Would you vote for Bernie Sanders in 2018 and 2020? I sure know I would

Would you vote for Bernie Sanders in 2018 and 2020? I sure know I would.

Socialism on the backs of billionaires can work. Let those rich fucks pay for it

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My favorite joke after the election was telling triggered snowflakes that I probably would have voted for Bernie, but ended up voting for Trump because Hillary was a no go.

They would get very, very mad. Every time.

t. AmeriCAN expat

Sup Forums is filled with racist classcuck literal retards, they have a very elementary understanding of socialism so they are against it

Taxes over the roof

I unironically support his economic agenda, I just don't like his racial bullshit. Plus he's a complete cuck, and there's no way he wouldn't get shoved aside by the neo-lib wing of the Dems.

Everything I've seen says that, even if we soaked the top x% it wouldn't add up to that much. Now, the people promulgating that fact seem to think that's a reason not to tax them more at all, which is stupid.

Stop being lazy and start a business.

Where are the rich gonna go? Europe, where they'll be taxed more? Dubai, where they'll be beheaded after inevitable political instability in the next 30 years?

I always thought he made a better seantor than he a president. He has no ideas or opinions related to foreign policy, which isn't itself bad, because isolationist USA is desirable. But knowing his semitic ancestry, he would most likely pass off foreign policy to his kin and their plans, while focusing entirely on socialist policies here. Idk, I liked Bernie, and he struck me as honest, but he just was not and s not fit for the job of president.

They can't go anywhere besides a 3rd world shithole island in the Caribbean

Switserland or Russia if adventurous

Honestly, when it came down to Hillary and Trump, I couldn't actually care who likes who. In fact, Trump was a better choice in the long term, because he's dumb enough to accidentally expose all the swinery in the WH, while Hillary is a professional liar that will keep the normies ''''blue-pilled''' or whatever else. Bernie is still a SuccDem, but he's the most left-wing candidate that actually has a chance
Tax brackets for the middle class under Bernie's plan are much lower than Obama's. Also, remember that Ronald Reagan had a 74% tax on the rich in his first term

Ironic, he was the only Jew in the race, but was the most outspoken against Zionism

Ron Paul>that faggot

youre on the wrong side of town boy

I voted for him initially when it was him against Hillary, but then switched the vote to Trump during the elections. Fuck the Clintons, I would have rather Trump won then extend this bullshit more. Quick pain is the best pain, Trump will not win in 2020 because people like me will no longer vote for him if someone like Bernie gets in, and I hope he does. I hope he fucking makes the ultra rich pay. The past 20, 30 years it has been only them that have gotten a break, enough is enough. Enough of all these fucking monopolies in everything that is productive, enough of these corrections every 8 to 9 years and then having to prop those guys up again.

I actually have a degree from the University of Havana and I am more knowledgeable about socialism than you will ever be. Which is why I don't support Marxist-Leninism or Maoism, but I do support National Socialism.

I reject class warfare and I am a racist however, so you're right about that.

This is true.

Thoughts on syndicalism? You can create white-only communes and nobody will care

That's why the 2 party system sucks. Here in Europe with got multiple parties to prevent shit like that. Bernie needs to create his own party, the democrats are finished and it will never take a different route from neo-liberalism.

But...what if...the billionares leave the country? Really makes you think...

Yeah, no. Lobbyists have funnelled so much cash into the bipartisan system, that it is impossible for any other party to gain a voice


Which 1st world country will the rich go to? I would love to hear it

Well if the 2020 elections is going to be the democrats against the republicans, then expect another shit president. The elitists will never give up the democratic party. The only way true liberals can win, is trough a new party that represents the people. Americans should make awareness amongst each other to vote for smaller party systems.

and I honestly would have.

Bernie was a commie but he seemed to believe in what he was saying despite the houses and the cars.

Bernie will start his own party of the Democrats keep cockblocking his policy. Don't you worry. The most popular politician in the country starting a 3rd party could work

>wanted america to be the next sweden
>literal kike cuck, pro blm, pro gun control, etc

fuck off. jim webb was a far superior choice.

switzerland, monaco, luxembourg, hong kong, etc

No. I would write in Randlet before this schlomo.

So the man can't buy a house and car with the money that he worked for? What's wrong with that?

