheep organ stew every night. Thus is life in europoor.
This is the face of Amurica
This is usually what you see when you get off the interstate or state highway in most parts of the country. Keep driving towards town and you should see nicer buildings, parks, colleges, and city centers.
Pic related, my /comfy/ hometown in flyover country
Looks like a rest stop town off of I-80 in Pennsylvania.
>clearly shopped
>being this much of a self deprecating burger
>growing up in the midwest and not knowing what a city is
Harper's Ferry?
That's an exit adjacent to a highway lol. Truckers and travelers pull off for an hour to get gas and food
Yes, god forbid you aren't the life of some meth-addled truck stop.
Is this Washington, Pa right off 70? I swear I stop here every year on my way out to visit my family for christmas.
looks more like Chicongo than America
>Face of greece
>>using gay as an insult
that's been an insult and will continue to be an insult as long as there are faggots in the world.
>it's internal
That's not a real town. It's a tourist trap filled with nothing but fancy bed and breakfasts and rich people summer homes. Nobody really lives or works there, it's a facade.
meanwhile in Germoney
>growing up in the midwest and not knowing what a city is
Midwesterner here. The city is when you stop seeing gas stations and start seeing blight and graffiti.
if you drive on interstate you will see places like this in the middle of the country. yes, it's quite typical in rural areas
Bullshit. This looks like your average interstate shopping/rest stop area that happens to be close to an urban area. Most US cities are actually segregated as fuck, parts of the inner city look incredible full of wealthy elites and starbucks shops, beautiful buildings and skyscrapers while others look like a third world African shithole.
Good old Indiana. How white are we talking here in Goshen?
Is this supposed to look good ? Because it doesn't.
That's because it is. You can see the signs for Pittsburgh and McConnellsburg.
no it dont
ooga booga
How the fuck is this an argument when 2 block rest stop towns are not capitalized on like this elsewhere?
Couldn't figure out what stop that was. Been there dozens of times for some Perkins on long road trips.
>mfw you can get 3 eggs, 3 sausage links, breakfast potatos and 3 big ass pancakes at perkins for under $6
pic needs more macdonalds
Your photo looks more like a rest stop on a highway pass. However you would not be incorrect. Most of America outside of the big cities like New York and old towns like in New England is a wastland of endless stripmalls, fast food restaurants and the ocasional mall all of which is completely bike and pedestrian unfriendly . Some places are a bad you can't even cross the street without a car.
Combined with massive suburban sprawl you have entire sections of roads that look like this and ugly as fuck. Even the charming cute old towns especially in the south are bypassed or looked over by local people as impractical or nother used other then tourist spots or despite being more unique and with character.
Europe does there cities far more astheticly and not so car centric with bike/pedestrian access thought first.
Because they asked if this was the average American CITY you shining example of public education.
This is kek
Why does it look strangely comfy?
Horrible hellhole. Nice weather though.
>posts a highway interchange
Trash. America is trash.
>post actual city
Trash. Look at how terrible
Ill manage trash cities rather than sharia law though
No. this is just off a major interstate.
>big cities like New York and old towns like in New England
Just an FYI. Big cities are just as bad, everything is just stacked on top of each other. Because you need residential retail and commercial things.
YUNG DBO 4lyfe
If it's near the exits on a major interstate or hiway, yeah.
in new york city you can survive without a car
You can survive almost anywhere without a car
Buy a bike
This I always bait this stupid pic. Frankly I find that a lot more appealing than horribly crowded urban areas infested with non-whites and $1800 studio apartments. I can cook a fucking burrito or thai food myself.
Pretty much. There's still a few places that aren't generic Globalist McCities, but they're a dying breed.
yes, that looks like every town here in WV
you are dumber than dog shit if you believe that you can live in, say, dallas with just a bike.
My shitty industrial town has been completely taken over by this crap. Every corner of my town there is some kind of fast food chain, even the Church got converted into a Costa
Yes this is literally what most streets in America look like
Yah it is I use this when travelling to my farm in Kentucky West.
>in most parts of the country
have you ever even been outside of your little cuck state? I've been to all 50
That's an exit along a trucker route. It's more representative of feeding the people who move merchandise cross-country.
why cant you?
Nah asphalt in far too good condition. Pennsylvania and New Jersey Staaten are travesties.
this obsession with america has to stop.
>arguably the worst Interstate system discontinuity in the CONUS
I am triggered every time I have to stop at the light.
> $3.65 a gallon
I don't think so friend
hated communism so much they went full retard
Looks like a typical Interstate exit
Yes, this is actually true. Well, at least in Ohio.
Reminds me of my town
because you will get run over by a fucking suv doing 50 on a quiet residential street
It's a highway town located near a major crossroad of highways.
It's literally a town designed for people on road trips to stop, get some gas and get something to eat then hit the road again.
This place is also about 20 minutes away from me.
kys fucking redditor
There are parts of England which look like this. Thanks America.
pretty much, yea
Why is PA such a grey shithole
If your country would have helped pappy we wouldn't be in this situation.
United states of degeneracy
United states of mongrels
This is just a pit stop in the middle of nowhere. There's a lot of nothing/farm land you drive past for hundreds of miles once you get out of the cities, and every couple hundred miles you get a place like this, which is just for people to fill up on food and gas.
Civil War ghosts
You mean Chiraq?
>breezewood PA
unironically used to go here for mini vacations.
Looks like most of western Maryland. What a depressing shithole.
Texan here, no that's what side stops on major highways look like. A bit ways from there will be an actual city, probably a small to mid size one that takes advantage of the economic influx of the highway and being far from major cities. That's at least how it goes where I've seen.
It's the face of the average American city directly adjacent to a freeway, yeah.
Why? Do the highway offramps look nicer in hidden flag land?
Still better than living in a country which was led by a literal black african.
Yep. You wanna fight about it?