Fuck off those countries and cities are full

fucking kek

It's a good idea. This is something I feel most modern communists or socialists don't fully appreciate...that you don't need a workers revolution to create a Communist society. You just need the will. At this present moment there are cooperative communes all around the world. You need only the will to step away from the capitalist system and step into a community. Realistically most limosine liberals and armchair dialectic philosophers are intimidated by real hard work and won't pursue this even if they attest to the I'll of capitalism and the books of communism.

Also, somewhat unrelated, but modern technology enables you to completely detach from the capitalist system and enter full communism if you choose. The Marxist conception is not so much that communism violently supplants capitalism, but that capitalism whithers away until only communism is left, (I,e markets operating at 100% efficiency create a Communist society.) This is already achievable through things like Patreon. For example if you make good content (Podcast, Let's Plays, etc) the masses of people will send money directly to you, bypassing any sort of corporate or government framework of wealth transfer. There are people today who are living in de facto full communism because all of their expenses are paid for through their labor and nobody is above them to exploit their labor.

You laugh like I'm lying. I'm telling the truth.

Have fun ever moving into a place like Monaco when the whole world wants to live there

All you need to know is that its a jew joke, there's nothing more to it, go read a book nigger.

*Ills of capitalism, boons of communism


You sound like Hillary Clinton and the DNC

There is no way socialism is ever going to work. That said, I would love to see the 48% of the 1% screwed voraciously. Of course it won't happen. Notice how before the election that 1% meme was everywhere. After the election? Crickets.

>Being alive in 2020


Although, I feel like if the Dems could find someone similar to him politically and somewhat as charismatic they'd have a chance as long as the guy was like 20 years younger.

He'll be too old to run in 2020, 79 years old. And he looks a lot more beat up than Trump does.

But no. I don't want him for president, and I don't want his socialist policies.

>Also, somewhat unrelated, but modern technology enables you to completely detach from the capitalist systemä
You have definitely done your homework. This is exactly what Paul Cockshott says, that it is very easy to create a communist system in the age of cybernetics
>armchair dialectic philosophers
You mean leftcoms, I think
>You need only the will to step away from the capitalist system and step into a community
That's what syndicalists want. Our 'revolution' will happen when the workers will fully unionise and just completely detach from their businesses. Only tankies want to go full Robespierre and murder everyone with slight ideological differences
>For example if you make good content (Podcast, Let's Plays, etc) the masses of people will send money directly to you
Depends. If you transition from a labour-based value mode of production rather than a market-based one, you can simply pay the online podcasters under the hours they work etc., but I still think markets would be better to sustain a society so used to commodities and entertainment

No, I want to gas communist jews.

Vote for him to get a helicopter ride, sure.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but he is too old. He might be the figurehead or motivational icon behind a new movement, but he will never again run for president.

>Let all these successful, productive people pay for my drug addictions, cigarettes, nigger music downloads, junk food diet, sitting around being a bum, healthcare, housing, and criminal activity.
Socialists summed up.

Are you retaded?

Whats to keep them from leaving

>too old
>a lot more beat up than trump.

Bernie Sanders plays basketball at his age, a young man's sport. Donald Trumps busted was plays old man golf and he's bad at it. Bernie is in much better shape than Trump


Vermonter here. I've voted for Bernie in the past, but I won't ever do so again. I used to believe that he had integrity, not anymore though. Endorsing Hillary was bad enough, but he lost me forever when he started parroting the Dem's Russian conspiracy bullshit. Bernie's a fucking sellout.

Bernie isn't too old. Donald Trump is fucking 70. Trump is ready to die

The fact they've got nowhere to leave
Sup Forums: politically illiterate
>Jews control society and own all the weath, we must stop that
>Why should those that work hard and own all the wealth let us keep the product of our labour?
Sup Forums summed up

Russia fucked Hillary in her ass and Trump deserves to be investigated. If that's your final straw then you wernt a Bernie Bro to begin with.

Bernie Bro from Connecticut here, I will never turn my back on him. Plus Hillary and Bernie are back to fighting because of her shitty "what happened" book. They are back to being enemies just the way it should be

Well, either he endorsed Hillary, or he would commit suicide by shooting 12 bullets into his brain, y'know

T. Edgy kid who won't be able to vote until after 2020

You have to be 18 to post here, kiddo.

I'm 25 years old you fucker

Plenty of people on the right at least respected Bernie because he seems honest even if he's naive and idealistic. Hillary is a corrupt lying cunt, with a mountain of skeletons in her closet.

Then the rich live the US and the middle class and poor have to take the tax burden and in five to ten years the government will be out of money since the people are out of money as what happen to all socialist governments (except the Nazis probably due to the their war economy).

It means he doesn't even believe in his own ideals. Doesn't exactly spell "trustworthy" if he doesn't even live by his own philosophies.


I won't vote for anyone anymore

They're all lying shits.

Trump was my last hope.

Now there is no hope. He seems like he's been drugged and he is surrounded by RINOs

What ideals are you talking about you troll? I own 2 Bernie books and he can use that money to buy himself a retirement home with his wife if he wants to.

And I think a nice electric car would suit him

Nigger, I voted for Bernie every time he ran since 1996 when he was running for congressional reelection. He used to be a true independent, and now he's just another cookie-cutter Democrat shill. I'd write in Styx before voting for Bernie again

Money doesn't buy happiness, what does make you happy is living in a society that is healthy and happy. The happiness & health of society affects the health of the individual. The rich should be a little less rich to make their society better, but also to make them happier and healthier too.

reallly going to vote for the guy who said white people don't know poverty. fuck that kike

>cookie-cutter Democrat shill

Are you drunk? He's an independent you retard. He might even start his own political party if the Democrats don't change and allow true liberals and progressives to replace the NeoLiberals and Republican lite centrists. Open your eyes Bernie is still legit

Except the Nazis due to them forcibly removing those rich people who are faggots and would put their wealth above their nation.

Our government is already out of money.
It's just pretending it isn't.
Capitalism is unsustainable.
Communist countries are a hugely amplified, advanced state of capitalism, which is why they're also unsustainable but in a much shorter timespan.
The money-less, state-less endgoal of communism is fantasy.

Rich fucks already pay for the government you enjoy. The neat thing being government has precisely one moral justification for its own existence: the protection of private property.

It's all fee for service. It's all tips. You can't expect service when you're unwilling or unable to pay.

That's exactly why they tax the fuck out of you. To make sure you'll stay irrelevant.

>Sup Forums is filled with racist classcuck literal retards, they have a very elementary understanding of socialism so they are against it


You're a stupid nigger

>Stop being lazy and start a business.
t. delusional Baby Boomer

The rich make money off of high taxation you fucking retards. Only businesses don't want to be taxed so they lobby against it but are fighting a losing battle against the (((elite)))

>Ironic, he was the only Jew in the race, but was the most outspoken against Zionism
You mean the guy who lived in Israel on a commune?

Delusional Commie faggots are so easy to lie to. You're worst that fundementalist christians

>government has precisely one moral justification for its own existence: the protection of private property

>shot a basketball=plays basketball
That nigger logic

>doesn't understand that 76 is older than 70
That nigger logic

God I FUCKING hate women. They ruin everything. Bernie will rise and overcome these sluts

>votes yes on literally every democrat platform
>says he's not a cookie cutter dem
That nigger logic

He's playing basketball better than Obama you fool

76 in Bernie years is younger than 70 in Trump years you fool

user speaks the truth

>>votes yes on literally every democrat platform

No he fucking doesn't. Post proof or GTFO you fool. Bernie Sanders is an INDEPENDENT

>Socialism on the backs of billionaires can work
Oh yeah? Venezuela is a Socialist country, how are they looking?


For real? Can I ask you a question about this meme flag? What does a national socialist think about national bolcheviques?

Venezuela's only export is oil you clown. Look to Europe for socialism done right.

Venezuela is a 3rd world shithole from the start don't ask me about any country in the shithole known as south America

Last time I checked the communists goulag'd 10% of their population continuously and used them as slave labor to even make the system work in any sense. If you think the rich will be the ones supporting the system you are living a dream. They will flee the country and pull out their funds. Then who do you think is going to float the system financially? Anyone not able to live up to the unacheiveable progressive ideals would be a target for re-education and work camp are a very small step from hat point

¡¡¡ muy muy bueno !!!

Maybe, you know, if they have let entrepreuneurs do their job, the economy would be more diversified.

>They will flee the country and pull out their funds

How they do this if in gulag?

Smart People tend to have a bit of foresight and when it goes down they will go. That and even the richest people don't even have close to enough money to float the economy. The conservatives will have to be rounded up and put to work for the greater good